金曜日, 11月 30, 2007

fatty personality-1




この人達の事を、私はfatty personと名づけています。だって厚かましいでしょ?(☆これは、体系でなく性格の事です!)
fatty personの特徴は、太っていないのにダイエットばっか気にして、立ち居振る舞いが全くスマートでない典型的な日本人。 「厚顔無恥」=fatty personかな。




When I backed from Los Angeles, I guess that bizarre Japanese people increase in number. What do you think? Today I gonna grumble. ha, ha.

For instance, a person who puts makeup unselfconsciously, a person who doesn't mind noise leaking from that person's headphones, a person who read newspaper with spreading arms and such a short foot wide apart, a person who eat a lunch box brazenly, a person who loud talk on cell-phone even there is attention, a person tap out e-mail message on cell-phone at courtesy seat on the train and bus. If I see those people I always think why don't you get off a train, if you talk or even if you have to pick up the phone, why don't you use useful function of cell-phone, and if you want to use cell-phone, why don't you move you butt from courtesy seat!
Even politics are the same unfortunately. People in the Congress are always say "for the people!" only before elections. What a crap! Our national pension should be used for OUR national pension! however, they have built facilities that even people not use! and also their luxury dormitory in the prime land of Tokyo. I'm so awfully annoyed with Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry!! There are so many who suffered by AIDS cused by contaminated blood products, but wired sub Health Minister commented "we are not doctors, that way why we didn't announce who are the patients". Can you understand that mean??? They suppose to help and support us health and life, right? If Health Minister knew a long time ago, no wonder, he should tell patients!!!! Why can they think more simple? Is this crude opinion?

I named this person "fatty person" because she/he is impudent person, isn't he? (I'm talking about behavior! not shape!!) This features are that the person is not so fat, but dieter, and also uncouth behavior. That is typical Japanese!!!!! "Fatty person" is barefaced impudence.

Many Japanese women snatched the bestselling " Women's dignity". By accident I saw that was featured on TV. EXACTLY what I think about it! According to the book, if you have a dignity, you shouldn't indulge in a fad. YES! That means those of people who stood in long line to purchase this book are no dignity! (Do I have a bad mouth?)
I guess that person who full of grace is reflected her lifetime and experiences. Knowledge is "Women's dignity", except grace guide it.

I wonder when Japan bust-up in the future, or it's too late? I'm grouch today....

Christmas tree



そんな事を思っていたら、New YorkのロックフェラーセンターのChristmas treeも今日点灯したって、さっきニュースでやっていました。同じLEDを使っていても、飾りつけが違うんですよね~。私は、ロックフェラーセンターの方が好きだな~♪皆さんは、好きなChristmas treeありますか?

I took this picture when I was in the middle of work. ha, ha. This tree is in Tokyo Opera City in Tokyo. What do you think of this decoration? These days LED lights are more commonly used for Christmas trees. Well, for me those lights are too much...

I saw the news that Rockfeller Christmas tree is lights on today. They are the same LED lights they used, but it is different!!!!!!! How come? I prefer Rockfeller one! How about you?

木曜日, 11月 29, 2007

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

以前、ちらっと名前を出しましたが、今日はThe Coffee Bean & Tea Leafの話。


L.A.に行った時に、買ってきたこの大きな入れ物。22 oz.入って$9.50!やす~いっ!この中にチョコレート・パウダーがみっちり、みっちり入っているんです!“Special Dutch Chocolate”で作られているんですって。

Starbucks Coffeeが日本で拡大しているのに、何故かCoffee Beanは来てくれないんですよねぇ~。とほほ。お隣の中国、マレーシア、韓国、フィリピン、シンガポールまで進出しているに。。。早く来て、来て~♪

I mentioned about "The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf" a short time ago. I gonna talk about Coffee Bean today.

It's so cold tonight here. That is why I made Cafe Mocha. It's very simple. Just mix instant coffee, chocolate powder and warm milk! There you go, you can have a nice warm hot Cafe Mocha! I like this Chocolate powder of Coffee Bean.

When I went to L.A., I got it such a huge container. It's only $9.50. Umm... good price, huh? I envy everyone who lives in the US! You guys have nice coffee shops!!!

Starbucks has grown in Japan, but Coffee Bean is not here......... I wonder why Coffee Bean is in Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Singapore, but Japan..... I wish they come soon!!!

水曜日, 11月 28, 2007

The O.C.

