月曜日, 12月 31, 2007

tick-tack, tick-tack


振り返ると、いろいろな事があったんですよねぇ~。旅行もなんだかんだ言って、国内2回(大分&京都)+L.A.2回。楽しかったですねぇ~。(1月のAnaheimは仕事でしたが・・・でも毎晩Los Angelesまでドライブして友達にも会えたし!)大分では、cuteな牛くんに会えたし、寝ブッタも見れたし!!(タイまで行かなくても今や福岡で見えるんですよ!)

I just finished to pack trunk for Los Angeles. Oh-oh. It's been already 31st!!!!!
It seems that the days are flying by. Elderly people often say that time will speed up as someone gets older, I totally agree!!! Considering the record of the past year, I had a lot of events. I went out for trips including this time. I went to California, Oita and Kyoto. I enjoyed my stay. I met so cute cows in Oita, saw reclining Buddha in Fukuoka. I had a tea ceremony in Kyoto.

I had fantastic times because you made my day! Thank you so much. Actually my favorite grandma passed away on June. She was peaceful at rest. She is always on my mind, so I'm alright.
Anyway, I'd like to take this occasion to wish you a happy new year, 2008.

土曜日, 12月 29, 2007

Maison Paul Bocuse

や~っと2007年の仕事終了しましたー!(昨日ですが・・・)で、昨日は納会を兼ねた会社主催のファミリーパーティに出席してきたんですが。。。これが、これが、背伸びしすぎの場所で、社員全員浮きまくってました(笑)レストラン・ヒラマツの傘下って言えばよいのかな~。もともとフランス料理のMonsieur, Paul Bocuseさんの日本のレストランなんですって。Maison Paul Bocuseです。代官山にあるんです。デンマーク大使館やらエジプト大使館が周りにあって、と~ってもオッシャレ~な場所です。雰囲気は好きですねぇ~。えへ。

Finally I got off work in 2007! (Actually, yesterday!) Yesterday we had the last meeting of the year and company's family party at Daikanyama where is fancy town. There are some embassies and brand-name stores. I like atmosphere, but many co-workers looked out of place. ha, ha.
Anyway, the resturant is Maison Paul Bocuse which is listed on the Michelion Guide. I don't trust that guide, but this place is awesome!
In the beginning of the party, head honcho gave a speech. I was distracted because many plates had been set out on a table. It smelled cooking from plates!!! Especially au gratin! Ummm... That was soooooo goood!
If you have a chance, please try it!

木曜日, 12月 27, 2007

bracken-starch dumpling (わらび餅)+green tea

It's been a while to talk about some sweets.
When I went to Kyoto with my friend, Sai-chan, we listed some cafes where we were interested, but we drifted from place to place in Arashimaya, so we were completely exhausted. That was why we walked into a cafe, "INE". Actually, this was good. Maybe we have a sharp nose for sweets, ha, ha! Good thing is they serve inexpensive green tea and seewts. It's only 550~800 yen. And also, green tea is light taste, so it's quaffable. (A real green tea is really really really bitter!!!)

Talking about "bracken-starch dumpling ". We called WARABI-MOCHI. I like "Shingen-mochi" . "Shingen-mochi" which is dredged Soybean Flour in black sugar syrup, is a famouse Japanese-style confection. I guess it makes good souvenirs. Actually "Shingen-mochi" was award-winning Japanese confection at Narita Airport.
Do you have any recommend Warabi-mochi? Please let me know!



水曜日, 12月 26, 2007

Full moon





写真撮りたかったけど・・・きっと小さくて肝心のウサギが見えないだろうから。。。check it outです♪

When I took Pilates' class, it really got to me!

It is not really full moon, but this was the first time!! I could see a rabbit shape that jumped face sideways on the left side of moon!!!!!!!!!! It's never too late to see it, please check it out.

Believe or not you can see quite huge rabbit shape.

I wish I could take a picture, but I guess it'll be too small... Anyway check it out♪

火曜日, 12月 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!



Merry Christmasです♪サンタさんは来ましたか?


