L.A.の「癒しと藝術の旅」と台湾の「結婚式出席旅行」を書かなきゃ・・・って思っていたら、今朝、Metal LegendのRonnie James Dioの訃報が飛び込んできました。
Ronnie James Dio。私はお茶目なOzzy OsbourneのVocalが好きなんですが、Black SabbathのファンはRonnie派とOzzy派に二分されますよね。Dio=北島三郎イメージがあるんですよね。へへ。Dioのファンに怒られちゃいそう。ごめんなさい。 
代表曲は、た~くさんありますが、"Man on the Silver Mountain", "Heaven and Hell"。
Dio, followed Ozzy Osbourne as Black Sabbath's lead vocalist in 1979. (I like Ozzy...)
Many musicians recalled about Dio. You can check at CNN site.
Kiss, Slash, Nikki Sixx (Motely Crue), Scott (Anthrax), and more.
Dio was well-liked from many musicians.
He has absolute pitch. Despite his looks, his voice is so finess and high-tone. (Oops! I made a slip of the tongue... hee, hee)
Ronnie James Dio。私はお茶目なOzzy OsbourneのVocalが好きなんですが、Black SabbathのファンはRonnie派とOzzy派に二分されますよね。Dio=北島三郎イメージがあるんですよね。へへ。Dioのファンに怒られちゃいそう。ごめんなさい。

代表曲は、た~くさんありますが、"Man on the Silver Mountain", "Heaven and Hell"。
I was going to write about L.A. and Taipei trip, but I heard Dio's condolences in this morning.
He was 67. Heavy metal rocker Ronnie James Dio who lost his battle with stomach cancer passed away on May 16, 2010.
I was going to write about L.A. and Taipei trip, but I heard Dio's condolences in this morning.
He was 67. Heavy metal rocker Ronnie James Dio who lost his battle with stomach cancer passed away on May 16, 2010.
Dio, followed Ozzy Osbourne as Black Sabbath's lead vocalist in 1979. (I like Ozzy...)
Many musicians recalled about Dio. You can check at CNN site.
Kiss, Slash, Nikki Sixx (Motely Crue), Scott (Anthrax), and more.
Dio was well-liked from many musicians.
He has absolute pitch. Despite his looks, his voice is so finess and high-tone. (Oops! I made a slip of the tongue... hee, hee)
You know Dio's icon is his fingers. That is symbolized heavy metal!
"Man on the Silver Mountain" and "Heaven and Hell" are his masterpieces.
"Man on the Silver Mountain" and "Heaven and Hell" are his masterpieces.
We lost another legend vocalist...
May his soul rest in peace.
2 件のコメント:
日曜日になくなったみたいだね、で私は月曜日のYahoo! newsを見てしりました。