すごい、すごい、またまたNintendoが楽しいものを作りましたねぇ~。冬休みはwii musicで親戚と遊んでました。親戚みんなでハマって、ミュージシャンになりきっていました☆


ドラムは、wii fitがあると更に楽しめるんですよ。
Awesome! What a amazing game the Nintendo invented!! I had played "wii music" with relatives during winter holiday. That game is awfully addicting. We act like musicians.
I pretend to be a singer, drummer, guitarist, percussionist, and DJ!
Did you know that "Cat" is a part of music... I've never heard.
If you have "wii fit", you enjoy more! You can play drum set so real. Even I don't play wii music, I image training. That is so fun!!
Let's try it!
2 件のコメント:
I can't carry a tune, so this game isn't for me... I guess...
I got "wii" this winter as my BD present, I do not buy software, yet.
What I am doing with "wii"??
Well...I connected with the Internet and read a news and a weather forecast and fortune-telling!! That's all!!
I told people around me that I want a "wii" ...finally, when i got it...it sit on the shelf and collecting only the dust.
no, no, no!! that is not that way to use wii!!! You should enjoy game! At the first, I recommend to play "HAJIMETE NO WII". That's fun. Well, the first of all you should make/draw mii! Try it. It'll be really fun.