☆Germanyのコーチ Joachim Loew

☆Netherlandsのコーチ Bert Van Marwijk

だって、今始まったことじゃないし☆ice hockeyの試合だって、可愛い&かっこいいプレイヤーを探すのが醍醐味なんだけどなぇ~(これって、クーガー的発言!?)
もちろん、見て楽しいのは、ArgentinaのDiego Maradona!! 動きが、Ozzy Osbourneを彷彿させますねぇ~☆
At lunch time, my co-worker grouched at new and fickle soccer fans. If people like soccer, J-league fans should be increase, but people turn fans only once every four years. That's understandable. However, it can't be helped. Those games are so fun.
Uhhhh, my case it's not exact fickle fan. I like to see men from all the wold over!! hee, hee. :^) I noticed there are some good-looking couches in fields. ha, ha, ha. You know, good-looking players is introduced at TV. I gonna introduce cool-looking couches.
*Germany: Joachim Loew
Unfortunately, a picture posted on a FIFA site, he looks a tired man, but when you see in live, he is totally different! He looks good in suit.
*Netherlands:Bert Van Marwijk
He is, too. a picture posted on a FIFA site, it's not good, but when I saw at the field (of course on TV! ha, ha), he looks so cool. I can image when he was young, he must be gorgeous! Tell ya truth, actually, I found another good-looking man the next to. He is younger than couch. You can check Netherlands' game.
If I say, my co-worker laughed. I should see more game. That's true, but it can't be helped. Sorry. hee, hee. Even when I see ice hockey game, all the time I concerte to see who is good-looking! ha, ha. (sounds like a cougar!?)
Oh, I should mention that Argentina couch, Diego Maradona! His movement like Ozzy Osbourne! Who is your favorite? Let me know.