月曜日, 3月 30, 2009

The Hills

STYLISTA”を見て、あっ、と思い出したのがMTVのドラマ“The Hills”。

MTVのreal worldを見た人ならAh~って、思えるドラマ♪The O.C.は作られたドラマだけど、それを現実に見ているteenagerのドラマ“Laguna Beach”。Laguna Beachで撮影したreal worldと言えば分かりやすいカナ?
で、高校卒業とともに主役のLauren ConradがFIDMへ入学し、teen Vogueでインターンシップを始めるというのが“The Hills”。

teen Vogueでインターンシップなんて、ナンテ羨ましい~。大変なんだけど、素敵なexperience☆


Los Anglesのイマドキ若者見てみてね♪

Talking about "STYLISTA". It's remain me MTV drama, "the Hills".

If you know "Real World". It's easy to image. "Laguna Beach" is the the first drama. I would say "Real World" at Laguna Beach.

A girl from "Laguna Beach", Lauren Conrad moved to West Hollywood to go to FIDM and work as internship at teen Vogue. What a wonderful life she lives!

Of course, life is difficult. Sometimes she conflict with her friend, boss and even boyfriend. That's real life!

Her roommate-friend, Heidi is looks like my Brazilian friend, Veri! Well, Veri is more smart girl! ha, ha.

Anyway, enjoy it!

Preview party


Maybelline New Yorkからinvitationをもらって、“STYLISTA supported by MABELLINE NEW YORK”の試写会へ行ってきました。これが、これが、単なるTVの試写会かと思えば、FOX特派員&MAYBELLINE ビューティーブロガー&H&Mモバイル会員のコラボレーション試写会だったんです。


STYLISTA”の内容を手短に説明すると、“The Devil Wears Prada”のMeryl Streep が演じた編集長Mirandaの、アシスタントAndy(Anne Hathway)のポジションを現実の世界でゲットするドラマ。「ELLE」のファッション・ニュース・ディレクターAnne Sloweyのアシスタントポジションを、11人の候補者が色々なassignmentを与えられ挑んでいく。厳しいけど現実世界に起こりうる、だけど出演者がファッショナブルだから面白い。自分は誰かにあてはまるかなぁ~って考えながら見ちゃいました♪
1st assignment:$40渡されて、Anneに食べてもらう朝ごはんを準備しなさいって言われたら、何を買う?作る?準備する?プレゼンテーションはとーっても大事☆あーなんか、学生時代を思い出しますね。

4/6(月)22:00~ プレミアム放送、4/20(月)22:00~レギュラー放送スタートってことで、check it outです♪

もう一つのドラマは“Journeyman”。1話だけだとちょっと入りにくいけど・・・。でもね、一つ興味深々だったのが、主人公の家がCharmedの3姉妹が住んでいた家(舞台はSan Fransisco)だったのっ!!!おぉ~と、違うところに興味を抱いてしました。でも、続きをみると面白いかも。(アメリカではNBCなのねぇ~。)Livia役のMoon Bloodgood、綺麗っす☆どことなくAsianが入っているかな?って感じの今まで見たことのない女優です。check it outですよぉ。

4/8(水)23:00~ スタートです。

なんと素敵な試写会でしょう!! all you can eatで食事&ドリンクまで出してくれたんですよぉー!!素敵でしょ? Yummyです。


お土産まで。すっごくないですか~。MAYBELLINEさんからこんなに沢山のお土産をいただいちゃいました。Thank you☆春だしね、綺麗にお化粧しなくっちゃね♪へへ。
アーンド、FOXポロシャツまで。L.A.に住んでいたころ、あんなにご近所に住んでいたのに何も恩恵なかったのにね(笑)FOX11のキャスターさん達に着て見せたいな~(笑)。Mark Thompsonさん、まだSasabuneに出没しているかな~?

いやいや、盛りだくさんな試写会でした。Thank you☆

I had a barrel of fun tonight.
I was invited to Maybelline's preview party. Firth I thought just ordinarily preview. It was not. It was included all you can eat dinner and drink! Can you believe it?
And also I got a lot of samples!!!! Wow. What a wonderful preview party it was!