そうそう、薬害肝炎の一律救済が約束されて本当に良かったです!実は、先週blogに書きたかったんですが、でも、書き出すと収集がつかないのが分かっていたから、見守っていたんですが・・・でも、良い、Christmas presentsになったかな~とホットしています。別に私の周りに患者さんが居るわけじゃないんですが、次は自分がなるかもしれないと思うと、他人事じゃすまされないですよねぇ。



Gee... we've just had an earthquake!! (I really don't like it!!!!!!!!!) O.K. change the mood.
Merry Christmas♪ Did Santa Clause come to you?
We are not holiday on Christmas day in Japan, so I worked. Additionally, we only left 3 more business days in this year. That was why everybody has flitted in the office. It was not Christmas mood... Moreover, a pair of KADOMATSU which is new year's ornament is placed at the office's entrance. What a hasty! How about yours?
By the way, I believe firmly Santa Clause is here! I really wanted to complain about issue of HIV-tainted blood products in the last week, but finally it's developed rapidly! Every patients are able to be redeemable!! I am so relived. You know, we should remember that this can happen to us too! so I'm happy to hear about that. That is why I believe Santa Clause.
Well, connected "relived thing"... If you like dogs, why don't you check this URL out!
"Hot Lemon" drink HP accept application of your dog pictures. If you see them, you may feel comforted.

月曜日, 12月 24, 2007


wiiで遊んだことありますか?いやぁ~、よくぞここまで開発した!Nintendoすごいっ!!って感じです。本当は、祖父のボケ防止のために、叔母と購入したのですが、今や自分達がのめりこんでしまって大変ですっ!(笑) 祖父は本物のゴルフを3年前までやっていたので、wii sportsで楽しめるかなと思ったら・・・画面を見ずに、本当のゴルフと同じようにプレイするから・・・結構あっちゃこっちゃ打っているんですが、まっ、85才でも楽しんでできるからgoodでしょー。
叔母は、新しく出ているwii fitが欲しいらしく・・・一緒に探しに行ったけど・・・sold outでした。アメリカで売ってたら、買ってきてあげようかなぁ~(笑)


Have you played with the wii? That is awesome, don't you think? Nintendo is the great. Indeed, my aunt and I purchased for my grandpa to ward off dementia. However, my aunt and I were devoted wii!! Ha, ha.

Actually my grandpa had played golf 3 years ago. That was why we thought he could enjoy playing wii sports. He seems to like it, but he plays wii golf a not good hand... well, he is 85 years old, so it's O.K., right? My favorites are tennis and bowling. I don't have any sense to play golf either real nor wii sports, unfortunately.
My aunt wants to get wii fit. Today we went to an electric store, but they are sold out. Should I check it, when I go to Los Angeles? ha, ha.

Anyway today is Christmas eve. Did you spend a enjoyable time with your family, friends? (Actually, my aunts, uncle, grandpa and I did wii sports today! ha, ha.) Merry Christmas!

土曜日, 12月 22, 2007

Care La Boheme (Bon appetit!)

We have a casual Italian restaurants in Tokyo metropolitan district. It's a Cafe La Boheme. To me, it's a little small portion, but taste is good!
I had lunch with my friends today. I was so happy because "Desperato" spaghetti is came back on their menu! "Desperato" is many kinds vegetable mixed with tomato source. Umm... Yummy!

After that of course we had delicious dessert. I had Fondachocola which is chocolate souffle with vanilla ice cream. A dish adorned with chocolate source. Isn't it cute?
Good thing there are cigarette free restaurants!! YES! And also soft drinks are refill free!
I wish other restaurants emulate their excellence!


今日、友達とランチしたんです。いや~、嬉しかったのが、“絶望”というパスタがカンバックしていました!“絶望”って、名前が変でしょ?何でなんだろうって毎度思うんですが・・・沢山の野菜が使われているトマトソースのスパゲティなんです。美味しいんで、是非トライしてみてくださいね。そして、デザートも!今日、“フォンダ・ショコラ”ってチョコレートスフレを頼んだんですが、“Merry Xmas”って、キュートに書かれていて、みんなで思わず写真撮っちゃいました♪




吸う人ですら、人の煙は気になるって、わがままなこと言っているくらいです。JTさん、せめてすべてのタバコから煙を出さないように企業努力してくれって訴えたいですよね。もしくは、このタバコ公害をこうむっている、second hand smokeの人に謝罪して欲しいですよ。公害売って会社の利益を上げているんだから!



