ティラミス・チョコレート(Tiramisu Chocolate ブルーの包みの方)に眉毛をヒクヒクさせながら食べてたみたいで、会社の人達に笑われてしまいました。私の上司は、もうひとつの抹茶チョコレート(なぜか"祇園"という名前!?抹茶味だから? 金色の包み)
1st:ルームメートのLicaちゃんが、買ってきてくれたN.Y.の生チョコレート。確か5th Streetじゃなかったかな?そうそう、日本でもこの生チョコが帰るんですよ!! only KINOKUNIYAですけどね。
パッケージにKitashinchi Tiramisu Chocolateと書いてあります。まさに、大阪ですね!!もうひとつは、祇園。なんでやん!?って突っ込みたくなるネーミングですねぇ~。東京だと"やまや"というマーケットで買えるそうなので、週末言ってみるぜぇ~♪(←よっぽど私の顔が面白かったらしく、同僚がネットでチョコレート探してくれました。わはは。)
Oh, my!!!!!!!! I've never had such a delicious chocolate for while. I only could say "!!%$#$"!&#!!". I mean I couldn't find the right words.
I thew away chocolate package, but I picked up from bin. ha, ha.
Blue package is Tiramisu chocolate, and gold one is green-tea chocolate. When I had a Tiramisu Chocolate, I wiggled my eyebrows. My co-workers laughed so much. I must be funny face. Well, this is the 3rd time I'm impressed chocolate.
1st: When my roommate, Lica got from NY. I'm not sure that name... It's a.... "5th street" something. I've never eaten such fresh chocolate. Well, after I came back Japan, I found it at KINOKUNIYA!!
2nd: I tasted green-tea chocolate at Itami airport. When you bite, it's easy to melt, but still it's tasty. Unfortunately I've never bought this chocolate. It's little expensive... I only want to eat one or two bites...... sorry...
3rd: This is "Kitashinchi Tiramisu Chocolate"! mmm it's so yummy.
If you have a chance, try them!!
2 件のコメント:
GIVE ME!! I wanna eat them, too!!
Recently,I want to eat chocolate frequently.
no, more like...craving!!
I wonder why...
Last week, I got "nutella" at Costco...
Oh~, that Truffles!!
5th avenue chocolatiere!!
This chocolate and museums are a very good excuse to go to NY, don't you think so?
ha, ha, ha. Only that reason I'll go to N.Y.??? Ummm, I doubt it. If it's L.A., I'm sure I fly anytime.
Believe or not my co-worker got this chocolate!!! YEAH!!! Well, price is not that cheap.... it's 1,500 yen, but it's worth. When I find at the market, I'll send you!! :^)