The O.C.”見てますか?
私はテレビっ子で、BGMの代わりがフジテレビです。L.A.では、FOX、MTVかVH-1。FOX addictです!Beverly Hills, 90210、Melrose Place、Ally McBeal、Home ImprovementMarriage with Children、Simpsons。日本に戻ってきて寂しい事は、on timeで見れないんですよねぇ~!

今年1月出張で、DisneylandのあるAnaheimで開催された、NAMM show(楽器の展示会)へ行ったんですが・・・(Anaheimは、“The O.C.”と同じOrenge Countyです。)毎日、仕事が終わるとAnaheimからL.A.まで友達に会いに行っていました!片道HWYで約75分の旅。1日だけOrange Countyをドライブしてみようと、map片手にFashion Island(ショッピングモール)へ行ってみました。“行きはよいよい、帰りは怖い”って、この事言うんですね~。頭の中はL.A.から行っていると完璧に勘違いをし、反対方向へ走ってたんです。途中で気づき、戻ったものの・・・今度は行き過ぎ!Irvineにコンサート会場があるんですが、そっちの方まで走ってしまい・・・しまいに、友達へSOS電話をかけて救ってもらいました。は~。HWYがタダで良かった!!

Orange CountyのNewport BeachやLaguna Hillsには、ドラマに出てくるような大きな家が建っています。L.A.に比べて、O.C.は造られた街って感じで、建物すべてが同じに見てしまうんですよ。

まっ、そんな所です。Orange Countyって。(全く説明になっていないですね!失礼)

ドラマはtypicalなspoiled teenagersの話ですが、面白いですよ♪私のお気に入りは、黒髪のSandy役のPeter Gallagher!こんな旦那さんが居たら!(笑)Summerも良い味だしてますよね!彼女の口癖“coop!”、“ew!”はtypicalなteenager英語かも!!

Have you watched a TV drama "The O.C."?
I can't live without a TV, of course that's an overstatement, but I leave the TV on especially channel 8th. In Los Angles I often watched FOX, MTV and VH-1. Well, I'm a FOX addict. ha, ha. Unfortunately I can't watch American drama on time in Japan!

I went to Anaheim, O.C. to attend NAMM show on business on January. I had driven to Los Angeles almost everyday after work. It took about 75 min to L.A. by car. One day, I went to Fashion Island. It was easy to get there, but return.... NO WAY! I drove wrong way! I was on the way to L.A. ha, ha. Then I went back head to Anaheim, but went to far! Oh, my. Usually I don't loose my way, but that time I totally did it!

Newport Beach and Laguna Hills are wealthy areas such as "The O.C." Buildings are like built-for-sale houses, so they are similar.
Anyway this is Orange County. (That is not enough...uh?)

"The O.C." is typical spoiled teenagers drama, that is why it's fun. My favorite actor is Peter Gallagher as Sandy. I wish I could have a such a nice husband!! ha, ha. I like Summer, too. She always says "Coop!" and "ew!" That's a typical!!!

火曜日, 11月 27, 2007

Kevin, rest in peace.

Memory of Kevin DuBrow
Oh, my! お昼時間がなくて机ランチしながら、Yahoo!(US版)見てビックリ!このblogを見てくれている方は、知らない人が多いと思いますが・・・80年代に流行った“Cum on Feel the Noize”を歌っている、Quiet RiotのKevin DuBrowがLas Vegasの自宅で亡くなったそうです。ただただ“え~っ!”の言葉しか出ませんでした。Quiet Riotに、私が好きだったギターリスト、Randy Rhoads(Randyは不運で、1982年に飛行機事故で亡くなりました)も一時メンバーでした。

KevinがL.A.のclubでhang outしてたところを何度か見ました。
80年代、Billboard top 40にランキングし、MTVにも必ずVideoが流れ・・・そんな人たちの訃報を聞くと寂しくなります。 もう、ただただご冥福を祈るばかりです。

Oh, my! While I had a lunch at my desk, I found sad news at Yahoo! It was a big surprise. I assume the most people who are checking my blog don' t know...
Quiet Riot singer Kevin DuBrow died Sunday. His body was discovered on Sunday inside Las Vegas home. I guess if you hear the "Cum on Feel the Noize", you may get that Quiet Riot is. I don't have any words...
One of my favorite guitarists, Randy Rhoads who died in a plane crash in 1982, was member of this band.

