木曜日, 12月 31, 2009

Year of the Tiger

A Happy New Year!




Beverly Hills, 90210

またまたBeverly Hill, 90210でスター発見です!!

Ally McBealでLing Woo役、 Charlie's AngelsのAlex役、そしてKill BillのO-Ren Ishiiで“ヤッチマイナァ~”と叫んでいた、Lucy LiuがBeverly Hills, 90210に出演してました!!

Season 2, Episode 6 "Pass, Not Pass"に。1991年ですね。


AndreaとBrenda は、Summer Sessionでドラマのクラスを取っていました。二人は、講師のChrisの気をひこうと競います。そんな中、BrandonはBeverly Hills Beach Clubでのアルバイト料をもらい中古のMustangを購入。買ったばかりの車は壊れてしまい路頭に迷うBrandon。Beach Pitに再度アルバイトさせてもらうようにNattに頼みに行くが、そこには新しいウェイトレスCourtney(Lucy Liu)が・・・。

Matthew Perryよりは、ちょこっとしか出演していないんですが、さすがあのLucyの目はすでに顕在。ちなみに、彼女は、23才。確か秋から大学生ってNattが言ってたから・・・やっぱりover 20で高校生の役だったのね。(笑)やっぱりAsianだからあどけないですよね。

やっぱり、Beverly Hills, 90210ってすごいドラマですねぇー。
I found another star in Beverly Hills, 90210!!
Who played Ling Woo in Ally McBeal, Alex Munday in Charlie's Angels, and O-Ren Ishii in Kill Bill. Can you guess who she is? Answer is Lucy Liu.
She appeared in Season 2, Episode #6 "Pass, Not Pass".
Story is...

With the summer drawing to a close, Andrea and Brenda compete for the attentions of their drama teacher, Chris, who chooses the former over the latter, which puts a strain on their friendship. Meanwhile, Brandon finally buys his dream car, but finds "the fruit of his summer labor" sour when the car breaks down, gets impounded, and Jim gets angry at Brandon for the careless handling of the car's purchase. Brandon also goes to visit Nat at the Peach Pit to ask for his old job back as the place is under construction for a building expansion.

Once again so many stars were born from Beverly Hills, 90210!

火曜日, 12月 29, 2009

French Connection...


French Connectionが来春、日本から完全撤退しちゃうんだって!!
確かに今日本では、Fast Fashionと名前を付けてForever 21、H&M、ZARAがちやほやされているけど・・・。

かなり寂しいなぁー。私の持っているフォーマル洋服は(My categoryです!!きっとみんなにはカジュアルじゃん!って言われそう・・・)、9割がFrench Connection。またまた通販での買い物が増えそうですなぁ~。とほほ。

Beverly Hills, 90210

年末番組にありがちですが、Super! Drama TVチャンネルで"Beverly Hills, 90210"が全話放送されているんです。


なんとなんと、Season 1のEpisode 18 "April is the Cruelest Month"に"Friends"のChandler Bingが、あっ、ちがったそれは役名(笑)Matthew PerryがRoger役で出演していたんですよぉ~。なんとなんと、23才の時に高校生役。まっ、Beverly Hills のメンバーは、ほとんがover 20だったけどね。



Brandonは、West Beverly Highのスター・テニスプレイヤーRogerを取材することになった。Brandonが取材をしていくうちに、将来有望のはずのRogerに影があることを発見。


Typical year's end TV programs, "Beverly Hills, 90210" has been gone every parts back to back on Super! Drama TV.

I know single stories because I saw too many times. However, I gained a new understanding of "Beverly Hills, 90210".

Matthew Perry who played Chadler Bing in "Friends" appeared in 1st season, episode 18 "April is the Cruelest Month". He played Roger Azarian. You know what he was 23, but he acted a high school student. ha, ha. I knew this story, but by today I didn't know that that man was Matthew Perry! WOW.

The story is...

As Brandon interviews Roger, the school's tennis star, he discovers that Roger's golden-boy appearance hides deeper demons. When the gang gets their SAT scores back, Donna becomes deflated by her low SAT score, which reveals her learning disability.

Check it out!

木曜日, 12月 24, 2009

Happy Holiday

Wishing you and your loved ones all the wonder and magic of Christmas!

What present you get from Santa? Gee, I work on Christmas day...

Anyway, Merry Christmas to everyone!

Love & Peace☆

火曜日, 12月 15, 2009


I've been looked up at the Gemini meteor swarm. Wooooow! I could see 3 tails!
Not so much, but it was easily visible to the naked eye.
However, I've tied the head backward to look up for while. I got stiff neck. I know, I know I don't need to look up the sky. There should be horizontal line. ha, ha.

I remembered how spectacular display form comet Hale-Bopp when I saw in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. That was huge. I enjoyed the sky show almost a week. That was clear to see even there are many apartment buildings. Luck me!

I've been out about 20 minutes, so my face was freezing.
I should drink a cup of tea.


so, did you see Gemini meteor swarm?

土曜日, 12月 12, 2009

Chesley McLaren

Chesley McLarenのイラストです。
You may seen before Chesley McLaren's illustrations.
It has a warm feel to it, but also a dignified elegance. I like those kind things.
I mentioned before Jean-Phillippe. Chesley has same kind feeling. They are my favorite artists.