Uh-ho! It's after midnight... I attended a year-end party with my client. A year-end party is painful for me because of smoking! It stands to reason that smoking is bad for us health, but many Japanese people never quit... According to JT's commercial, number of smokers has decreased. I don't think so.

I don't smoke, but my body, hair, and clothes smell nasty. IT STINKY!! And also it gives me a headache and
sore throat. This is obviously common nuisance!! Don't you think? Even smokers don't like other people's smoky... They are so overindulgent, don't you think??

Anyway, I give tip for smokers. Even you smoke cigarette close to exhaust fan or outside, you are still stinky! Please chew a gum or drink tea before you come into a room. Please. You are really stinky!! That is nasty habit. I envy cigarette free environment like L.A.!!!

木曜日, 12月 20, 2007

distortion of a body

I took my picture for international driver license last week. Uh-oh! Look at my picture, my head, neck and shoulders seemed to be so strange. It seemed my body was distorted.
I went to a acupuncture clinic today and had manipulative treatment. Ouch! Ouch! I thought I had a pliant body because I do a stretching exercise almost everyday. According to a doctor, actually my tendons are really flexible, but muscles are not. WHAT? I wonder I do power yoga and pilates, but sounds like it won't work for me!???

Actually, it is worthwhile to do yoga and pilates, but I should keep doing more... for my flexible muscles. Ummm...

Good news is after the treatment, I felt slightly slim my lower body!! If you are not up to the mark, why don't you go to a acupuncture clinic, I'm sure it'll help you! I also recommend to do a stretching exercise!



水曜日, 12月 19, 2007

Cafe Med--West Hollywood

久しぶりにご飯の話~!West HollywoodのSunset Plaza内にある、イタリアン・ストラン、Cafe Med

場所がとっても分かりやすいので、見つけやすいですよ。UCLAのあるWestwoodからひたすら東へクネクネとした道を走ります。余談ですが、左手にEaglesの曲で有名な“Hotel California”の舞台になっている“Beverly Hills Hotel”が見えます。そこを越えるとWestHollywoodエリアに入り、Rainbow、Key Club、Wisky a go-go、などのクラブがある通りを越し、Sunset Plazaへ到着。ここ、Sunset PlazaはプチBeverly Hillsような雰囲気のお店が建ち並んでいるんです。

とにかく、立地条件がとっても良いので、初めてL.A.に行かれるかたにはお勧めです♪帰りはLa Cienegaを通って帰るとL.A.の夜景が見えて素敵です。

It's been a while... I'm talking about cuisine today!
Italian restaurant "Cafe Med" is located in Sunset Plaza, West Hollywood.

This restaurant is easy to find. If you go from UCLA, you just drive on Sunset Blvd. to east. When you pass by Beverly Hills Hotel, you are into West Hollywood area. This Sunset Plaza is similar to Rodeo Dr. in Beverly Hills. You may to see Hollywood celebrities.
I like Pizza, but I also recommend gnocchi. In response to your request, they try to make if it's possible. That is good thing in L.A.! On the menu, there was gnocchi with 4 kinds cheese source, but I requested tomato source. That was soooooo good!
Anyway, the atmosphere at Cafe Med is incredible. If the patio seats are available, I recommend to seat there. Try it!

火曜日, 12月 18, 2007

Season's Greetings

It's getting near Christmas Day. Can you hear the bell? I get so excited when I see flickers of light on a Christmas ornaments and tree! Anyway...

Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a peaceful new year!
Don't forget to put milk and some chocolate tip cookies in front of your home for Santa Claus in case he can take a break from delivering! ha, ha :^)

Love, Cana

Gorgeous package

叔母のクリスマスプレゼントを買いに、United Arrowsへ行ってみました。あった、あった、見つけました。BEAMSUnited Arrowsのセレクトって素敵ですよね♪

いつも過剰包装だから、袋とか断っているんですが、今日は思わずニッコリとお願いしちゃいました。みなさんはChristmas Shoppingしていますか?
I went shopping at the United Arrows for my auntie's Christmas present. I got it! I like BEAMS and United Arrows because they sell niche, unique, and cool things.

What a surprise! How lovely package is this, isn't it? I should say it's gorgeous! Even this shopping bag is so nice, and also it comes with this cute charm! (That reminds me... when I was kid, I often bought some stationery products at Sanrio. Each times I wondered what kind of charms came with and I had been so excited.)

Usually I reject a shopping bag because of too much packaging, but today I was so happy to see that packaging and couldn't say no.
Do you go to a mall for Christmas shopping?

月曜日, 12月 17, 2007

What can you see?


日本から友達が来た時に撮った写真です。バイクのモトクロスの試合を、San Bernadinoまで見にいったんです。L.A.からLas Vegasへ行く途中です。



まだ、こんな野生が残っているんだ~って。確かに、Beverly Hillsの奥地の家では、シカやアライグマが現れるって話を聞きますしね。東京から1時間車で移動しても、こんな普通だったはずの野生の姿は、保護地区や動物園でしか見れないですよね~。


Have a look-in this picture. What can you see?
When friend of mine visited to L.A., I took this. We went to see professional motocross game in San Bernadino. It takes about one hour from L.A. I was tired to see the game because noises as fly sounds fill the air and I spent too much time in the sun, so I was trying to find a shaded area. Oh, my! Heh, who's here?

That was the first time to see such a wild animals really close distance. I approached this tree, and those birds thought I was parent, so they cheeped. That was so cute!!

I was so surprised. Even we drive outside of Tokyo, we can't find those wild animals. We must take care those wild life, don't you think?

日曜日, 12月 16, 2007

Horseshoe Bay, B.C., Canada

West Vancouverよりちょっと北にあり、フェリー乗り場があるHorseshoe Bay。結構、映画で使われている場所なんですよ。羅列できなくて、ゴメンナサイ。確か、リチャード・ギアの映画もその一つ。
とにかく綺麗なんです。同じフェリー乗り場でも、Victoriaへ行くTsawwassenは、単なる商業用フェリー乗り場って感じさびしいですが、ここはのんび~りした町です。Vancouver市内から車で30分位だったかな(?)、ほんの少ししか離れていないのに、摩天楼のdowntown Vancouverと全く違い、穏やかな町並みを見ることができます。

West Vancouverも素敵な町で、VancouverのBeverly Hillsじゃないですけど、大きな家が建ち並ぶ豪華な町です。Vancouverへ行く機会があったら、downtownだけじゃなく足を伸ばしてみてください♪

Horseshoe Bay is part of a much larger municipality: the District of West Vancouver. Sometimes you may see at some movies. Unfortunately I can't list it now...

Anyway, this is colorful port than Tswwassen where is also B.C. Ferries port. Tsawwaseen is more commercial place, but here is peaceful and modest. You can take in a scenic overlook of shore. It takes about 30 minutes from downtown Vancouver by car.
West Vancouver is also spectacular scene. There is wealthier residential communities as Beverly Hills.
If you visit Vancouver, you better go out to West Vancouver and Horseshoe Bay♪

土曜日, 12月 15, 2007

on the way to Las Vegas

去年11月、Motley Crue & Aerosmithのコンサートを友達と見に行ってきました。このバンドが一緒にツアー回るなんて、“きっと今後、人生の中でないよねっ!”って、ちょっと大袈裟ですが・・・。Los Angeles & Las Vegasまで飛んでしまいました~♪

Los Angeles→Las Vegasへの移動は、車で約5~6時間なんです。Downtownを通って、アジア人が多く住んでいる、Motley Parkを通り・・・次々に町がでてくるのでそんなに飽きないです。途中、San Vernadinoの山を越える時、景色が単調になり寂しくなりますが・・・Bastowで一休み。ここにoutletがあるんです。そこからは、Vegasのショーやホテルのビルボードが増えて、気分は一気にCasino!