The first show was "STYLISTA". That is fun program! If you see "The Devil Wears Prada", you can image easily. It's true story. 11 candidates are tested by ELLE's fashion editor, Anne Slowey. That is cruel, but hey it's real world. It happens all that time, right?

The next show was "Journeyman". It's interesting. Well, I was caught because the house which used to use for "Charmed". Remember? 3 sisters lived a house in San Fransisco. That's the house it uses. You may check it! ha, ha.

Anyway, I had a wonderful time. Thank you Maybelline!

メイベリン ニューヨークの大人気「ピュアミネラル」シリーズから自然派ミネラル リキッドファンデーションが登場!ミネラルメイクアップMMU)を実現する『ピュアミネラル リキッド』 Links to this post http://www.puremineral.jp/cgi-bin/mt/mt-tb.cgi/4

土曜日, 3月 28, 2009



ログインするには、資生堂のIDかYahoo! IDさえあれば入れるから、チェックしてみてね。



水曜日, 3月 25, 2009

Ichiro is rule!

Oh my!
Ichiro did great job at final game of WBC. YEAH!!

At the champagne fight, he seems so happy with a mischievous smile. That was so good!
That's the way I like him.

I wish I could see that game at Dodger's stadium....

ANYWAY, congratulations Ichiro!! YEAH!

月曜日, 3月 16, 2009

FOREVER21 landing!!






その昔、ContempoやRampageがあって良く買い物していたけど・・・今や、どのモールにもFOREVER21もしくはXXI FOREVERが入っているんですよね~。EXPRESSやwet sealがちっちゃくなって、ちょっとかわいそうかも。H&Mがコンサバな洋服vs. FOREVER21はキュート。


そそ、流石韓国人オーナーだけあって、BoAちゃんのアメリカデビューをバックアップしているんですねー。トップページでBoAちゃんの曲が流れていました♪BoAちゃんならBillboard top100に入るんじゃないかなー。

Kitson has just landed in Japan this month. You know what "FOREVER21" is also coming in the next month in Harajuku!!! Can you believe it?
It's just the next to H&M building. Looks like in Beverly Center. ha, ha.
They face each other in the mall.
I wonder price range. It's really cheap!!!! A cardigan I purchased was only $9.00!!! It's not plain design. That was cute.
I'm worry about I wear "FOREVER21"'s clothes to the office... Everyone will realize how cheap cloth I wear... ha, ha.

日曜日, 3月 15, 2009












そそ、最近ゆかりんに教わった、Shiseido コラーゲンEXを飲み始め、チョットプルプルしている気分。プラス、メイベリンのミネラルが入っているファンデーションを使い始めてから、睡眠時間3時間あるかないかなのに、お肌の調子が良いんですよ。あららら、びっくり。


Have you ever heard "Hamam"? I went to Hamam bar "AURA" in Harajuku.

Hamam is public bath in Middle East.

Japnese style bath is stepping into the bathtub, but Hamam is having a sauna.

Until I had a bath, I couldn't get it. Aha!

There was a cane bed with steam. That was sooooooo good. I like it. Several herbs are mixed to the individual.

After that, I had the first time Shirodhara. "Shiro" means head and "dhara" means channel.

Shirodhara is a treatment with oil flowing on the forehead, one of the best-known Ayurvedic treatments. An herbal essence of warm oil is poured in a thin oscillating stream over the forehead where is called the third eye.

That was good, too! It's worth to try it.

Believe or not, these days I only sleep 3 hours everyday. That is why I drink "Shiseido collagen EX". This is the superb! Yukarin, thank you for telling me!!! It's really helped. And also I've been participate in the trial "Maybeline pure mineral foundation". So far, my skin feels really nice and tight.

Try it!

メイベリン ニューヨークの大人気「ピュアミネラル」シリーズから自然派ミネラル リキッドファンデーションが登場!ミネラルメイクアップMMU)を実現する『ピュアミネラル リキッド』 Links to this post http://www.puremineral.jp/cgi-bin/mt/mt-tb.cgi/4


Licaちゃんから金曜日の朝、荷物が届きましたー。Thank you

ちょーど、Body Lotion切れてたからグッドタイミングっす。
"anne lind"というドイツ生まれの製品です。




facial soapと歯磨き粉・・・。特に寝ぼけた朝。

I got a package from Lica. Thank you so much.

