月曜日, 9月 27, 2010
Guitar Hero - iPhone
nail arts
日曜日, 9月 26, 2010
ruin brand by Japanese magazines
When we were the Stone Age, if we wanted to hear songs or read articles, we had to buy CDs or magazines, but now you can get by Internet by piece by piece. Record companies and magazine publishers sell new services and goods as the result of trial and error. You can buy a piece by piece at the Apple store instead of whole CD. It's kind sad thing. You know, musicians and artists produce CD with their concept, but listeners don't care about it. They just want to get "top 100 songs". About Magazines, you can get certain information thru Internet, so don't need to buy...
Then, as a last-ditch measure, some magazines sell with extras. That's the thing I don't like.
Extras are something with brand's name such as eco-bags, cosmetic pouches, pencil cases. They said exclusive collaboration. WRONG! Of course brands are authorized to use their name tags, but there are no originality.
I remember when I was child, I saw shopping bags, slippers, sandals and towels with brand name tags such as pierre cardin, Celine, Fendi, and more. That time I didn't know they were hi-end brands. A couple month ago, I watched a news about pierre cardin. In 1970s, pierre cardin had authorized to use their name. Then, it's spread. Maybe at the first, it was good to be familiarized, but those slippers and towels looks cheap, so brand name was ruined. In this year, pierre cardin has tried to hit rewind lost ground again.
If you are familiar to hi-end brands, you know long-established brands such as Louis Vuitton, Prada, Celine, Cartier, Gucci, and more. (including pieer cardin) Their brand name are firm and unshakable.
I guess it's recurred by magazine publishers. Well, this time it's not hi-end brand. However, Marc Jacobs was one of victims. Last year, you could see every girls had cheap eco-bag with Marc Jacobs name. They were magazine extras! Marc Jacobs isn't cheap brand like Forever 21!
We can't laugh about neighbourhood countries where people sell fake brand goods. To me, it worse. If magazines sell well, is it O.K.?
What do you think? Am I too stubborn?
火曜日, 9月 21, 2010
月曜日, 9月 20, 2010
people I'm interested...
You may be surprised... hee, hee.
"Three Rivers"
アメリカでは2009年にCBSで始まったドラマで、現在FOXで放送中。"The L Word (Lの世界)"のShane役のKatherine Moenningがドクター役で出ているピッツバーグのThree Riversという病院で起こる、移植医療の物語。
で、気になる人は・・・Dr. David Lee役のDaniel Henney。モデル経験があるだけあって、背がとっても高くgood shapeです♥ "X-Men Origins: Wolverine"でAgent Zero役だったらしい・・・うぅ~ん、記憶がないな・・・。
Korean-American のママとBritish-Americanのパパを持つと、こんなにカッコいい子が生まれるらしいぃ~(笑)↑一番左が、Dr. Lee
"The Mentalist"
アメリカでは2008年からCBSで放送されていて、日本では現在Super! drama TVで放送中。
犯罪心理のスペシャリストJane(Simon Baker)が、California Bureau of Investigation (CBI)で、捜査コンサルタントとして難事件を解決していくドラマ。"Prison Brake"で弁護士Veronica役をしていたRobin Tunneyや、"The O.C."にKirstenの妹Hailey役で出演していたAmanda Righettiも出演☆彼女は綺麗ですよねぇ~。で、きっと私はSimon Bakerが気になるんでしょ?と言われそうですが、裏切りますよ!!ははは。
Kimball Cho役のTim Kangです。"Ghost Whisperer"にも出てたんですよね。うわははは、どーだ!
University of California at Berkerly 卒業していて、B.A. (Political Science)持っているんだって。さらに、M.F.A.も持ってるって☆(なんとHarvard Universityの!!)すっ、すごい経歴の持ち主。さすが、勤勉のアジア系アメリカ人ですねぇ~。困った時の顔の眉毛がハの字になるところが気になってしょうがないんですよねぇ~。しょーもない(笑)
土曜日, 9月 18, 2010
party @Peninsula Hotel
木曜日, 9月 16, 2010
仕事も終わって、部長のfavorite placeの味噌煮込みうどんのお店に連れられて。。。(まだ5時なんだけどなぁ~、と思ったけど)味噌煮込みうどんをいただきました。煮込みのわりには、うどんがアルデンテのアルデンテ。ははは。
月曜日, 9月 13, 2010
Tully's Coffee

日曜日, 9月 12, 2010
Fashion Night Out 2010

日付が変わって、Sep. 12ですが・・・
昨日は、忘れられないSep. 11でしたね。もう9年も経つんですねぇ~。まだ最近起こった出来事のようです。Sep. 11の事を聞くと動悸が・・・。L.A.にいたけど、1週間、空に飛行機がないっていう異様な景色は、本当に怖かったし、次はHollywoodって言われて。言い表せない恐怖でした。
本当に、Sep. 11で亡くなった方々にはご冥福を祈り、遺族の方々には、一日も早く平穏な日々が暮らせるようになって欲しいです。どんな人種でろうと、どこに住んでいようと、平和に過ごす権利はありますよね。peace with you!
I went to "Fashion Night Out 2010" in Omotesando, Tokyo. This is the 2nd time. The last time I saw many adorable fashionistas, but not much this year. Where are they!?
Until 11:30p.m. you could shop, but there are many high-end shops, so I enjoyed window shopping! ha, ha.
I met adorable dog "Naozou". He is cute, isn't it?
It passed Sep. 11. OMG, it's been 9 years after the catastrophe. I hope everyone lives in a peaceful country. It doesn't matter who are you and where you live. Peace with you.