Chanel, Prada, Dior, Gucciなどなど。
Chesley used to work at Seventh Avenue as a designer. Later she debuted as an illustrator. These days she becomes hot commodities. Her artworks has used for several advertising such as Chanel, Prada, Dior, Gucci, and so on.

This illustration is for Dior.

そして、これはCarlyle Hotelの広告に使われたイラスト。イラストなのに高貴な雰囲気が出るのって、スゴイッ!
This is for Carlyle Hotel. It's not only illustration. I wonder why this artwork has an exalted atmosphere. WOW!


... and, perhaps, YOU?


If you see "clients" at her site, that is cool. You can see many well-known name, and at the last,
... and, perhaps, YOU?
Oh, my!! I wish I could work with her someday!?

木曜日, 12月 10, 2009

favorite song-2

Ally McBeal知ってますよね?

その主題歌"Searchin' My Soul"を歌っていたのが、Vonda Shepard



そして、この時期になるとChristmasの曲が必ずかかっていました~♪"Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas"良い曲ですねぇ~。

Favorite song

Natasha Bedingfieldの"Unwritten"。
The Hillsの主題歌です。←これならピンとくるでしょ?
この曲は、2007年のThe Grammy Awardsで"Best Female Pop Vocal Performance"にNominatedされたけど、残念ながら賞は逃しちゃったみたいです。あぁ~、この年は、Christina Aguileraが"Ain't No Other Man"で受賞してますねー。

I repeat a piece again and again these days.
"Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield.
This song is The Hills. If you heard it, you may recognize!
This song was nominated "Best Female Pop Vocal Performance" of the Grammy Awards in 2007, but unfortunately it missed prize. Christina Aguilear won by "Ain't No Other Man". Ummm... That's understandable.

I can't embed her PV here, so check it out below!


Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten

I am unwritten,
Can't read my mind
I'm undefined
I'm just beginning
The pen's in my hand
Ending unplanned

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words
That you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten, yeah

Oh, oh

I break tradition
Sometimes my tries
Are outside the lines, oh yeah yeah
We've been conditioned
To not make mistakes
But I can't live that way oh, oh

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words
That you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
drench yourself in words unspoken
live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
the rest still unwritten

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words
That you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open *****
Today is where your book begins

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open *****
Today is where your book begins

The rest is still unwritten

The rest is still unwritten

水曜日, 11月 25, 2009


Guess who is there?
He is not member of WWE. He is Zakk Wylde!!
When I had a lunch meeting at HRC in Roppongi, Zakk was upsatirs! WOW!!
What a lucky coincidence!!
He was playing whole time. Actually that was a dealer show. He was invieted to play his Gibson guitars.
Thank you Zakky!

火曜日, 11月 24, 2009

my deepest sympathies

Oh, my.

I heard with deep regret of the passing of Lica's grandmother. Please accept my sympathy. I know that grief of losing a grandmother. I know how difficult to accept reality, but only time heals everything.
That's true.

When my mom passed away, my teacher told me that the first 3 years you are not able to accept your reality, but somehow you try to understand. After 5 years, you can talk "dear departed" in your mind naturally. Believe or not it's true. And after 10 years, you can talk about "dear departed" to everybody without tears. You don't need to try, it leaves to your mercy.

Don't worry your grandma will always be by your side not matter what.
If you lose your spirits, you grandma feels let down. Don't you make her happy?

Once again, may her soul rest in peace.

水曜日, 11月 18, 2009

Universal Studio Japan


Hee, hee I put ELMOs photo suddenly. I guess that picture is the best in this trip.


My co-worker, Micchan and I tripped to Kyoto and Osaka in the last weekend.


We luck with weather. All days were good weather even weather forecast was cloud and rain on Friday and Saturday. Can you believe it? Especially when we went to USJ, it was perfect clear sky! That was nice.


In the morning, it was coldly, and this picture was grayish... USJ is totally Christmas.

とぉくの方に見えるのは、巨大ツリーです。SPIDER-MAN the rideの近くにあるんです。夜になるとイルミネーションがとっても綺麗です。ツリーの色が変化して、キラッキラ輝いてます。

In the distance, you can see a Christmas tree. It's huuuuuuuge! The night time is perfect to see. Christmas lights are so pretty.

そして、そのSPIDER-MAN。なっ、なんとNew Yorkの街並みに登場~☆
ここ、Photo spotで、写真を撮ってくれるんですが・・・お願い、カメラマンさん写真を撮るときに、“Nice, Spider~!”って言わないでぇ~!!!(苦笑)E.T.の所では、“Nice, E.T.~!”って言われた。トホホ。

SPIDER-MAN appeared in New York! Yes, here is photo spot. A photographer shoot a picture. When she shot, she said "Nice, Spider~" instead of "cheese". Oh, my...
I acted like Spider-man's girlfriend, MJ. ha, ha. The next to him, that is Micchan.

Christmasのパレード "Happy Snow Party"やっていました。ここにも、もちろんELMO~♪でも、その隣のジンジャークッキーが気になりませんか?おにぎり型の顔のジンジャークッキ!!!

You can see Christmas parade, "Happy Snow Party" in the park. Here is Elmo, again. I can't help paying attention to ginger cookie because his face is inverted triangle shape. His face must be round... don't you think?

Snoopyエリアで、ルーシーのpsychiatric helpを受けてきました。
I got Lucy's Psychiatric help!


Can you find me?



After USJ, we went to Higashi-Umeda.
We had a dinner at "Tetsujin no mise" in Ohatsu Tenjin. This shop is produced by Mr. Kanemoto who is baseball player and also is owned by a company I know. An acquaintance booked for us.


