MTVのreal worldを見た人ならAh~って、思えるドラマ♪The O.C.は作られたドラマだけど、それを現実に見ているteenagerのドラマ“Laguna Beach”。Laguna Beachで撮影したreal worldと言えば分かりやすいカナ?
で、高校卒業とともに主役のLauren ConradがFIDMへ入学し、teen Vogueでインターンシップを始めるというのが“The Hills”。
teen Vogueでインターンシップなんて、ナンテ羨ましい~。大変なんだけど、素敵なexperience☆
Los Anglesのイマドキ若者見てみてね♪
Talking about "STYLISTA". It's remain me MTV drama, "the Hills".
If you know "Real World". It's easy to image. "Laguna Beach" is the the first drama. I would say "Real World" at Laguna Beach.
A girl from "Laguna Beach", Lauren Conrad moved to West Hollywood to go to FIDM and work as internship at teen Vogue. What a wonderful life she lives!
Of course, life is difficult. Sometimes she conflict with her friend, boss and even boyfriend. That's real life!
Her roommate-friend, Heidi is looks like my Brazilian friend, Veri! Well, Veri is more smart girl! ha, ha.
Anyway, enjoy it!