土曜日, 3月 29, 2008


母も、同じ映画を懲りずに繰り返し見てましたねぇ~。West Side StoryGone with the WindTitanicThe Poseidon Adventure。似るんですねぇ~、親子って(笑)


Titanic (1997年)
singles (2003年 Bridget Fonda, Matt Dillon)
Pretty Woman (1990年 Julia Roberts, Richard Gere)
Star Wars (1977~2005年)
Moulin Rouge (2001年 Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor)
Point Break (1991年 Keanu Reeves)。

ぜ~んぶ知っているのに、毎回、毎回新鮮な気持ちで見れちゃうんですよね。TVドラマはTwin PeaksBeverly Hills, 90210Melrose Place
I have no idea how many time I saw a movie, "Titanic" and cried at the same scene!!! Even I saw the movie's behind scenes on the TV show, a dozen times I've seen this. Why is that???
Well, my mom used to do the same thing. Her favorite repeated movies are "West Side Story", "Gone with the Wind", "Titanic", and "The Poseidon Adventure". Well "Like father, like son" , it can be helped!! ha, ha.
My favorite repeated movies are
Titanic (1997)
singles (2003) Bridget Fonda, Matt Dillon
Pretty Woman (1990) Julia Roberts, Richard Gere
Star Wars (1977~2005)
Moulin Rouge (2001) Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor
Point Break (1991) Keanu Reeves
I also like "Twin Peaks", "Beverly Hills, 90210", and "Melrose Place".
Ha, ha, there is a connection!! Do you have your favorite repeated movie? Let me know!

月曜日, 3月 24, 2008

Habutae-dango(根ぎし 羽二重団子)




Today's my dessert is Habutai-dango (sticks of dumplings with red bean and soy sauce). This Dango-ya (Japanese-style confection store) has been in business for 180 years in Tokyo! It's a historic shop. Actually my friend's grandma liked this Habutai-dango.

I usually don't eat Japanese confectionery because red bean is too sweet for me, but here it's not. The other dango is usually sweet and soy sauce taste like teriyaki, but here it's only soy sauce taste. You can eat salty and sweet taste at once. ha, ha. If you eat in the store, they serve traditional green tea or regular Japanese tea with warm Habutai-dango. That is awesome!! You can buy at some confection section of certain department stores in Kanto region and some JR's Kiosk. So if you find this shop, you are lucky! You should get them without hesitating!!! Bon appetit!

got headache?


Are you troubled with headaches?
I am. That is why I carry Advil anytime and anywhere. I'm kind addicted to Advil.... I know it's not good.
I was learned (I don't remember whether Yoga or Pelvis stretch class. Whatever...) how to deal with the headaches. Unexpectedly it was immediate effectively. Try it!
For example, if you have a pain on your forehead (green circle), you slightly press diagonally points (red arrows). Believe or not a bones of skull is also jolts out of alignment as pelvis. So, if you push, alignment is correct then your pain will be relieved. However, it's not have effect for all headaches, unfortunately.
However, seeing is believing!! If you feel a pain, try it at the first. If it doesn't work, take Advil!

木曜日, 3月 20, 2008



私はいきものがかりの「SAKURA」が好きですねぇ~。聖恵ちゃんの声、のびのびしているんだけど、せつなくって、ぴったり!! 曲を作ったのは、水野君・・・。彼の曲は素朴で素敵なんです。(って、別に仕事関係だからpushしているんじゃないんですよぉ~!笑)
“さくら ひらひら 舞い降りて落ちて 揺れる 想いのたけを 抱きしめて 君と 春に 願いし あの夢は 今も見えているよ さくら舞い散る~♪” この歌詞見て、思い出すかな? 去年まで2年間NTT東日本電報のCMで使われてた曲です。


It's rain spoil the holiday!! My friend, Sai-chan and I supposed to run a booth a flea market at Yoyogi-koen to earn pocket money. what a pity!!

This Yoyogi-koen is good spot for cherry blossom viewing. Actually I can see cherry buds in neighborhood. In the old days, cherry-blossom time is synonymous with enrollment ceremony, but these days graduation ceremony. SAKURA, cherry blossom is symbolic of Japan, I guess. I love it. It's only my pleasure to see SAKURA in spring in Japan. Is it exaggerated? You can see cherry blossom in Vancouver, but the color is salmon pink instead of SAKURA pink.

There are number of songs about SAKURA in J-POP. Masaharu Fukuyama "SAKURAZAKA", Spitz "Cheery", Ketsumeishi "SAKURA", Naotaro Moriyama "SAKURA (vocal solo)", Kyogo Kawaguchi "SAKURA", Aki Angela "SAKURA IRO", Kobukuro "SAKURA", Ikimonogakari "SAKURA", Mika Nagajima "SAKURA", and so on.
I like Ikimonogakari's "SAKURA". The vocalist, Kiyoe's voice is spontaneous. It's just perfect!! The guitarist, Mizuno-kun is songwriter. I wonder why he knows female's mind. ha, ha. This song was used for NTT Higashi-nihon telegram commercial.

What is your favorite SAKURA song?