I have no idea how many times I said "Yummy!" in this trip.


This restaurant has opened recently, so it's so beautiful and clean.


We had Tontoro-yaki, Butatama, Negi-yaki, etc. Oh, everything was soooooo good.


Saturday was over.
(I'll write 1st day thing someday... hee, hee.)


One little, two little, three little ELOMO~♪って


Universal Studio Japan、Hollywood AreaにあるBeverly Hills Boulangerie店内にELMOSがいます。じゃなかった、売ってます。






金曜日, 11月 13, 2009

glitter lights


うーん、Thanksgiving Day前だからまだちょっと早いんだけどなぁ~。




木曜日, 11月 12, 2009

Welcom, Mr. President, first visit to Japan!

いよいよ、アメリカ大統領President Obamaが来日しますね。

Mr. President of the United States, Barack Obama will visit to Japan.
Media have examined whether Mr. President will visit Hiroshima or not these days.
I saw unforgettable interview at a news.


"Do you expect to Mr. President visit to Hiroshima?" A 91-year old lady who are A-bomb survivor answered, "I don't demand an apology to Mr. President. However, I hope he visit to Hiroshima. That way, I believe that A-bomb victims will be comforting if he will. I hope that it comes true before I die. If I see it, I can realize that it recover from wartime devastation."

私の祖母は女性と同じ被爆者です。祖母は、私がアメリカへ行っても全く嫌な顔せずに、それどころかLos Angelesは住みやすいねー。って。全くひどい体験をしたとは思えないほど寛容です。

What do you think? Don't you think this opinion is very powerful. She is so tiny lady, but it's so forceful. Forgiveness... It's not easy to find and meet a person who has such a big heart in this world. Ironically, people who experienced war are really strong, generous, and great capacity. My grandmother were A-bomb survivor, too. Even when I have been to the U.S., she'd never pull a face at me. Moreover, she liked to stay in Los Angeles. I forgot that she had really bad and sad experienced by war.


On the other hand, "What do you think that if Mr. President visit to Hiroshima?" A man who was crew of A-bomb plane said, "If Mr. President goes to Hiroshima on a sightseeing trip, I don't mind, but he goes to apology, I disagree violently." For him, if Mr. President would apology, his assignment was denied. BUT...


61% of American people think that it was no choice to A-bombing to finish the war.


I agree to a 91-year old lady. Even the current President express regret, it won't come back anything. We should think the future. That is why I also hope he to see and feel recovered the city from the war. I'm sure Mr. President knows how war is god-awful. Even people become devils.


I would like to make her dream reality.

火曜日, 11月 10, 2009



同僚のともえぴょんがHawaiiのお土産に買ってきれました。“SUGOI SAUCE”。

4月にL.A.に行った時に実は、ともえぴょんにあったら買ってきてと頼まれていたのですが、さすがHawaii本土にはないですねぇ~。100% Hawaii madeだからかな。

って、名前がスゴイですよね。SUGOI SAUCEは2種類あって、ガーリック味とスパイシー味。私がいただいたのは、Garlic。


牛肉をマリネードして焼いて食べたら美味しかった~☆そして、お肉に相性の良い、LicaさんからもらったBaby leavesと一緒に食べたのですよぉー。うっ、またしてもやってしまった・・・。また写真撮るのを忘れてた(汗)それはまた今度♪

Thank you Tomoe-phon!!


My co-worker, Tomoe-pyon gave to me "SUGOI SAUCE" from Hawaii. It's 100% Hawaiian made. Actually she asked me to get it at Los Angeles when I went in April, but there was not. Presumably this sauce is forbidden to export to mainland! ha, ha.

The name is exaggerated! Don't you think?

SUGOI SAUCES are Garlic and Spicy Garlic Sauce. I got a Garlic sauce. It's totally garlic, but sweet. Ummm... I like it!

I marinated beef and baked. And I put beef on a bed of baby leaves that Lica send to me. That was sooooooooooooooooooo yummy! This sauce is matched meat. Sorry again, after I finished my dish I realized I didn't take a picture again.... hee, hee. As usual, huh.

You can imagine how good is. Thank you Tomoe-phon!

月曜日, 11月 09, 2009

organic baby leaves

Lica send me bunch of baby leaves for salads. Thank you!!

That's my favorite food! ha, ha. I guess I was a plant-eating animal...

These leaves are 100% organic, so they are still fresh and crispy.

Yesterday I ate simple salad with balsamic vinaigrette and olive oil. One of my favorite Italian restaurant in Los Angeles, "LA BOTTEGA Marino", they serve "Insalate Tricolore". That's the one I like. It's totally simple. I guess they have good balsamic vinaigrette!

Today I had salad with sesame dressing. That's also good. (After I bit, I realized I should take a picture before I ate... Even one bite, the dish was not pretty...)

Umm... How about tomorrow.... Maybe I'll make Lemon pasta with organic basil.

80s party?


