この人達の事を、私はfatty personと名づけています。だって厚かましいでしょ?(☆これは、体系でなく性格の事です!)
fatty personの特徴は、太っていないのにダイエットばっか気にして、立ち居振る舞いが全くスマートでない典型的な日本人。 「厚顔無恥」=fatty personかな。
When I backed from Los Angeles, I guess that bizarre Japanese people increase in number. What do you think? Today I gonna grumble. ha, ha.
For instance, a person who puts makeup unselfconsciously, a person who doesn't mind noise leaking from that person's headphones, a person who read newspaper with spreading arms and such a short foot wide apart, a person who eat a lunch box brazenly, a person who loud talk on cell-phone even there is attention, a person tap out e-mail message on cell-phone at courtesy seat on the train and bus. If I see those people I always think why don't you get off a train, if you talk or even if you have to pick up the phone, why don't you use useful function of cell-phone, and if you want to use cell-phone, why don't you move you butt from courtesy seat!
Even politics are the same unfortunately. People in the Congress are always say "for the people!" only before elections. What a crap! Our national pension should be used for OUR national pension! however, they have built facilities that even people not use! and also their luxury dormitory in the prime land of Tokyo. I'm so awfully annoyed with Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry!! There are so many who suffered by AIDS cused by contaminated blood products, but wired sub Health Minister commented "we are not doctors, that way why we didn't announce who are the patients". Can you understand that mean??? They suppose to help and support us health and life, right? If Health Minister knew a long time ago, no wonder, he should tell patients!!!! Why can they think more simple? Is this crude opinion?
I named this person "fatty person" because she/he is impudent person, isn't he? (I'm talking about behavior! not shape!!) This features are that the person is not so fat, but dieter, and also uncouth behavior. That is typical Japanese!!!!! "Fatty person" is barefaced impudence.
Many Japanese women snatched the bestselling " Women's dignity". By accident I saw that was featured on TV. EXACTLY what I think about it! According to the book, if you have a dignity, you shouldn't indulge in a fad. YES! That means those of people who stood in long line to purchase this book are no dignity! (Do I have a bad mouth?)
I guess that person who full of grace is reflected her lifetime and experiences. Knowledge is "Women's dignity", except grace guide it.
I wonder when Japan bust-up in the future, or it's too late? I'm grouch today....