日曜日, 3月 16, 2008


懐かしい写真が出てきました!Vancouver IslandのVictoriaへ行った時に撮影した写真です。
Victoriaを象徴するEmpress Hotelが、ハーバーにあるんですが、そこから徒歩数分にThe Pacific Undersea Gardensという船の水族館があるんです。ガラス張りになっているので、水族館というかそのまま海の中が眺められる水族館なんです。(大きな声じゃ言えないけど・・・魚苦手だから私は入場料払っても地下には降りず・・・)でね、船の一部でアザラシが餌づけされているんでよ。ほぼ野性なんだろうけど、時間になるとやってくるぅ~。このアザラシ、実はその3ヶ月前は産毛につつまれたゴマちゃんだったんです!(って、もしかしたら他人かもしれないけど・・・)でね、3ヶ月経ってVictoriaへ行った時、半産毛のこの子を見つけて、大きくなったな~って。でも、cuteな所がカメラ向けたらちゃーんと目線をくれている事!!!飼い犬も、ちゃんと目線をくれるけど、このアザラシも慣れているんだろうな~。本当、Victoriaはアザラシ&sea lionといい、自然が豊富な所です♪久しぶりに行きたいな~。

I found old picture! I took this at Victoria in Vancouver Island. There is the famous Victoria landmark, the Empress Hotel in front of inner harbor. The aquarium, The Pacific Undersea Gardens is easily accessible by on foot from the hotel. This aquarium is the vessel. You can watch variety of marine plants and animals in a natural. (Tell ya truth I don't like fishes... so I didn't descend lower level. ) I just watched artificial feeding for seals. They are wild animals, but protected. This seal was a baby seal 3 month ago. He was covered with a white down. In this picture, he grew up, and his fuzzy hairs were half. I'm sure the same seal!!!

He is cute, isn't he? He was looking straight at me. He was really conscious of the camera!!! ha, ha. Like a dog. Anyway, Victoria is wealth of nature. Oh, I wanna see him. (Well, I'm sure this time... it's not easy to find the same seal....)

土曜日, 3月 15, 2008

Vintage Snoopy

うちにVintage Snoopy達がやってきました~♪

友達のLicaさん宅からはるばるお引越しです(笑)LicaさんThank youです!
50年代のSnoopyはまだ原型のビーグルの形をしてるんですよね。年代と共に、今のSnoopyになっていき・・・。Charlie Brownもあどけなくって可愛いですよね♪あっ、今気づいたけどCharlieの前髪も変わっているっ!!新たなる発見。

Californiaには、Knott's Berry Farmというテーマパークがあって、ここのキャラクターがPeanutsなので、園内でSnoopy達と出会えるんです。名前のBerry Farmから想像つくと思いますが、Knott's Berry Farmの沢山の種類のジャムが売っています。おいしぃ~ですよぉ♪
ここで必ず立ち寄りたいのがMrs. Knott's Chicken Dinner Restaurantです! ここのfried chickenがたまらなく美味しいんですよぉ~。スパイスが他にはないんでしょうねぇ~。fried chickenにpieにと、かなり絵に描いたようなアメリカン料理ですが、食べる価値はありますよぉー!!是非、是非。

Vintage Snoopy came to my place!

They have just moved from my friend's place. Thank you Lica!!
Soooooooo cute. I love it!!
The 50s's snoopy is still Beagle. After that Snoopy has fixed as "Snoopy". ha, ha, ha. I found that Charlie's hair style also has changed!!

In California, there is Knott's Berry Farm. Peanuts are official mascots. You can imagine from "berry farm". Knott's Berry Farm sells variety of jams and jellies. Don't forget to stop by Mrs. Knott's Chicken Dinner Restaurant!! They serve really good fried chicken and pie. It tastes good!!! Fried Chicken and pie are typical American cuisine, but it's worth it!!!!!!

土曜日, 3月 08, 2008


Thank you for my dearest friends!! I got many warm massages. I'm so toughed!! I had a nice dinner with my friends at my birthday eve. Yes, I had delicious birthday cake. Especially Tiramisu was ummmmmmmmmm...... so nice. I did blow out the candles and make a wish. Ummm, I wish to make it happen!!
Once again, thank you so much! x 100♪
By the way, the other cake was my aunt bought for me. That was good, too! I really like cream puff. Ha, ha, ha. Some of you may know my behavior at the Ralphs deli. I like small cream puff with chocolate. I know they give us sample. :^) ha, ha, ha. Even I knew that good taste, I've always got it! Because I like it♪



日曜日, 3月 02, 2008

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Libtary

Los Angelesには、HollywoodならではのLibraryがあります。アカデミー・メンバーで設立された、Margaret Herrick Library(アカデミー図書館)です。ここには、映画に関する資料はなんでも揃っています。本はもちろん雑誌、脚本、ロビー・カード、ポスター、プレス用資料、広告資料や、映画音楽に関係するものすべてが揃っているんです。映画関係者ではなくても、閲覧することが出来きます。


あ~、1回あのred carpet歩いてみたいなぁ~。(笑)
噂ですが、このアカデミー賞のred carpetは、この後WestweekというPacific Design Centerで行われるインテリアデザイン展示会で使用されているんですって。←この噂を信じるとセカンドハンドだけど、何度か歩いたことになるかぁ~(笑)

There is a unique library in Los Angeles. The Margaret Herrick Library is founded and supported through the Academy Foundation. Here, you can see a wide range of materials documenting film. Maybe you've never seen before such a collection number! This library holds books, screenplays, posters, lobby cards, press books, some advertising ephemera and also some collections relation to screen music scores and sheet music and so on. If you like movies, here is the paradise!!

By the way, all nominated film's DVD are sent to each the Academy member before the Oscar. I envy, but I know it's hard to see all of them...

I wish I could walk at "the" red carpet!! The rumor is that the red carpet have reused to Westweek at the Pacific Design Center in Los Angeles. If it's true, I've walked on the second used red carpet several times!! ha, ha.