ネットで80s Partyがあるって見つけたので、同僚誘って行ってきました~。

"Studio 54"を彷彿させる"Studio 55"ですって言うので、ワクワクしながら行ったのですが・・・。もちろん、ほんとの"Studio 54"は行った事ないんですが、映画で見て、楽しそうだなーって。その映画がきかけで、Las VegasのMGMに"Studio 54"ができたんですよね。ここは相当~ドレスコード厳しそうですよぉ~。


ドレスコードは"80年代です"って事だったので、ピンクの皮ジャン&ピンクのニーハイブーツを引っ張りだそうと思ったけど、やっぱり私の80年代は、L.A. metalなので、一般の80年代とズレているかもと思って、H/Mへ走りました♪さすが、H/M期待を裏切らずちゃんとあるじゃないですか☆



Studio 54を復活ということだったら、すっかりDISCOを想像していたのに・・・確かにDJはいるし、ミラーボールはあるんだけど・・・。踊るって感じの場所ではなく。Performerに2人女の子がいるだけ。うーん。せっかく良い曲が流れているのに・・・。



木曜日, 11月 05, 2009

I'll be there~♪

Oh, my. We lost the greatest pop star.

I went to see "Micheal Jackson's This is it" yesterday night. That was awesome. You should see it at the screen.

Needless to say, he could sing, dance, choreography, arrange songs, and write music!!
We lost the greatest entertainer.

I guess he was too sensitive to live in this real world (not like us), unfortunately. He is an natural born artist. Gee, I was so lucky. I had a chance to see his concert in Tokyo at once. That was loooooooooooong time ago.

When I saw Billy Jean today, I recalled that concert. Actually my favorite song is "I'll be there". Today I saw this movie, I like "Smooth Criminal".

I know some of family member doesn't like this movie because they don't want to show incomplete Michael's stage, however this was last chance to see real Michael at the stage even rehearsals.

I'm strongly recommended to see this movie at a screen! That was spectacular. You've never forget it!


土曜日, 10月 03, 2009

latest movie "NAKUMONKA"








The Olympics in 2016

Which country would be elected to Olympics in 2016?

Now, it's starting to vote.

Let's see...

Chicago is fail... (That is unpredictable.)

Now, 2nd round to vote.

Oh-oh, Tokyo is fail...


火曜日, 9月 29, 2009

Sphynx cat

I have no idea how many times I've watched "Friends".

Rachel got a $1,000 cat! I like this cat.

Sphynx is hairless. It not truly hairless. It may be covered with very soft hair. E.T.'s looks is based on this cat.

I like Russian Blue, too. This cat has a lean elongated body and a short, plush, blue-grey coat. Looks so royal cat.

Anyway, there is nothing like the cute cat to kitties. When my friend tried to find adopters, she sent me some pictures. Aren't they curt?

I wish I could be a adopter, however I have terrible cat allergy.... Oh, my.



水曜日, 9月 23, 2009

9 days to go


9 days to go!!
What am I talking about?


Here is the answer.
The online entry registration period for DV-2011 will be Oct. 2 until Nov. 20, 2009.
I continuously apply this diversity visa every year. Humm... It isn't quite selected, however, some of my acquaintances got green cards. I envy them. Maybe this year. It's my turn!


I went to Jiyugaoka to go to a cafe and Karaoke with Sai-chan. We had dessert buffet. They are not so sweet, but they were so delicious. Normally dessert buffet is not included drink, but today all you can drink! YEAH!

その後、dinnerの場所を探しに渋谷を歩いていて、おぉ!!発見。H&Mの渋谷店がいつの間にかにオープンしていました。(シルバーウィーク中にオープンしたんですって) びっくり。しかも大きいですよぉ~。

After that we moved to Shibuya to find out a place to have dinner. WOW! We found H&M at Shibuya. That is brand-new. If you walk toward to Shibuya Tokyu Honten, you will find on the right. ha, ha. I was dragged by the building, I got a sweater.

可愛いでしょ?この袋。渋谷限定のショッピングバックですよ。よく見るとShibuya H&Mと書いてあるんです。ブラッと歩いていたからちょっと得した気分♪

Look at that. Isn't it cute? It's limited Shibuya shopping bag. Can you see "SHIBUYA H&M" letters?


そそ(今日は思いっきり日記的ですな)、フジテレビの夜のニュースの顔、NEWS JAPANのキャスター、滝川クリステルさんが今月いっぱいでご卒業なんですよね~。寂しいなー。

Some of them have already known. Christel Takigawa will resign "The News Japan". What a pity. She is a good anchor!
However, I want you to see some news topics if you love dogs and cats.


The feature story in the news was "JIDAINO KARUTE -puppies' life"
On Monday, it was focused some pet shops in Tokyo.


There are several 24-hours pet shops centers in the Tokyo area because some people who are working nights, may to purchase. (the people who work at exclusive club, cabaret club, and so on.) However, that circumstance is not good for puppies. No way! It's the same thing as human babies. You know, puppies are under stress because they can't can sleep enough. No matter day or night in pet shops there are bright. All factors are not good for brains. People purchase puppy like high-end bag, however they can't raise. Worst thing is that puppy is leaning disability. That is why a pet owner become under stress to have a puppy then puppy is abandoned unfortunately. (Even a pet owner abuse!) It becomes a vicious circle. Even a reporter asked a public administration how can possible to restrict pet shops. According to public administration, "at this moment we can't restrict because they have a right to sell." Can you believe it this sentence? And then the reporter told about breeders in UK and US, they were disappointed, of course.


The 2nd days, the featured topic is ugly vices breeders. Especially Japanese breeders try to breed certain popular dogs. I don't know what is the standard to sell to shops, however some of puppies are not allowed. So, left over puppies (sorry, I don't want to say, but...) are in dirty and filthy cages. I guess breeders not gonna take care of them because they are not for money. There were miniature poodles, miniature dachshunds that are very popular nowadays. Bad breeders don't clean up, so bad smell problem that's bothering the neighbors. It's negative chain.