I saw him several times at some Sunset clubs, in Los Angeles. He seemed fine....well, that was 10 years ago.

Hearing news of someone's death from 1980s bands that used to appear on Billboard top 40 and MTV is so sad. Well, Kevin, may you rest in peace.

月曜日, 11月 26, 2007

Versailles-Cuban restaurant in West Los Angeles

昨日の和と正反対のCuban cuisineを紹介します!写真がないのが残念ですが・・・イマジネーションを働かせてくださいね~。
ヴェルサイユ-Versailles。north of Venice Blvd. & east of Overland Blvd.にあります。夜は列が出来ています。(注:でも、日本のKrispy Kreamのようなアトラクションに並ぶような行列ではありません。ありえませんっ!)
address: 10319 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034

日本でCuban cuisineは馴染みないですよね。私もL.A.に行くまでは食べた事ありませんでした。これが、クセになるんです。

ほぼすべてのメニューがガーリックで味付けされていて、ガーリック・チキン、ガーリック・ポーク、ガーリック・フィッシュ・・味付けはすべて同じです。でも、お肉柔らかいんです!!これに、black beansとライスそれにバナナのフライが付いてくるんです。


このVenice Blvd.には、人気のBrazilian restaurantsも在ります。熱いstreetです!そうそう、ワールドカップ(サッカー)の決勝戦、Brazil vs. Mexicoだったんですが、この通りは熱かったですよぉ~!!本当にL.A.は沢山の人達に会えて、素敵な場所です!是非、チェックしてみてくださいね。おっと、プライスはだいたい$8.00位だったと思います。

Yesterday I talked about Zen, but today it's Cuban cuisine!!! Yeah!

If you live in Los Angeles, you are familiar to Versailles on Venice Blvd. Oh, I missed it! I hardly find Cuban restaurant in Tokyo....

I like garlic pork with fried plantains. When I bite at the first time, I was shocked because it was sweet. I thought it was soften french fried... However, I acquired that taste. It's inexpensive and casual, but it will fill your stomach! !

日曜日, 11月 25, 2007

Ryoanji - Kyoto

I gonna talk about another temple in Kyoto. This is Ryoanji which was built in 1450. This temple's features are the rock garden (on the right picture). It is very beautiful! You can sit at veranda whenever you like. You may feel Zen spiritual. There are 15 rocks, however I can't find the one! Can you?
According to the explanation, this design means "tiger carrying her cubs across the water". Umm... It conveys a deep message. However, you can imagine whatever you like! Well, this garden has secrets of design! Can you tell?

Behind the garden, there is the Stone Water-Basin which is engraved significant message. I'm not sure I can translate to English, however, I'll try it! The message means "We should know we have missing part." This is spirit of Buddhism. There is the story about Mitsukuni Tokugawa who donated this Water-Basin. I heard about it from Suzumushi-tera's monk. (Maybe I'll let to know the next time...) Anyway, I have admiration and respect to greatness!



Santa Monica Boardwalk

じゃーん、本人登場!って、ほとんど分からない?ここは、Santa MonicaのBoardwalkです。ちなみに、後ろの白いオフィスビルに入っている、stockカンパニーの内装工事(デザインも)しました~!

話を戻して、ここBoardwalkは結構なが~く続いていて、北はMaribu Beach(もっと北まであるかなー?)、南はMarina Del Rayまで続いているんです。だいたいSanta Monica Pierで自転車かローラーブレードをレンタルして、北へ北上してましたね~。夏は気持ちいですよぉー。いわゆるSea Breezeが体感できるんです!!日本の海岸線のように松が植わっていない分、風を体感することができるんですかねぇ?本当に気持ちが良いので、走ってみてください。途中、砂の上で大の字になって寝転がってみるのも良いかも!(レンタルの際は、写真付IDが必要です。それと、確かクレジットカードもだったかな・・・?自転車戻すと、ジュースチケットくれて、ちょっとお得な気分♪)
You may know who she is! ha, ha. This is Santa Monica Boardwalk, California. Incidentally, behind me is an office building. I draw floor plans as an assistant designer for a stock company in that building. I guess Lili who is my Taiwanese friend also did it. Everyday we draw designs by hand!! Nowadays it's inconceivable! That was why I had tenosynobitis!!!
Ooops! Off topic again. This boardwalk is long-distance from Maribu Beach (North) to Marina Del Ray (South). I usually bicycled from Santa Monica Pier up to Pacific Palisades. It was so nice because of fresh breeze from the Pacific Ocean. Feel it!