I went to see Motley Crue & Aerosmith's concerts with my friend in the last November, 2006. We thought "we are not able to see this tour especially with those two bands in the future!" I know, I know, it's little exaggerated, but we flew to Los Angeles and Las Vegas. I didn't mind to use an airplane from L.A. to Vegas, but my friend definitely wanted to stop by at the outlet, so we drove a car.
As you know, I keenly impress with the fact that the U.S. is big country. The moon is looks much bigger than we see everyday in Japan. I should say it's huge!
On the way to Las Vegas, it takes about 5 to 6 hours by car. You may be not tired of the view because there are cities after another. After passed San Vernadino mountain, there is Bastow outlet. That the one we stopped by. Afterward you can see a lot of billboards of Vegas's hotels and shows. Feels like a Casino.
If you have a chance, go no a drive♪

金曜日, 12月 14, 2007

company year-end party

巷は、忘年会の時期になりましたねぇ~。今日私の所属している部署の忘年会でした。幹事補佐だったので、勝手にリーズナブルなお店を決めてしまい、T.G.I. Friday's!おじさま達は慣れてないから、ちょっとキョトンとしていました・・・

日本にもあるんですよ、T.G.I Friday'sが。と言っても、Los Angelesに住んで居た頃は、CMとL.A. Timesに入ってるクーポンでしかこの名前を知らなかったんですよね。市内にはなく、San FransiscoとかLas Vegasへ行く途中の街にあるので、入る機会がなかったんですよね。
リフィルフリーに魅力があるので、帰国してから結構行ってます。B.B.Q. バーガー、美味しいんですよね。メタボリックが何かと話題になる今、ご法度でしょうか・・・ね。サラダとスープの組み合わせもYummyですねぇ~。なんと言っても、お誕生日の人がいると、これでもかってくらいに山盛りにした生クリームのFriday'sサンデーをプレゼントにサーブしてくれるので、ラッキー♪

It's been about company year-end party. Today I attended my division's party. I was sub-party organizer, so I choose reasonable restaurant. It's T.G.I. Friday's! Middle-aged people are not familiar. That is why they looked confused. ha, ha.

We have T.G.I Friday's in Japan! Actually, I knew this name by commercial and coupon of L.A. Times. There is not Friday's within a city. If you drive to San Fransisco or Las Vegas, you can find the sign.

Anyway, I love refill service like US style, thus I go often. I like B.B.Q Burger!! Yummy. These days we shouldn't eat such a fat food because of metabolic syndrome, I know, I know, but they are so good. Don't you think?

木曜日, 12月 13, 2007

a sore neck... 痛い、痛い


Just before I left for work, I've got a sore neck! Ouch, ouch! my acupuncture doctor said, "It's been cold these days especially morning, so if you work your muscle suddenly, it may happen." I strained a muscle...ouch. I received acupuncture. Have you ever done before? I guess it looks hurt, but you don't feel anything at all. It provided immediate pain relief. I give you a tip! If you have slept wrong, do not warm your neck! You should cold off because your muscle is inflamed. After that of course your muscle is bound, so you need stretch.

Anyway, it's getting cold these days, please take care of yourself! This is for you, I guess this picture will make you relaxed♪

水曜日, 12月 12, 2007

Tea party in Jioufen, Taiwan-九份、台湾



台北市内から車で約1時間くらいの所に、九份(私は、Nine Minutesって呼んでいるんですが・・・勝手に。)という町があります。台北市内は、high-riseビルばかりですが、ここ九份は間逆で、時がまったく止まっている、のんびりした町並みです。


マーケットでは、Stinky TOFU(←このエピソードはまた今度!)があちらこちらで売られていて・・・走って逃げました(笑)。お芋のお餅を使ったsweetが有名なようで、お茶屋さんへ行く前に立ち寄って食べたのが、これ。アズキ苦手なんですが、なぜか台湾sweetはアズキは食べれるんでーす。


