水曜日, 11月 25, 2009


Guess who is there?
He is not member of WWE. He is Zakk Wylde!!
When I had a lunch meeting at HRC in Roppongi, Zakk was upsatirs! WOW!!
What a lucky coincidence!!
He was playing whole time. Actually that was a dealer show. He was invieted to play his Gibson guitars.
Thank you Zakky!

火曜日, 11月 24, 2009

my deepest sympathies

Oh, my.

I heard with deep regret of the passing of Lica's grandmother. Please accept my sympathy. I know that grief of losing a grandmother. I know how difficult to accept reality, but only time heals everything.
That's true.

When my mom passed away, my teacher told me that the first 3 years you are not able to accept your reality, but somehow you try to understand. After 5 years, you can talk "dear departed" in your mind naturally. Believe or not it's true. And after 10 years, you can talk about "dear departed" to everybody without tears. You don't need to try, it leaves to your mercy.

Don't worry your grandma will always be by your side not matter what.
If you lose your spirits, you grandma feels let down. Don't you make her happy?

Once again, may her soul rest in peace.

水曜日, 11月 18, 2009

Universal Studio Japan


Hee, hee I put ELMOs photo suddenly. I guess that picture is the best in this trip.


My co-worker, Micchan and I tripped to Kyoto and Osaka in the last weekend.


We luck with weather. All days were good weather even weather forecast was cloud and rain on Friday and Saturday. Can you believe it? Especially when we went to USJ, it was perfect clear sky! That was nice.


In the morning, it was coldly, and this picture was grayish... USJ is totally Christmas.

とぉくの方に見えるのは、巨大ツリーです。SPIDER-MAN the rideの近くにあるんです。夜になるとイルミネーションがとっても綺麗です。ツリーの色が変化して、キラッキラ輝いてます。

In the distance, you can see a Christmas tree. It's huuuuuuuge! The night time is perfect to see. Christmas lights are so pretty.

そして、そのSPIDER-MAN。なっ、なんとNew Yorkの街並みに登場~☆
ここ、Photo spotで、写真を撮ってくれるんですが・・・お願い、カメラマンさん写真を撮るときに、“Nice, Spider~!”って言わないでぇ~!!!(苦笑)E.T.の所では、“Nice, E.T.~!”って言われた。トホホ。

SPIDER-MAN appeared in New York! Yes, here is photo spot. A photographer shoot a picture. When she shot, she said "Nice, Spider~" instead of "cheese". Oh, my...
I acted like Spider-man's girlfriend, MJ. ha, ha. The next to him, that is Micchan.

Christmasのパレード "Happy Snow Party"やっていました。ここにも、もちろんELMO~♪でも、その隣のジンジャークッキーが気になりませんか?おにぎり型の顔のジンジャークッキ!!!

You can see Christmas parade, "Happy Snow Party" in the park. Here is Elmo, again. I can't help paying attention to ginger cookie because his face is inverted triangle shape. His face must be round... don't you think?

Snoopyエリアで、ルーシーのpsychiatric helpを受けてきました。
I got Lucy's Psychiatric help!


Can you find me?



After USJ, we went to Higashi-Umeda.
We had a dinner at "Tetsujin no mise" in Ohatsu Tenjin. This shop is produced by Mr. Kanemoto who is baseball player and also is owned by a company I know. An acquaintance booked for us.


I have no idea how many times I said "Yummy!" in this trip.


This restaurant has opened recently, so it's so beautiful and clean.


We had Tontoro-yaki, Butatama, Negi-yaki, etc. Oh, everything was soooooo good.


Saturday was over.
(I'll write 1st day thing someday... hee, hee.)


One little, two little, three little ELOMO~♪って


Universal Studio Japan、Hollywood AreaにあるBeverly Hills Boulangerie店内にELMOSがいます。じゃなかった、売ってます。






金曜日, 11月 13, 2009

glitter lights


うーん、Thanksgiving Day前だからまだちょっと早いんだけどなぁ~。




木曜日, 11月 12, 2009

Welcom, Mr. President, first visit to Japan!

いよいよ、アメリカ大統領President Obamaが来日しますね。

Mr. President of the United States, Barack Obama will visit to Japan.
Media have examined whether Mr. President will visit Hiroshima or not these days.
I saw unforgettable interview at a news.


"Do you expect to Mr. President visit to Hiroshima?" A 91-year old lady who are A-bomb survivor answered, "I don't demand an apology to Mr. President. However, I hope he visit to Hiroshima. That way, I believe that A-bomb victims will be comforting if he will. I hope that it comes true before I die. If I see it, I can realize that it recover from wartime devastation."

私の祖母は女性と同じ被爆者です。祖母は、私がアメリカへ行っても全く嫌な顔せずに、それどころかLos Angelesは住みやすいねー。って。全くひどい体験をしたとは思えないほど寛容です。

What do you think? Don't you think this opinion is very powerful. She is so tiny lady, but it's so forceful. Forgiveness... It's not easy to find and meet a person who has such a big heart in this world. Ironically, people who experienced war are really strong, generous, and great capacity. My grandmother were A-bomb survivor, too. Even when I have been to the U.S., she'd never pull a face at me. Moreover, she liked to stay in Los Angeles. I forgot that she had really bad and sad experienced by war.


