テレビドラマ“O.C.”では、キリスト教徒の母Kirsten Cohenとユダヤ教徒の父Sandy Cohenの子供Seth Cohenはこの時期になると“クリスマカ-Chrismukkah”と言って両方を祝っていましたねぇ~。
マカバイ戦争(紀元前168年~紀元前141年)時のエルサレム神殿の奪回を記念する行事だそうです。アンティオコス4世エピファネスと異教徒によって汚された神殿を清めるための祭りなんだって。キスレーウの25日から8日間祝うそうです。奉献の祭りFeast of Dedication、光の祭りFestival of Lightsともいうそうです。
UCLA校内の建物名。日本人には馴染みない名前ですが、Ackerman Unionという生協が入っているビルがあります。Ackermanさんの名前にちなんで建てられたビルで、彼もユダヤ人だそうです。名前の語尾に-mann, -manと付くとユダヤ教の人だって教えてもらいました。
Happy Chrismukkah!!
We count the days until Christmas in Japan. At the same time Jewish people celebrate HANUKKAH.
If you see TV drama "O.C.", you may know about "Chrismukkah". Seth Cohen celebrates Chrismas and HANUKKAH at the same time.
Talking about HANUKKAH. "HANUKKAH" and Jewish candleholders are familiar to me, but I have no idea what they celebrate for. That is why I checked out little bit.
The Feast of Dedication, also called "Feast of the Maccabees", celebrated during eight days from the twenty-fifth day of Kislew (December), chiefly as a festival of lights. It was instituted by Judas Maccabeus, his brothers, and the elders of the congregation of Israel ,in the year 165 B.C., to be celebrated annually with mirth and joy as a memorial of a dedication of the alter or of the purification of the sanctuary.
The lights can be candles or oil lamps.
The primary ritual is to light a single light each night for eight nights. As a universally practiced "beautification" of the mitzvah, the number of lights lit is increased by one each night. The reason for the HANUKKAH lights is not for the "lighting of the house within", but rather for the "illumination of the house without", so that passers-by should see it and be reminded of the holiday's miracle. What a wonderful thought! Don't you think? During or after the lights are kindled the hymn Hanerot Halalu is recited.
I know some Jewish people in Los Angeles. They are amenable to discipline. One day, she couldn't attend friend's wedding because of Shabbat. Shabbat is day of rest. We, Japanese... never happened.... except in mourning.
Anyway, did you get HANUKKAH little bit?
Happy Chrismukkah!