土曜日, 11月 24, 2007

Vancouver Aquarium

Working HolidayでCanada、British Columbia州Vancouverに住んでいたころの話です。Stanley ParkにVancouver Aquarium(水族館と動物園が併設されています)があります。確かその頃は$10位だったかな~。(今、HPチェックしたら$19.95でした。たかっ!) 牛好き&大きな哺乳類が好き!?というか単なる黒&白の体のパターンが好きなので、もちろんシャチも好きなんです。
ここの水族館、San Diego水族館と違って、餌付けの時にちょっとお客さんに挨拶程度でのアトラクションをやってくれます。(Entertainment性に欠けますが、ボヘ~ってしていて、私は好きですねぇ)
この水族館が好きな理由は、水槽側面が丸見えなんです。(アダム・サンドラー主演の映画“50 First Dates”「50回目のファースト・キス」見た人覚えていますか?あんな感じです。)でね、休みの日、自転車乗ってここへ行き、シャチを眺めてていました。癒されるんです。何でだろう?

そそ、シャチの名付け親になれるってご存知ですか?“Wild Killer Whale Adoption program”です。1年間の会費を払うと、名前が付けられすんですよ!(って、この広い海、いつ自分のシャチに会えるのかな~?まっ、ロマンですよね。笑)

I gonna talk about Vancouver Aquarium instead of foods.
When I used to live in Vancouver, BC, Canada, I often went to meet Orcas there. I like big mammal like cows and orcas. I guess I like their body patterns.
When I had a spare times, I sat in front of Orcas' tank almost one hour! They did wonders for my mind.
By the way, have you ever heard about "Wild Killer Whale Adoption Program"? You can be a parent of Orca if you pay membership fee. I will someday! However, I wonder when & where I can meet my adopted Orca such a field of sea. ha, ha.

double fromage-cheese cake

Oh, my! I found the excellent fromage cake!!!!!!!!!
You can find at ASHIYA TAKATORA. I just passed by this shop, then I liked insects drawn to the light and stopped. Well, it looks ordinary cheese cake, but taset is tooooootally different! Actually their features are cream puffes. (Umm, I should tried the next time! ) Anyway, this fromage is souffle that is why it's sooooo light. Try it, it puts smile on you face! :^)
Power Yogaでエネルギー消費しても、こんなに美味しいチーズケーキ見つけてしまっては、意味がないです・・・(汗)でも、本当に美味しいですよぉ~。クリームパフが有名(らしいです。すみません、きっと有名なんですよね。今まで知りませんでした)、“芦屋タカトラ”のドゥーブル・フロマージュ、絶品です!

金曜日, 11月 23, 2007


Happy Thanksgiving Day!!

日本では、すでに日付変わってしまいましたが、木曜日はThanksgiving Day。L.A.に住んでいるお友達はどこのパーティーへ参加しているのでしょうか?

話をturkeyに戻すと、この焼き方、各家庭で違うみたいです。どっちを下にして焼くかで喧嘩が始まることもあるらしい・・・。クランベリーソースにグレービーソース、umm... 美味しいですね。初めて食べた時、ナンデお肉に甘いソース!?ってびっくりしたんですが、いつの間にかトリコです。そそ、英語ですが、Whole Foods Market(オーガニック製品のgroceryです)のサイトにレシピが載っています。丁寧に載っていますので、check it out!
そ・れ・に、ここは健康に気をつかう(!?)Hollywood celebrity達のお気に入りのお店なので、結構な確立で有名人に会うチャンスのある場所です。

Thanksgiving holidayが終わると一気にChristmas模様に変わります。Hollywood、Century CityやWestwoodはChristmasの飾りつけで街がにぎやかになるんです。この時期好きですね~。1月中旬くらいまで飾りがついているので、暗い夜でも街は明るいんです。mid Wilshire エリアにChristmasの飾り付けで有名な(かなりゴテゴテですが、庭が広いのでゴージャスです!)おうちがあります。あと、Sunset Plazaにも、何気ないChristmasの飾りがあります。Christ誕生を描いています。なんとも言えず素敵です。おっと、気が早かった!もうChristmasの話を書いてしまいました。

The date has been changed to the 23rd in Japan, but 4th Thursday is Thanksgiving Day in the US. I wonder which party my friends who live in L.A. show up for. My ex-roomy baked turkey for Thanksgiving for her friends including me. That was great! And also one of my friends who is chef cooked delicious soup. There are people of different color in L.A., so you can make variety of friends. Even among Japanese, you get acquainted unexpected. L.A. is very mystery and wonderful place.
Oops! Off-topic. Back to turkey! Every home has rule how to bake the turkey. I like turkey sandwich which is made left-over. By the way, you can find nice recipes at Whole Foods Market. Try it!

