木曜日, 7月 23, 2009

Can you find?

I found Bryan's workshop pictures!
This studio is Yoga spot in Yokohama.

Can you find where I am?
Stretch one hand and leg. It's difficult to keep a balance. This pose works for arms and hip.

そそ、ちょっと前だけど、meetupでpower yogaクラスがありまし。その時の画像も発見!
この時のPower yogaの先生は、オーストラリア人のDylan先生です。

I also found pictures which I attended power yoga class of meetup.
The teacher is Dylan from Australia.

This is salutation seal. Focus to our breathes.

うむむ。このポーズなんだったったっけ? Intense Side Stretch poseかな~? でも、そうしたら腕が違う方向だにゃぁ~。って、こんな感じで、先生によってポーズも微妙に違うんです。

I guess this pose is "intense side stretch"... I'm not sure.
Anyway, power yoga poses depends on teachers. There is slightly different.

Just in case, if you have never heard "meetup", I let you know.
Meetup is doing, learning and sharing something with common interests. There is not much group in Japan so far, but you may have chance to meet foreign people. For example, movies, books, meals, pizza, philosophy, etc. Check it out!

土曜日, 7月 18, 2009

Bryan Kest's Power Yoga workshop


先週末、パワーヨガの第一人者Bryan Kestのワークショップが横浜であったので参加してきました。サンタモニカのスタジオでは、時間に間に合わずRudyのクラスを取ったので、Bryanのクラスは初めて。

It's passed already a week...
I took Bryan Kest's power yoga workshop at Yokohama.

Bryan Kestって誰?って思いますよね。26年間パワーヨガをやっている人です。ハワイでDavid William氏と最初にクラスを始め、次にBrad Ramsey とインド国外にアシュタンガ・ヨガを広めた人なんです。(とは言え、私もこんな凄い人ってあとから知ったんですが・・・たまたま今年L.A.へ行くのでPower Yoga Classをネットで検索していたらBryanを見つけたんですよね。)

Who is Bryan Kest? He is known for matchless range of power yoga. He has been practicing power yoga for more than 26 years. The first he started in Hawaii with David Williams and Brad Ramsey in the 2nd ashtanga yoga class in the world outside of India. (However, I've never known such the great guy he is. When I checked power yoga studio in L.A. for my vacation, accidentally I found it.)

最初のクラスは、パワーヨガ・ワークショップ 13:00~15:30。Santa Monicaのクラスもだいたい2時間なので、ちょっと頑張ちゃったって感じです。

次のクラスはLong Slow & Deepストレッチクラス 16:30~19:30。でも、結局終了したのはほぼ20時。普段のストレッチがどれだけ適当かって思い知らされました。ゆったりとしたクラスですが、1ポーズ約2分間同じポーズって、結構大変!!

Talking about the workshop, I've never had such a looooooong stretch of time. The first class was regular power yoga workshop from 13:00 to 15:30. It's almost similar to Santa Monica class. But, a lesson in Santa Monica is about 2 hours.... I would say good job, Cana! ha, ha.

The next class was Long Slow & Deep stretches from 16:30 to 19:30. When it all finished, it was about 20:00!! Can you believe it? Well, taking his stretch class made me very aware of how my daily stretch isn't right. That class was very slow. It took a pose for 2 minutes. It was quite hard.


Believe or not, even I took more than 6 hours, that felt good and refreshed my body and mind! I only got sleepy little bit. I shaped up. As I was expected I got muscle ache that I didn't use not much daily.

は~、Santa Monicaに住んでいたら、毎日Bryanのクラス受けれるのにな~。

If I lived in Santa Monica, I could take his class everyday....


Here is Bryan's words...

The body talks to us in the language of sensation! It says, "that feels good" and "that does not." The reason for this is to keep us safe. Why would we not listen to what we are feeling? How far we go in a pose should be directly related to how it feels and whether we can breathe free, not holding the breath and straining.


What do you think? Can you empathize?

水曜日, 7月 15, 2009


Oh, my!気づくともう7月。2009年折り返しちゃいましたねぇ~。早いもんです。

Wow, it's already in July!! It's passed a half of year. I can't believe how quickly the time goes!

なかなかの珍道中です。神戸=伊丹空港って思っていたから、何も考えずに羽田空港⇔伊丹空港のチケットを購入していたんですが・・・。伊丹空港から新神戸(Crown Plaza Hotel)は遠かったです。(結局、帰りは神戸空港から帰りました。初です!!)

I went to see my Taiwanese best friend, Lili to Kobe instead of Taiwan on the last weekend. That was kind remarkable trip because I got lost alots!
I thought Itami Airport was close to Kobe area, but it's not. I purchased a round trip ticket from Haneda to Itami. Well, it tooks about 1 hour from Itami Airport to a hotel in Shin-Kobe. (Actually, I came back from Kobe Airport instead of Itami. It was the first time to use Kobe Airport!)

I roamed at a underground mall in Sannomiya about 15 minutes. Finally I found the metro. And, I went to wrong an exit, so it took 10 minutes to get a hotel. (If I'm right, it only takes 2 minutes to hotel lobby!!)

ホテルは、Crown Plaza Hotelです。裏山にロープウエーが!!

部屋から、神戸のランドマーク、ポートタワーが見えました!流石に、天気が馬馬虎虎(中国語で、so, so、日本語ではそこそこね!)だったので、全体的に濁ってますねぇ~。

I stayed Crown Plaza Hotel. That was nicer than I expected. There was a rope way to backside of mountain. From my room, I could see the port tower which is a landmark of Kobe. Please don't mention about weather. This was not so bad! That day supposed to rain. I used my "good weather" power! ha, ha. By the way, "so, so" is "Ma ma, Fu fu" in Chinese.

そして久し振りにLiliと再開~♪Nothing has changed... はは。

Finally, I met Lili! ha, ha She has nothing changed.

まずは、三宮駅と元町駅を勘違い。改めて、三宮駅から元町駅へ移動したつもりが・・・・快速乗ったらしく到着したのは神戸駅。ってことで諦めて、その日はSeattle the best coffeeでお茶。Liliが大阪弁しゃべれたら、間違いなく“なんでやねんっ!”ってつっこまれていたんだろうな~。(笑)

After we chat, I supposed to take her to "Kannon-ya" where is my favorite cheese cake place. I confused Sannomiya and Motomachi station. Anew we got a train to Motomachi station. I didn't know we got a rapid train. I thought it was Motomachi station, but there was Kobe station! We gave up to find "Kannon-ya", so we went to Seattle the Best Coffee. ha, ha. If Lili could speak Osaka dialect, she may feed and say "NANDEYANEN"!

be continued...