I visited my friend, Lili to Taiwan the last year. The typhoon had hit Taipei that time, however I have a luck of weather, so the typhoon passed away. Yeah! I like Taipei expect humidity. I'm soooo sensitive to humidity.
Jioufen is located at the northeast of Taipei. It is the great little city. Time seems to pass by slow. "Jioufen-teahouse" is at the top of stone steps. It is Taiwanese tea ceremony. They contain a wide range of teas. Well, we spent a couple of hours relaxing here.
At the market, they sell the "Stinky TOFU" outside! Oh, my!! I run off as fast as I can. (I'll talk about this Tofu later, ha. ha.) On the way to the tea house, we stopped by at cafe where serve dessert. We had red-bean soup with potato cakes. That was yummy!
I felt comflorted to stay there. If you need relaxing, I recommend it!

火曜日, 12月 11, 2007

1994 Stanley Cup Finals

“ice hockey”、Vancouverに住むまで無縁の言葉でした。working holiday visaでカナダにいた、1993~1994年は、偶然にもVancouver Canucksにとって最高の年だったんです。NHLはカナダ+アメリカのhockeyリーグで、毎年優勝決勝戦があり最高峰のチームが決まるんです。

その名誉の試合が“Stanley cup”。Western代表はCanucks、Eastern代表はN.Y. Rangersがcupをかけての戦い。試合がある夜は、あちこちのアパートが大騒ぎ、外歩いていても、試合がどっちが勝ってるか分かるくらい。ってな訳でカナダに住んでるのに試合を見ないのは、話についていけず…見るようになったんです。でも、これが面白かったんですよ。Canucksには、my favorite players、Russianロケットと呼ばれたPavel Bureや、ゴーリーのKirk McLeanが在籍していました。この時のCanucks プレイヤーの8割、格好良い人ばっか!!RangersにはMark Messier。

残念ながら優勝はN.Y.…試合終了後、Robson St.で(メインストリート)、選手の健闘を讃えるため、ちょっとしたお祭りが始まったんです。友達と私は、その楽しい瞬間をちょっと体験してから、映画を見に行ったんです。映画館からの帰路、異様な雰囲気を察知し歩いてたら、突然、止まらない咳と涙が襲い…次々に友達も。アパート近くになるとマスクした警官が、こっち来ちゃっだめって。え~?さっきまでの宴気分はどこへ?と思ってうち帰ってニュース見てびっくり。普段温厚なカナダ人が、ハシャギすぎて、Robson沿いのお店の窓ガラスを割り、スタバの看板に乗って折るは、収集つかなくなって、警察が催涙ガスを撒いたって!!カナダのニュースをめったに取り上げない日本のテレビでも流れたようですね。ちょっとし暴動ニュースにビックリして、日本から電話がありました!!これだけ、国民的スポーツなんです、hockeyって。
そそ、hockey語るに忘れてはいけない、伝説的な選手。Wayne Gretzky(ウェイン・グレッツキー)。ニックネームは“The Great One”ですよ!

I never seen any hockey game until I went to Vancouver, BC, Canada. Ice Hockey is the national sport in Canada.

When I was in Vancouver in 1993-1994, the 1994 Stanley Cup Finals were held between the Vancouver Canucks and the New York Rangers. That was barn-burner. When you are walking on the street, you can hear jubilant from around apartments. You can even tell which team gets score.

Unfortunately the Rangers ended their 54-year drought with a seven-game series win. However, all Vancouver citizens admired Canucks' members achievement for the Stanley Cup, so there had a party on Robson St. My friends and I stayed there a little while and after that we went to see a movie. When we were on our way, I noticed bizarre happening. Then suddenly I had an abrupt onset of coughing and tore come into my eyes. We wondered what was going on here? ?? We saw masked police men. Can you guess how weird scene? According to the news, insurrection broke out after the party on Robson St. Some people had broken window of stores and Starbucks coffee sign. insurrection was not helped, so police used tear gas to quell a riot. Oh, my. This was the first time to me and I guess ever will be.