After Thanksgiving holiday, buildings are decorated for Christmas. All streets will be bustling. I like these season in L.A.! Especially, I like the Sunset plaza decoration. It reenactment of the Christmas eve. It's amazing. Now I am talking about Christmas!! Ooops...
Anyway, happy holiday everyone!

水曜日, 11月 21, 2007

STARBUCKS COFFEE-anywhere you can find

I guess the STARBUCKS COFFEE has grown the most famous coffee shop in the world these days. I rather The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf than the Starbucks in L.A. Unfortunately we don' t have the Coffee Bean in Japan. That is why I often go to the Starbucks. One things I like the Starbucks coffee is that there is non-smoking!!! I guess I have "smoking" allergy. They provide a good environment for me.
I have tried yet "cream brule latte" that is seasonal menu. Have anyone tried? Let me know how it is, please.
Today, I worked at a studio for my clients photo shooting. A half of people smoked there, so I had headache...Oh my...
After that I desperately went to see masseur. A masseur was so surprised because I got very bad stiff shoulders and neck. We had chat during massaging, then she figured out why my shoulders were so intense because of SMOKING! My sympathetic nerves try to work to avoid smoking that is why my muscle got stress. That is make sense! After that I went to gym to take Pilates class. ha, ha. My muffin top (belly) was sore. Have you tried either Pilates or Power Yoga, they are very good exercises!
Anyway, after that I was so exhausted therefore I stopped by the Starbucks coffee and got Green Tea Latte. In a roundabout sort of way, today I just wanna talk about the Starbucks. ha, ha.
Actually I like Tully's coffee, too, especially Apple pie!
スターバックスコーヒーて、世界で一番有名なコーヒーショップでしょうね~。でも、アメリカではthe Coffee Bean & Tea Leafのファンなんです。でもね、スターバックスコーヒーにappreciateしています。non-smokingを保ってくれているから!多分、私は“たばこ”アレルギーだと思うんですよね。
そして、ex-roomyのブログの紹介です!check it outしてね。Lica@nowです。

The Cheesecake Factory- umm...yummy

アメリカのmajorな場所に“The Cheesecake Factory”というレストランがあります。私はbig fanです!
写真は、Marina Del ReyのValet待ちしているときに携帯でパシャっと撮ったものです。(ちゃんとエントランスとか店内撮れよ!って感じですよね。汗)でも、なんとな~くCaliforniaって雰囲気はあるでしょ?エヘッ。ここは、MarinaだけでなくBrentwoodWoodlandhillsですら!人気でいつもお客さんでにぎわっています。

ここで恒例のMy favoriteです!!たら~ん。(the David Letterman ShowみたいにBest 10でやってみよう♪)
No.10 Bread(席につくとサーブしてくれる、ryeとsourdoughのパン。sourdoughは初めて食べると、(?)腐ってる?ってびっくりする程、ちょっと酸っぱいです。)
No.9 Quesadilla(Mexicanですが、ボリュームあって美味しいです!)
No.8 Joe's Special(Joeって誰でしょうね?前から不思議には思っていたんですが・・・朝ごはんメニューですが、ガッツリです。卵いったいいくつ使っているのか・・・あ、L.A.の卵は日本に比べて白いんです。)


No.7 Fresh Strawberry cheesecake(Strawberry好きなんで・・・あと、ここのwhip creamはおいしいです。肝心のcheesecake・・・一度も完食したことがないような・・・)
No.6 Chinese Chicken Salad(いつか書くと思いますが、ここsaladかCalifornia Pizza Kitchenのsaladが大好きです。)
No.5 Famous Factory Meatloaf(ミーとローフの上にこれでもかーってくらいに細いオニオンリングがのっかっています。芸術品です!)
No.4 Fresh Strawberry Shortcake(他のdessertは結構甘いかな~。でも、ここのwhip creamは超~おいしいですっ。)

*****最後、best 3です!********

No.3 Caesar Salad(ランチだとハーフのポーションがあります=これが日本の普通サイズです。)
No.2 Straw and Hay(残念ながらメニューからなくなってしまったんですが・・・カルボナーラよりもっと野菜が入っている、ちょっとだけクリーミーなパスタです。なくなってしまったのが残念ッ!!)
No.1 Shepherd's Pie(ミートローフが崩れているって感じですが、これでもか!ってくらいにMashed Potatoがのっかています!the bestです!!)