Usually, some lotions are in stock, but I don't have any. What a perfect timing!

"ann lind" lotion. Uh..., I've never heard before, but smell is really good.
Especially, Strawberry.
I could eat this as strawberry paste, ha, ha. Kidding!

When I'm still only half awake, I often mess up toothpaste and facial soap...
Luckily I've never brushed with facial soap. I realize before I brush. ha, ha.

Anyway, once again, thank you, Lica.

日曜日, 3月 08, 2009

Birthday dessert


Birthday cakeならぬBirthday dessertいただきました☆



思い出しますねー。確か、LicaちゃんとBeverly Hillsのレストランで、4 cheeses sauceのソバパスタを食べて・・・。フォンドュと同じで、ソースをのばすためにワインが使われていたんですよ。ソバパスタ、美味しかったんですが・・・。レストランから車にたどり着くまで、千鳥足で・・・。流石に運転はLicaちゃんに任せたね。わはは。

A box of dessert was delivered from Lica. Thank you so much!

It's birthday dessert instead of birthday cake. ha, ha.

Guess what, white ball. Looks like boiled egg. That package is very unique.
I can't eat both dessert. That is why I have opened yet.
A white ball is pudding. Can you believe that? I thought boiled egg or water balloon.

I had white chocolate mousses at the first. It's good, but it's too much liqueur to me. When I had a bit, I got hot all over because of liqueur. ha, ha, ha. Year after year, I resist alcohol.

It comes as a reminder that I got drunk because of black wheat past with 4 cheeses sauce which I ordered. Lica and I went to a fancy restaurant in Beverly Hills. You know that was sounds good. 4 cheeses sauce, sounds yummy. Actually, it was the same as cheese fondue. That sauce was diluted with white wine. That taste was so good, but after that I lurched toward to parking space... At last, Lica drove me home. ha, ha.




本日、ゆかりん&まなままと、好例のヲタ会(深くつっこまないでね、ネーミングには!)ランチに行ってきました。そして、Krispy Kream ドーナツ(渋東店)へ。




I became older today. I wish I age gracefully, am I? hee, hee.

I have been up to my ears in work for several years in Feburary and March. During the depression I have job, so I can't complain.

Today, Yukarin and Mana-mama had regularize lunch. We call "Wota-kai". After that we went to Krispy Kream doughnut. I didn't know that it has opened at Shibuya-area. There is no waiting line.

Then I'm eating birthday doughnut and working. ha, ha. I shouldn't eat it in the middle of the night.

Anyway, thank you for your birthday massages!! I'm thrilled.

BTW, Japanese national baseball team won Korean team. Yeah!! Finally, Ichiro seemed to catch up on his condition. Ichiro, give it your all!!

土曜日, 3月 07, 2009




で、最後に皆さんからプレゼントいただきました~。Thank youです。
Fくんから、大きな花束(帰り道、なんだか会社辞める人みたいだなーって。あまりに大きな花束だから。苦笑。)、彩ちゃんからは、ecoなSnoopyおはし、上司からは何故かAC/DCのCD。そして、パーティに参加した人たちからケーキをいただきましたー!皆さん、Thank youで~す。って、ここでお礼を述べても彩ちゃん以外の会社の人は、ここのスペースを知らないよね。エヘヘ。


A party for people who born in February and March got moving.
We had the party at Fumudo near our company. This restaurant is excellent! I often go for lunch. I like coquette and deep fried hamburg lunch.

Today's main dish was beef which had simmered for 10 hours. See. It's huge, isn't it?
And also Cabbage roll. It's not Roll cabbage. Sorry, I couldn't take pic because we ate all as hyena. ha, ha.

My favorite is gnocchi gratin with meat sauce. Ummm.... Yummy.
This restaurant collects local Worcestershire sauce and we can taste from 18:30. They are free!

So, I tasted "Princess Sauce" from Kobe. It was sweet. I love it. Chef was recommended to put some sauce on potato salad. That was good!

I got some presents from co-workers. Thank you so much. I got huge bouquet from F, Snoopy chopsticks from Sai-chan and AC/DC's CD from my boss. And also I got birthday cake from everybody. Thanks alot!

