☆☆☆Happy Thanksgiving☆☆☆
KFCでチキンでも買って、Thanksgiving spiritsを味わおうと思ったら・・・。時間に間に合わず。
マクドナルドのナゲット!?と思いながら歩いていたら、First Kitchenを見つけ、1ピースチキンをゲット!!
peace in the worldを祈るばかりです。Have a wonderful holiday!
My work has been hectic these days.... Oh, oh. Thursday was passed... Well, in the US it's on Thursday, 27th.
☆☆☆Happy Thanksgiving☆☆☆
I wanted to feel "Thanksgiving" spirits, so I went to KFC to get chicken instead of turkey. Unfortunately it's not easy to get turkey in Japan... well, well, well. It was late night. KFC is closed. I thought the last choice was chicken nuggets of McDonald.... ha, ha. I found another fast food shop "First Kitchen", so finally I got a piece of chicken!! Yeah. Here was my dinner. (Don't say what a pathetic!! It's looks like early Christmas dinner, don't you think?)
Everyone wants to spend peacefully especially holiday season, but there are so many devastating accidents in the world.... I'm anxious for peace in the world.
Anyway, have a wonderful holiday!!