I gonna talking about the Cheesecake Factory. This is one of my favorite restaurant in the U.S.!
Believe or not, we have the same name restaurant, but totally different food. It's too bad....
Well, I list my favorite menu. I pretend to be David Letterman, ha, ha.
No.10 Bread , No.9 Quesadilla , No.8 Joe's Special , No.7 Fresh Strawberry cheesecake , No.6 Chinese Chicken Salad , No.5 Famous Factory Meatloaf , No.4 Fresh Strawberry Shortcake , No.3 Caesar Salad , No.2 Straw and Hay
***drum role****
No.1 Shepherd's Pie!

sigh, I wish the Cheesecake Factory would be here in Japan. I miss it!!

火曜日, 11月 20, 2007

Tea ceremony 茶道

Have you ever tried "Tea Ceremony" in Japan?

Tell ya truth, I had official ceremony in Kyoto in the last week! This is the first time!!
My grandma used to do tea ceremony demonstration on New Year's Day when I was child. Seeing the ceremony was fun because I could eat small sweet "Wagashi" ha, ha. However taste was sooooo bitter, I couldn't drink it all. Still real green tea is bitter, but I feel calm. Ummm... maybe I grew up! Ha-ha.

If you are interested in tea ceremony, you can have experience at some temples in Kyoto. I had at KINKAKUJI(see the left pic). It was only $5.00 included KINKAKUJI original sweet! You can set in front of Japanese garden.

Sometimes, we better forget about Starbucks coffee or Coffee Beans then we have a cup of (can I say, a cup of?) tea. How about that?
Have a fun!



日曜日, 11月 18, 2007

ice cream


この写真は、去年AerosmithとMotely CrueのコンサートでLos Angelesへ行った時、コンサートの帰りにどーしてもice creamが食べたくなって、夜遅くてもsafeな“Jerry's Famous Deli (Marina Del Rey)”へ行きto goしてきたice creamです。(大きいでしょ?たしか3~4スクープ入っていたような・・・金額はだいたい$3.00位だったかな?)


Skyhigh burger(コールスローがバーガーの間にはさんであって食べるのに大変だけど、野菜も一緒に食べれるバーガー!), Split Pea Soup(緑の豆スープです。Bowlサイズで頼むと、顔が洗えるくらいの大きさのBowlでやってきます!!日本からだと想像しがたいかもっ。), Reuben burger(Sauerkrautがはさんであるバーガー)お勧めです。


これからL.A.で生活する人、ここcheck it outです!
I gonna talk about ice cream because it's desert time!
My friend & I went to see Aerosmith & Motely Crue's concert the last year in Los Angeles. After the concert I was desperate to eat ice cream, so we stopped by Jerry's Famous Deli in Marina Del Rey. In the U.S., this size is as usual, but in Japan NO WAY! (Well, you can find at some American restaurants. )
I used to go to JFD at Westwood when I was a college student with my roomy and friends.
My favorites are Skyhigh burger, Split Pea Soup, Reuben burger, so on. I can't believe it I ate those food after midnight!! ha, ha. I would say I needed energy for study! excuse, excuse...
Anyway their restaurants are located safe areas, so if you go abroad to study to Los Angeles, why don't you check it out!

土曜日, 11月 17, 2007

Kick off! -Hi, there!

Los Angelesでの生活(またの名を珍道中!?)や、Tokyo、Kanagawaのお勧めspotsやrestaurantsを書いてみたいと思います。これからL.A.へ行く人、東京へ観光に来る方へヒントになればと思いま~す。たまにVancouverやTaiwanの話もするかも。

I've just started this blog!! I guess it's little late... ha, ha.
My ex-roomy influenced me to do.

I gonna relate here what I've done in Los Angeles and my recommended places and restaurants in Tokyo and Kanagawa. It'll be helped to the person who travel to either L.A. or Tokyo. Sometime I talk about Vancouver and Taiwan.
Anyway, hopeflully I will be here for a long time! Please cheer me up sometimes!