明日、水曜日もこの特集があるので、是非check it outしてみてね。

I checked dog shelter's site one day. There were almost genuine dogs. Ironically there were many miniature poodles, miniature dachshunds. Some of puppies got trauma and suffered from physical abuse. Oh, my.

An owner should the one responsible for the livelihood of the puppy. Once if you have a dog, you should know that a dog's life is in your hands.

Uh, sound like I am lecturing... Well, still this topic you have a chance to see. Please check it out.

Love & Peace

火曜日, 9月 15, 2009

memory of Patrick Swayze

Oh, my!びっくりしましたねぇ~。パトリック・スェイジ(俳優)さんが57才で亡くなったそうです。


Patrick Swayzeと言えば、“Ghost”ですよね。私は、“Ghost”見て初めて知りました。

私にとってもPatrick Swayzeと言えば、Keanuと共演した“Point Break”です。

Point Break (1991)

Patric Swayze...Bodhi
Keanu Reeves...Johnny
Gary Busey...Pappas
Lori Petty... Tyler

L.A.に引っ越してきた警官Johnny Utah(Keanu Reaves)は、相棒をなくしたPappas(Gary Busey)と組み、大統領のマスクをかぶった銀行強盗を捕まえるために潜入捜査を始めた。犯人達がサーファーというのを確信し、JohnnyはTyler(Lori Petty)に近づきサーフィンを習う。そして、Bodhi達と知り合うことになった。



というか、この映画に出ているサーファー役の俳優さん、みんな素敵です☆(そう言えば、この映画にRed Hot Chillie Peppersのvol. Anthonyが出てましたねぇ~。

Patrick Swayzeさんのご冥福をお祈りいたします。


Oh, my! Patrick Swayze passed away at 57. He seemed he was good shape. His best known movie is Ghost. However, I like "Point Break".

Point Break (1991)

Patric Swayze...Bodhi
Keanu Reeves...Johnny
Gary Busey...Pappas
Lori Petty... Tyler

Katheryn Bigelow's 1991 action thriller "Point Break" is still a ground-breaking film of the early nineties. It tells the story of the cop John Utah (Keanu Reaves) hunting a bunch of bank robbers camouflaged with masks of the former U.S. presidents.

His investigations leads to a group of surfers and extreme sports worshippers, and the cop becomes fascinated by the free-style philosophies and adrenaline rushes of the gang around the charismatic leader Bodhi (Patrick Swayze).

Their close friendship changes to a hard-fought rivalry at the end when cop and gangsters face point blank. Bigelow uses typically American surf beach settings for this unusual and very stylish action thriller with great stunts like parachuting scenes, bank robberies, a car chase, police raids, martial arts, breath-taking chases and brilliantly photographed surf sequences. Watch out for the Red Hot Chillie Peppers as a gang of brutal surf nazis beating up Keanu Reeves and being captured by him during a hard-fought police raid. (by imdb)

I like this movie because it's not only action, but also friendship and lifestyle. All surfer are so cool in this movie.

May his soul rest in peace.

Fashion's Night Out Sep. 11 2009 Japan

Sep. 11に、VOGUE magazineが主催する“Fashino's Night Out Sep. 11 2009 Japan”、表参道へ行ってきました~♪


VOGUE編集長アナ・ウィンター(どこかで聞いたことあるでしょ?The Hillsを見たことがある人ならわかるはず!!LaurenやWhittneyがN.Y.のVOGUEへ行った時出演しているからねー。)の発案によって、世界各国のVOGUEがグローバルに一致協力して、深夜までショッピングを満喫できるイベントです。

すごいですよ、さすがworldwide VOGUE! 世界13か国のVOGUEが開催したらしいです。U.S.A., PARIS, Milano, London, Madrid, Germany, Greece, Russia, India, Beijin, Taiwan, Brazil, そしてJapan.(ポスター通りに羅列したので、国名と都市名とバラバラですが・・・笑)


一体どこに普段は潜んでいるの?って感じ。(Los Angelesでは見かける感じの人達なんだけど。。。)

そして、そして、Ralph Laurenではミッキーカーチスさんを発見!!店内の奥のソファーに座っていてVIPな感じ。あと、Diorでは、なんとなんとなんと!!!!!冨永愛さん。私の肩くらいに、彼女の腰ラインですよ。どうしたら、そんなスレンダーな体系になれるのでしょう~か~!!一緒い行った、彩ちゃんとビックリしていました。いやいや、一児の母とはとっても思えない、素敵な体系にうっとり♪(笑)

こんな時じゃないと入らないから、DiorやLouis Vuittonへ入ってみました☆

もちろん、favoriteのmiu miuもね♪(miu miuではお財布探しに必至でした!が、我慢して購入までは至らなかったけど・・・)



I went to "Fashion's Night Out Sep. 11 2009 Japan" in Omotesando on Sep. 11. That was fun night.

In a global initiative to promote retail, restore consumer confidence, and celebrate fashion, U.S. and international editions of Vogue are coordinating evening extravaganzas in their respective world fashion capitals.

Champagne, hors d'oeuvers were passed in each store! That was awesome event. There were so many stylish fashionable people in Omotesando not us usual! I've never seen before.

