Oh, my!びっくりしましたねぇ~。パトリック・スェイジ(俳優)さんが57才で亡くなったそうです。
Patrick Swayzeと言えば、“Ghost”ですよね。私は、“Ghost”見て初めて知りました。
私にとってもPatrick Swayzeと言えば、Keanuと共演した“Point Break”です。
Point Break (1991)
Patric Swayze...Bodhi
Keanu Reeves...Johnny
Gary Busey...Pappas
Lori Petty... Tyler
L.A.に引っ越してきた警官Johnny Utah(Keanu Reaves)は、相棒をなくしたPappas(Gary Busey)と組み、大統領のマスクをかぶった銀行強盗を捕まえるために潜入捜査を始めた。犯人達がサーファーというのを確信し、JohnnyはTyler(Lori Petty)に近づきサーフィンを習う。そして、Bodhi達と知り合うことになった。
というか、この映画に出ているサーファー役の俳優さん、みんな素敵です☆(そう言えば、この映画にRed Hot Chillie Peppersのvol. Anthonyが出てましたねぇ~。
Patrick Swayzeさんのご冥福をお祈りいたします。
Oh, my! Patrick Swayze passed away at 57. He seemed he was good shape. His best known movie is Ghost. However, I like "Point Break".
Point Break (1991)
Patric Swayze...Bodhi
Keanu Reeves...Johnny
Gary Busey...Pappas
Lori Petty... Tyler
Patric Swayze...Bodhi
Keanu Reeves...Johnny
Gary Busey...Pappas
Lori Petty... Tyler
Katheryn Bigelow's 1991 action thriller "Point Break" is still a ground-breaking film of the early nineties. It tells the story of the cop John Utah (Keanu Reaves) hunting a bunch of bank robbers camouflaged with masks of the former U.S. presidents.
His investigations leads to a group of surfers and extreme sports worshippers, and the cop becomes fascinated by the free-style philosophies and adrenaline rushes of the gang around the charismatic leader Bodhi (Patrick Swayze).
Their close friendship changes to a hard-fought rivalry at the end when cop and gangsters face point blank. Bigelow uses typically American surf beach settings for this unusual and very stylish action thriller with great stunts like parachuting scenes, bank robberies, a car chase, police raids, martial arts, breath-taking chases and brilliantly photographed surf sequences. Watch out for the Red Hot Chillie Peppers as a gang of brutal surf nazis beating up Keanu Reeves and being captured by him during a hard-fought police raid. (by imdb)
I like this movie because it's not only action, but also friendship and lifestyle. All surfer are so cool in this movie.
May his soul rest in peace.
2 件のコメント:
DIRTY DANCINGもそうだったのですよね。
リメイクであるDIRTY DANCING: HAVANA NIGHTSも良かったです。Patrickさんもっ出演しているしね。
Dirty Dancing...Cableで見たきがするけど、実はあまり覚えてないんだよね。それよりか女装の映画、あれは強烈だったね!!(笑)