On the other hand, "What do you think that if Mr. President visit to Hiroshima?" A man who was crew of A-bomb plane said, "If Mr. President goes to Hiroshima on a sightseeing trip, I don't mind, but he goes to apology, I disagree violently." For him, if Mr. President would apology, his assignment was denied. BUT...


61% of American people think that it was no choice to A-bombing to finish the war.


I agree to a 91-year old lady. Even the current President express regret, it won't come back anything. We should think the future. That is why I also hope he to see and feel recovered the city from the war. I'm sure Mr. President knows how war is god-awful. Even people become devils.


I would like to make her dream reality.

火曜日, 11月 10, 2009



同僚のともえぴょんがHawaiiのお土産に買ってきれました。“SUGOI SAUCE”。

4月にL.A.に行った時に実は、ともえぴょんにあったら買ってきてと頼まれていたのですが、さすがHawaii本土にはないですねぇ~。100% Hawaii madeだからかな。

って、名前がスゴイですよね。SUGOI SAUCEは2種類あって、ガーリック味とスパイシー味。私がいただいたのは、Garlic。


牛肉をマリネードして焼いて食べたら美味しかった~☆そして、お肉に相性の良い、LicaさんからもらったBaby leavesと一緒に食べたのですよぉー。うっ、またしてもやってしまった・・・。また写真撮るのを忘れてた(汗)それはまた今度♪

Thank you Tomoe-phon!!


My co-worker, Tomoe-pyon gave to me "SUGOI SAUCE" from Hawaii. It's 100% Hawaiian made. Actually she asked me to get it at Los Angeles when I went in April, but there was not. Presumably this sauce is forbidden to export to mainland! ha, ha.

The name is exaggerated! Don't you think?

SUGOI SAUCES are Garlic and Spicy Garlic Sauce. I got a Garlic sauce. It's totally garlic, but sweet. Ummm... I like it!

I marinated beef and baked. And I put beef on a bed of baby leaves that Lica send to me. That was sooooooooooooooooooo yummy! This sauce is matched meat. Sorry again, after I finished my dish I realized I didn't take a picture again.... hee, hee. As usual, huh.

You can imagine how good is. Thank you Tomoe-phon!

月曜日, 11月 09, 2009

organic baby leaves

Lica send me bunch of baby leaves for salads. Thank you!!

That's my favorite food! ha, ha. I guess I was a plant-eating animal...

These leaves are 100% organic, so they are still fresh and crispy.

Yesterday I ate simple salad with balsamic vinaigrette and olive oil. One of my favorite Italian restaurant in Los Angeles, "LA BOTTEGA Marino", they serve "Insalate Tricolore". That's the one I like. It's totally simple. I guess they have good balsamic vinaigrette!

Today I had salad with sesame dressing. That's also good. (After I bit, I realized I should take a picture before I ate... Even one bite, the dish was not pretty...)

Umm... How about tomorrow.... Maybe I'll make Lemon pasta with organic basil.

80s party?


ネットで80s Partyがあるって見つけたので、同僚誘って行ってきました~。

"Studio 54"を彷彿させる"Studio 55"ですって言うので、ワクワクしながら行ったのですが・・・。もちろん、ほんとの"Studio 54"は行った事ないんですが、映画で見て、楽しそうだなーって。その映画がきかけで、Las VegasのMGMに"Studio 54"ができたんですよね。ここは相当~ドレスコード厳しそうですよぉ~。


ドレスコードは"80年代です"って事だったので、ピンクの皮ジャン&ピンクのニーハイブーツを引っ張りだそうと思ったけど、やっぱり私の80年代は、L.A. metalなので、一般の80年代とズレているかもと思って、H/Mへ走りました♪さすが、H/M期待を裏切らずちゃんとあるじゃないですか☆



Studio 54を復活ということだったら、すっかりDISCOを想像していたのに・・・確かにDJはいるし、ミラーボールはあるんだけど・・・。踊るって感じの場所ではなく。Performerに2人女の子がいるだけ。うーん。せっかく良い曲が流れているのに・・・。



木曜日, 11月 05, 2009

I'll be there~♪

Oh, my. We lost the greatest pop star.

I went to see "Micheal Jackson's This is it" yesterday night. That was awesome. You should see it at the screen.

Needless to say, he could sing, dance, choreography, arrange songs, and write music!!
We lost the greatest entertainer.

I guess he was too sensitive to live in this real world (not like us), unfortunately. He is an natural born artist. Gee, I was so lucky. I had a chance to see his concert in Tokyo at once. That was loooooooooooong time ago.

When I saw Billy Jean today, I recalled that concert. Actually my favorite song is "I'll be there". Today I saw this movie, I like "Smooth Criminal".

I know some of family member doesn't like this movie because they don't want to show incomplete Michael's stage, however this was last chance to see real Michael at the stage even rehearsals.

I'm strongly recommended to see this movie at a screen! That was spectacular. You've never forget it!