I saw some celebrities.
WOW, I enjoyed to shopping (actually just browsing, but!).

月曜日, 9月 14, 2009

Basic Risotto

知り合いから“Jamie Oliver”の料理の本を借りたので、ちょ~簡単なリゾットを作ってみました。
Basic Rissotoです。20分でできちゃうから、おススメですよぉ~♪


・大さじ1杯 オリーブオイル
・400g リゾット用ライス(私は普通のお米を使いました)
・100ml ドライ・ホワイト・ベルモット酒(私はアルコール全てダメなので、お水を代用)か、白ワイン
・70g バター


1. スープストックを温めます。別のフライパンにオリーブ・オイルを入れ、エシャロットか玉ねぎ、セロリとひとつまみの塩を入れます。約3分間炒めます。

2. にんにくをフライパンに加え、更に2分炒めます。野菜が柔らかくなったら、お米を入れます(リゾット用のお米は洗わなくてよいらしいですが・・・気持ち1回リンスしました(笑))。火を強火にして炒めます。

3. お米を焦がさないように、かきまぜながら炒めます。(火が強すぎるようなら、弱めます)

4. 2~3分するとお米が透明になったら、お酒を加えます。

5. お酒がお米に馴染んだら、スープストック半分位とひとつまみの塩をフライパンに入れます。火を弱火にします。(ここでは沸かさないようにしましょう!ここで煮立ってしまうと、お米の外側だけが柔らかくなってしまうので)

6. 残りのスープストックをかき混ぜながら入れます。約15分かき混ぜながら温めます。(お米が丁度よくスープを吸うのを見ながら徐々にスープを入れていきます)

7. お米が柔らかくなったら、味をみます。

8. 火を止め、バターを加えます。

9. お皿にリゾットをよそい、その上にパルメザン・チーズをすりおろします。(見た目に綺麗なので、パセリを散らしてみました☆)

今回は、Basic Risottoだったから今度はちょっとバリエーションを加えてみようと思いま~す。


I was borrowed from my acquaintance "Jamie Oliver" book. Jamie Oliver is a cute chef in England.

His recipes are not so difficult at least if you have basic knowledge to cook. Here is Basic Risotto. That was so easy. It took only 20 minutes. Here it is...

Serves 6 dishes
* approx. 1 liter/ 2 pints stock (chicken, fish or vegetable as appropriate)
*1 tablespoon olive oil
*3 finely chopped shallots or 2 medium onions
*1/2 a head of celery, finely chopped (discard any tough outer sticks)
*sea salt and black pepper
*2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
*400g/ 14oz risotto rice
*100ml/ 3/3/4fl oz dry white vermouth (dry Martini or Noilly Part) or dry white wine
*70g/ 2 1/2oz butter
*85-100g/ 3-3 1/2oz freshly grated Parmesan cheese

1. Heat the stock. Then in a separate pan heat the olive oil, add the shallot or onion, celery and pinch of salt, and sweat the vegetables for about 3 minutes.

2. Add the garlic and after another 2 minutes, when the vegetables have softened, add the rice. Turn up the heat.

3. While slowly stirring, continuously, you are beginning to fry the rice. You must keep the rice moving.

4. After 2 or 3 minutes it will begin to look translucent as it absorbs all the flavours of your base. Add the vermouth or wine, keeping on stirring as it hits the pan.

5. Once the vermouth or wine seems to have cooked into the rice, add your first ladle of hot stock and pinch of salt. Turn down the heat to highish simmer (the reason we don't want to boil the hell out of it's because, if we do, the outside of the rice will be cooked and fluffy and the inside will be raw.)

6. keep adding ladlefuls of stock, stirring and allowing each ladleful to be absorbed before adding the next. This will be take about 15 minutes.

7. Carry on adding stock until the rice is soft but with a slight bite. Check seasoning.

8. Remove from the heat and add the the butter and the Parmesan.

See, you see how easy to cook.
Bon Appetit!

水曜日, 9月 02, 2009

gratifying thing

Oh, my god~♪

I heard the exclusive news.

My friend, Lili and his boyfriend got engaged. WOW!

☆☆☆☆ Congratulations on your engagement.  ☆☆☆☆

I'm soooooooooooooooooo happy to hear about it. Yeah!!

This news makes me cry with delighted tears. Soooooooo 嬉しい☆

Coincidentally, it happens on the same day. When they got engaged, I got a catalog from French Connection. I was caught the pretty dress which was kind a formal. Well, I thought I wouldn't have a chance to wear. I think I got a strong hunch! hee, hee. Maybe I should go ahead to get this dress, right?

I feel sxhilarated at this news.

O.K. I should train at a gym and save money for their wedding. That's good excuse, huh?

木曜日, 8月 20, 2009

Favorite movies -Science Fiction & Fantasy

久しぶりに、My favorite moviesのサイエンス・フィクション&ファンタジー編で~す。かな~り偏っているかも☆

(昨日の夜から、目に"ものもらい"ができた~!!でも、コンタクトレンズ使わないと見えないから。。。辛いです。I have a sty in my eye from yesterday night... I shoulnd't wear contact lenses, but I can't see. It's so hard...)