月曜日, 12月 10, 2007

Kodai-ji (高台寺)

Luckily we could have the honor of seeing Kodai-ji by night from that day! This temple is for Hideyoshi Toyotomi and his wife, Nene in the 16th Century. He is well known for his luck in surviving the turbulent age. After he passed away, his wife who became a priest build this temple to hold a memorial service for Hideyoshi.
This picture, I took Garyoci which is one of ponds in the courtyard. It's like a mirror-still pond. The scenery was amazing! You can also see bamboo grove. That was incredible!!


日曜日, 12月 09, 2007

Killer whale watching tour, but...

これ写真ただの島に見えますよね?でも、島の上にいるのは、キバを持つアシカ(sea lion)が日光浴をしているんです。

Vancouver(Canada)からフェリーに乗って約1時間、Victoria Islandがあります。Vancouverに住んでいる人達がリタイアしたら移り住む、1年中温暖な島なんです。Vancouverに香港資本が入ってhigh-riseビルが建ち並んでいるのと反対に、Vancouver Islandは島全体がフラットなんです。(もちろん、ホテルとかあるので、ビルはあります。)時が止まってるような、のんびりとした場所なんです。(Vancouverからだけじゃなく、アメリカのSeattleからもフェリーが出ています。)そのVictoriaから、このツアーが出ています。


Can you count how may sea lions on this island? They seemed enjoy the sun.
I joined Campbell River Keller Whale Watching Tour from Vancouver Island where is located southwest from Vancouver. Vancouver Island is temperate region, so many retired people have moved there from Vancouver.
Originally, this killer whale watching tour suppose to watch mainly orcas. It said 95% can see them on HP, but.... I only watched huge sea lions!! Well, that was fun. I've never seen such huge wild animals. It was really overwhelming!!! Also sea otters swam the next to our boat.
Sometimes I have sea sickness, but this boat was nice marine vessel. It was really fun!

土曜日, 12月 08, 2007

An inconvenient truth-不都合な真実

今頃見たの?って言われそうですが、やっとDVD借りて元副大統領Al Goreの“An inconvenient truth(不都合な真実)”を見ました。途中、ちょっと眠気が・・・

でも、真剣にCO2を減らしていかないと、大変な事になるって事が、科学的に証明されているのが良く理解できました。確かに、これは政治や経済の損得を絡めてはいけない、moral issue(道徳的問題)ですよね。Goreが映画の中で“It's just human nature to take time to connect the dots. I know that. But I also know that there can be a day of reckoning when you wish you had connected the dots more quickly.” 問題が起こる前って、色々個々で理解してわかっているのに、その点と点を早くつなげないから、気づいたときには、手遅れになっていて、もっと前にやっていればって・・・後悔しないように、地球を守らなきゃいけないんですよねぇ~。(昨日の話より良い話でしょ?苦笑)

everblueってフリーペーパー知っていますか?良い雑誌なんですよ。おしつけがましいecoの話がつまっているんじゃなくて、「あっ、これならやれそう!」とか、「へぇ~、他の人はこんなことやっているんだ!」って関心を持てる内容なんです。年に1度、ビーチクリーンとコンサートを兼ねた楽しいイベント“feel earth”を開催しているんです。これももちろんフリー!(コンサートは有料)素敵でしょ?今年は、静岡の御前崎で行われました。青空の下で、ぷらぷらと歩いて気持ちよかったですよぉ~。シーカヤックの無料体験、アウトドアクッキングをテレビでお馴染み田中ケンさんや小雀さんがキャンプ料理教室をしてくれて試食もあり!こんな環境を守らなきゃ!って気持ちが引き締まるわけですよ。(って、夏は、やっぱり暑いからエアコンつけちゃうんですが・・・)
Goreさんじゃないけど、みんなでGlobal Warmingをストップさせましょう~。

Finally I saw a movie "An Inconvenient Truth". How about you?

