母も、同じ映画を懲りずに繰り返し見てましたねぇ~。West Side Story、Gone with the Wind、TitanicとThe Poseidon Adventure。似るんですねぇ~、親子って(笑)
Titanic (1997年)
singles (2003年 Bridget Fonda, Matt Dillon)
Pretty Woman (1990年 Julia Roberts, Richard Gere)
Star Wars (1977~2005年)
Moulin Rouge (2001年 Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor)
Point Break (1991年 Keanu Reeves)。
ぜ~んぶ知っているのに、毎回、毎回新鮮な気持ちで見れちゃうんですよね。TVドラマはTwin Peaks、Beverly Hills, 90210、Melrose Place。
I have no idea how many time I saw a movie, "Titanic" and cried at the same scene!!! Even I saw the movie's behind scenes on the TV show, a dozen times I've seen this. Why is that???
Well, my mom used to do the same thing. Her favorite repeated movies are "West Side Story", "Gone with the Wind", "Titanic", and "The Poseidon Adventure". Well "Like father, like son" , it can be helped!! ha, ha.
My favorite repeated movies are
Titanic (1997)
singles (2003) Bridget Fonda, Matt Dillon
Pretty Woman (1990) Julia Roberts, Richard Gere
Star Wars (1977~2005)
singles (2003) Bridget Fonda, Matt Dillon
Pretty Woman (1990) Julia Roberts, Richard Gere
Star Wars (1977~2005)
Moulin Rouge (2001) Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor
Point Break (1991) Keanu Reeves
Point Break (1991) Keanu Reeves
I also like "Twin Peaks", "Beverly Hills, 90210", and "Melrose Place".
Ha, ha, there is a connection!! Do you have your favorite repeated movie? Let me know!