Star Wars: Episode IV
A New Hope
(邦題:スター・ウォーズ エピソード4 新たなる希望) 1977

Starring: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher
Director: George Lucas

Jediの騎士が滅亡して久しい時代、銀河系はEmpireの圧政下。Luke SkywalkerはObi-Wan KenobiにJediとしてトレーニング受けていました。Tatooineに住むLukeは、ある日Empireに捕らわれているRebel リーダー、Princess Leiaからのメッセージを受信。Han Solo、C-3PO、R2-D2と一緒にレスキューに向かいます。Death Starで、Obi-WanとDarth Vaderが戦うが、残念ながらObi-Wanが倒れてしまします。Death Starを倒したLukeは自分にはforceがあると気づきます・・・。

オープニングのテキストです。これを見るとJohn Williamsの曲が頭の中に流れますねぇ~♪
It is a period of civil war.
Rebel spaceships, striking
from a hidden base, have won
first victory against
the evil Galactic Empire.

During the battle, Rebel
spies managed to steal secret
plans to the Empire's
ultimate weapon, the DEATH
STAR, an armored space
station with enough power
to destroy an entire planet.

Pursued by the Empire's
sinister agents, Princess
Leia races home aboard her
starship, custodian of the
stolen plans that can save her
people and restore
freedom to the galaxy....

Star Wars: Episode V
The Empire Strikes Back

(邦題:スター・ウォーズ エピソード5 帝国の逆襲) 1980

Starring: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher
Director: Irvin Kershner
Executive Producer: George Lucas

Death Starを滅ぼしたけれどもRebelにとってまだまだ暗黒の時代。氷の惑星Hothの基地が壊滅的な攻撃を受けて以降、Rebelは散り散りになってしまう。Lukeは伝説のJedi Master Yodaを探しに沼の惑星Dagobahへ向かいます。同じころ、Han SoloトPrincess LeiaはEmpireの追ってを振り切り、BespinのCloud Cityへ流れ着きます。ダークサイドへ引き込もうとDarth VaderはLukeをおびき寄せます。そして、Sith Lordと激しいライフセーバーの死闘を繰り広げる中、Vaderが実の父、Anakin Skywalkerと言うことをLukeは知ってしまします。

It is a dark time for the
Rebellion. Although the Death
Star has been destroyed,
Imperial troops have driven the
Rebel forces from their hidden
base and pursued them across
the galaxy.

Evading the dreaded Imperial
Starfleet, a group of freedom
fighters led by Luke Skywalker
have established a new secre
base on the remote ice world
of Hoth.

The evil lord Darth Vader,
obsessed with finding young
Skywalker, has dispatched
thousands of remote probes into
the far reaches of space....

Star Wars: Episode VI
Return of the Jedi
(邦題:スター・ウォーズ エピソード6 ジェダイの帰還) 1983

Starring: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher
Director: Richard Marquand
Executive Producer: George Lucas

the sagaの最終章。EmpireはRebelを倒そうと更にDeath Starをパワーアップする。LukeとPrincess LeiaはJabba the Huttの宮殿に潜入し、Han Soloを救出するためにTatooineへ向かいます。再び、RebelはEmpireとの決選に向け、森の惑星エンドアにてEwok族と手を組みます。(Ewok達、可愛いですよね~) Lukeは父親Anakin Skywalkerの内に眠るJedi魂を呼び覚まそうと決心する。その頃、第2のDeath Starを攻撃するため、総力を結集。

Luke Skywalker has returned to
his home planet of Tatooine in
an attempt to rescue his
friend Han Solo from the
clutches of the vile gangster
Jabba the Hutt.

Little does Luke know that the
GALACTIC EMPIRE has secretly
begun construction on a new
armored space station even
more powerful than the first
dreaded Death Star.

When completed, this ultimate
weapon will spell certain doom
for the small band of rebels
struggling to restore freedom
to the galaxy...

Star Wars: Episode I
The Phantom Menace

(邦題:スター・ウォーズ エピソード1 ファントム・メナス) 1999

Starring: Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor , Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd
Director: George Lucas
Executive Producer: George Lucas

Nabooから逃げたQueen Amidalaは、砂漠の惑星Tatooineに降り立つ。Obi-Wan KenobiはQueen Amidalaと同行していた。Tatooineで9才のAnakin SkywalkerにJediの素質があると見抜く。Podraceに出場し、優勝。晴れてフリーの身となったAnakinは、Jediのトレーニングを受けるためTatooineを離れます。Queen AmidalaがNabooへ戻るとすでに侵入されていました。Qui-Gon JinnとObi-Wan Kenobi vs. Darth Maulの戦いますが、Obi-Wanの師Qui-Gonが倒れてしまします。侵入は、Sithのダークサイドの企みだったのです。

Episode IVから32年後と思えないくらいに、完璧に話が繋がっています!!う?話が繋がるというか、前に戻るから・・・。でも、本当にLucas最高!!

Turmoil has engulfed the
Galactic Republic. The taxation
of trade routes to outlying star
systems is in dispute.

Hoping to resolve the matter
with a blockade of deadly
battleships, the greedy Trade
Federation has stopped all
shipping to the small planet
of Naboo.

While the congress of the
Republic endlessly debates
this alarming chain of events,
the Supreme Chancellor has
secretly dispatched two Jedi
Knights, the guardians of
peace and justice in the
galaxy, to settle the conflict....