Well, I had a good time, from today I have to work more..... Just make the best of it.

金曜日, 3月 06, 2009


早くもいただきました~!! Birthday Present☆


実は、明日会社の同僚達が(何故か?)2月&3月生まれの Birthday Partyを開いてくれることになり。


JILL STUARTは、私にはfeminine過ぎてお店に入ったことないのに(笑)

そりゃそうだよね、Fruit Hand Creamなんだから。StrawberryとRaspberryのミックス。まるで、スムージーが出来そうな組み合わせでしょ?


そそ、my brotherが働いているお店のブログが出来たって。よかったらチェックしてみてね♪
I've already got birthday present from my co-worker, Kan-chan.
Thank you, Kan-chan!!!
My co-workers have a party to celebrate birthday who was born in February and March tomorrow, actually it's tonight.
And Kan-chan cancels to attend that party in the last minute, so she gave a gift for me! How nice of her.
I've never stepped into "JILL STUART" shop. It's too feminine to me.
It's very delightful aroma. Yeah, of course, it's "Fruit Hand Cream". It's contained strawberry and raspberry extract. Sounds like it's smoothies, right?
I've spend dry out life these days because of work, so I hope "JILL STUART" brings me girly feeling! ha, ha.
Especially it's good for around forty! :^)
BTW, my young brother 's shop has just launched blog. You may check it here!
It's only male clothes, but... What a heck.

火曜日, 3月 03, 2009



時期じゃないけどね。check them outですよぉ~♪バンドを知っているともっと面白いんだけどね。

☆まず、CinderellaのVocalist、Tom Kieferの“Blue Christmas”。

☆Skid Row版のJingle Bells。かなりのRockになってやんす。

☆Dokkenのクリスマス。誰もが知っている“Santa Claus is Coming to Town”が、
Don Dokkenが歌うとこうなるんだ~って。面白いっ!

I found this unique videos! ha, ha.
If you know Dokken, Skid Row and Cinderella, you may like them.
I know, I know too early for Christmas, but... you love them.






Blas Elias (drummer of Slaughter), Jani Lane (vocalist of ex. Warrant), Ted Poley (vocalist of ex. Danger Danger), Eric Brittingham (bassist of Cinderella), Matthew Nelson (vocalist & guitarist of Nalson) まだまだ居るけど。。。


I wrapped up my job little early, so I could watch a drama "May-chan's butler". Unfortunately this is the first time to see. That is why I hardly understand a story... Well, it's alright. I could see Hiro Mizushima. He is handsome and adorable actor. Especially I like his side face. :^) Actually there is another person one in interested...

Can you guess?

(drum rolls....) Who is Yu Shirota.

He is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. I shouldn't say cute. He is male.
Anyway, He is good looking! That's it. ha, ha.

Maybe you can see they have in common.

Talking about good looking guys, my favorite musicians have in common.
I could draw their family tree. just kidding. Well, you'll see.

Blas Elias (drummer of Slaughter), Jani Lane (vocalist of ex. Warrant), Ted Poley (vocalist of ex. Danger Danger), Eric Brittingham (bassist of Cinderella), Matthew Nelson (vocalist & guitarist of Nalson)

So, can you find some kind of "kinship ties"? Of course they are not family, but...

日曜日, 3月 01, 2009

sense of smell





I'm the one who has an extremely sensitive sense of smell in my family. I can smell cigarette smoke 100 meters ahead (if I'm good, I could smell 200 meters ahead!) Sense of taste and smell have common features. We react to what one does not like naturally. You know what I mean.

While I was on my way home from working out in a bus, I felt sleepy.
Suddenly, I got extreme pain in my left brain and the same time, I got out a bad smell. What a heck??? I had trouble staying asleep. It was alcohols on someones breath. It seemed from front seat. It was not ordinary alcohols breath, "the smell" was 10 times bad. You know, 40 percent of Japanese people are lack of acetaldehyde dehydrogenation. That is why alcohols breath is bad than American people. If you like drink beer, wine whatever, watch out!

Olfactory information comes through a nose to front lobe. Today I found it. Today's direction is perfect. ha, ha. My nose and brain work well. That was fast to get pain in my front lobe.

In a way, good at scent is difficult to live
How about you?