Star Wars: Episode II
Attack of the Clones
(邦題:スター・ウォーズ エピソード2 クローンの攻撃) 2002

Starring: Ewan McGregor , Natalie Portman, Hayden Christensen, Christpher Lee, Samuel L. Jackson
Director: George Lucas
Executive Producer: George Lucas

惑星Nabooの戦いから10年後、galaxyは変動していました。Obi-Wan Kenobi、Padme AmidalaとAnakin Skywalkerは、NabooへのTrade Federation の侵入に立ち向かっていました。クローン戦争が勃発。そんな中、Padme AmidalaとAnakinは恋に落ちてしまいます。

There is unrest in the Galactic
Senate. Several thousand solar
systems have declared their
intentions to leave the Republic.

This separatist movement,
under the leadership of the
mysterious Count Dooku, has
made it difficult for the limited
number of Jedi Knights to
maintain peace and order in the

Senator Amidala, the former
Queen of Naboo, is returning
to the Galactic Senate to vote
on the critical issue of creating
to assist the overwhelmed

Star Wars: Episode III
Revenge of the Sith

(邦題:スター・ウォーズ エピソード3 シスの復讐) 2005

Starring: Ewan McGregor , Natalie Portman, Hayden Christensen, Samuel L. Jackson
Director: George Lucas
Executive Producer: George Lucas

クローン戦争から3年後、Jedi騎士はクローン軍を率いて各地でドロイド軍と激闘を展開していた。そんな中、Palpatine最高議長がGrievous将軍に拉致される事件が。Obi-WanとAnakinが救出に向かう。Anakinの活躍で無事、Palpatineの救出成功したものの、AnakinはJediの師Obi-Wanと、妊娠したPadmeとの間で苦悩していた。そんな中、Sithが誘惑をしついにAnakinはJediに反旗を翻し、ダークサイドへ転落。Darth Vederと変貌を遂げる。Padmeには双子が産まれ、一人はLuke、もう一人はLeiaと名づけられる。

これで、Episod IIIからVIへ話が完璧につながりましたね~。本当に壮大なストーリーです。
War! The Republic is crumbling
under attacks by the ruthless
Sith Lord, Count Dooku.
There are heroes on both sides.
Evil is everywhere.
In a stunning move, the
fiendish droid leader, General
Grievous, has swept into the
Republic capital and kidnapped
Chancellor Palpatine, leader of
the Galactic Senate.

As the Separatist Droid Army
attempts to flee the besieged
capital with their valuable
hostage, two Jedi Knights lead
a desperate mission to rescue the
captive Chancellor....

Independence Day

(邦題:インデペンデンス・デイ) 1996

Starring: Will Smithy, Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum, Mary McDonnell, Judd Hirsch

Director: Roland Emmerich

宇宙センターで衛星アンテナが奇妙な音をキャッチした。報告によると、質量が月の4分の1もある巨大な物体が地球に接近しつつあるという。その正体は異星人の宇宙空母であった。彼らは人類への攻撃を開始し、主要都市は一瞬にして廃墟と化す。絶滅の危機にさらされた人類は、ついに史上最大の作戦を開始する! (by Amazon)

この映画からWill SmithはThanksgiving Dayの公開映画に欠かせない俳優になりましたねぇ~。楽しい映画です。

(邦題:スパイダーマン) 2002

Starring: Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Willem Dafoe, James Franco
Director: Sam Raimi

アメリカンコミックのHeroの一人、Spider-Man。さえない高校生のPeter Parkerがある日Super-spiderに噛まれたことがきっかけで突然変異。自分の能力にびっくりするものの、元々オタクの素質があるPeterは、Spider-Manのコスチュームを作り、N.Y.の町中で起こる悪いことに立ち向かっていました。Peterは同級生のMary Jane Watsonに想いをよせています。町中でSpider-Manが有名になっていく中、Mary JaneもSpider-Manの話をするようになり、正体を伝えたいPeterですが、なかなかできず・・・。

Peterの幼馴染のHarry Osbornは、Peterと正反対で性格は社交的、ルックスも格好よい。でも、Peter、Harry、Mary Jane 3人とも仲良しだったのです。

ある日Peterの叔父Benは事故で亡くなってしまいます。Peterは叔父の言葉"with great power, comes great responsibility"を思い出し、fight crimeと街を守るために自分の力を使おうと決心するのです。そんな時、Harryの父、Norman Osbornはevilの力を手に入れ、Green Goblinとなり町中で暴れます・・・。


Spider-Man 2
(邦題:スパイダーマン 2) 2004

Starring: Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Rosemary Harris
Director: Sam Raimi

Mary Jane Watsonへの想いを断ち切ろうと、Spider-Manとして責任をもつことを決意したPeterは、大学生になった。でも、M.J.への想いは募るばかり。一方、Mary Janeは女優の道へ進んでいました。Harryは、自分の父を殺したSpider-Manが許せず憎しみが増すばかり。

Peterの生活は複雑になっていきます。大学の教授Dr. Otto Octaviusに気に入られ、教授のヘルプをしますが、教授は興味本位で実験をし、悪の力を手に入れDoc Ockとなってしまいます・・・。


Spider-Man 3
(邦題:スパイダーマン 3) 2007

Starring: Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Topher Grace, Thomas Haden Church, James Franco
Director: Sam Raimi

Peterは、ずっと憧れていたMary Jane watsonと恋愛することができました。N.Y.の町には、Spider-Maniaが溢れていました。ある日、Spider-Manのスーツが赤から黒に変わってしまい、パワーがうまく使えなくなってしまうPeterは、苦悩します。




X-Man、Fantastic 4、Batman良いですよねぇー☆おっと、一つ日本の映画も入れなくちゃ♪Godzillaもね。