Yes, we must face the Global Warming. Al Gore said "This is moral issue". I totally agree with it. These days our environment has changed alot. Many people suffered heatstroke in this summer in the world. He also said, "It's just human nature to take time to connect the dots. I know that. But I also know that there can be a day of reckoning when you wish you had connected the dots more quickly." We inadvertently blink the fact, but we can't anymore! We have to save the earth.
Have you read "everblue"? This is very interesting free magazine. You can read at their web site, too.
"everblue" magazine is not unduly obtrusive. They just talk about every day's life and enjoy our environment. For example, they have an event "feel earth" one a year. This year "feel earth" had at Omaezaki, Shizuoka. That was fun. This is free event but a concert is not. You can try a free see kayak, wind surfing, etc. lessons. They have a cooking classes for camping and also you can taste those food! Isn't it nice?
Anyway, we should try to reduce carbon dioxide!!

金曜日, 12月 07, 2007

fatty personality-2


“タクシーの料金を値上げ、ガソリン代は”暫定”で料金UPしたまま据え置き。でも、その恩恵を受けるのは、ほんの一部の株を操っている人。タクシー運転手さん達にはちょっとしか還元されず。やっぱり、working poorは改善されないねの(当たり前!)。国民にちょっとは少なくしたよ!とアピールをしたいから、道路財源の予算を65兆円→62兆円に下げました。死刑囚の名前を公表します、人権を軽く扱っている人が多いから。じゃ~薬害HIVの被害者さん達の事は?厚労省はどう扱っている?”まったくもって、政治家の考えと私達は逆を向いているような気がするんですが・・・


前にも触れたけど、本当に堕落した政治家、官僚、まさにfatty peopleですねっ!!

I saw news on TV. I guess my BP went up during the news. Unfortunately we have tons of corrupted politicians in Japan! What do you think?

This is today's news summery...
*Increasing taxi fee because of fuel.
*Fuel is provisional fee. This means price is still high for more 10 years! I guess it never won't decrease...
*Funding sources for road's budget is 62 trillion yen! Stupid thing is they thought if they cut budget some, we, civilian will accept a situation. NO WAY!!!!!!! We don't need such a expensive road, so please cut budget ZERO yen!
*Justice Minister announced condemned names today because these days some people disregard the value of human life, so he wanted to set an example. Ummm.... some part I understand, but... So that, what about Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry against HIV-tainted-blood patients?

We, civilian and some privilege politicians are in direct opposition. Don't you think?
Some said, money likes money. That is true. That is why a billionaire is always a billionaire. Corrupted, wealthy and powerful politicians are still corrupt, wealthy and powerful. It won't be changed unfortunately. However, some days I really want to give them hell! but how....?

I called them, scum politicians are absolutely FATTY PEOPLE!

木曜日, 12月 06, 2007

became forgetful...





I was invited F's concert from my client. How cool he is!!! When I work with him, it is not easy to keep my porker face!!

He brought a topic about becoming forgetful between songs.
According to him, he forgets proper name a lot. Yes, I totally understand! So am I!!
There is always somebody above us! He saw the news. The man fueled his car at a gas station, and he went back his house by foot. He left his car at station!!!!!!! I wonder he lives near by the station...
I saw that a girl fueled her car, and paid at the cashier. THEN! She left with nozzle!!! Oh, my!

F-san noticed "the somebody" by his side on tour. During this tour he and band's member used airplanes. At Haneda airport, when one of member went through the metal detector, it was responded, so he took his shoes, jacket, etc....Then he could through. When he seated in the airplane, everybody noticed he wore slippers instead of his shoes. Ouch!

I have some kind similar experiences.
When I do dishes, I put it on dish drainer with bubble. Yes, I forgot rinse away!! Moreover, at the Starbucks, I want to add sugar into my cup, but I did into trash can! Sorry.... I waste sugar.

Ha, ha. This is not become forgetful, isn't it? It is scatterbrained person, huh?

水曜日, 12月 05, 2007

Christmas wreath


Vancouverに住んでいた時作ったリースは、今見ると簡素ですねっ!L.A.のは・・・毎年飾りを増やしていったので、ちょっと華やかでしょ?安いんですよ、材料が!L.A.のは、Micheal's(当時Sherman Oaksに住んでいました。West Los AngelesからHWYで15分ほどの所です)というクラフト屋さんで材料買ったんですが、確か$15位だったんじゃないかな~。大きさは約直径50cm位です。東急ハンズやロフトで買ったら、う~ん¥5,000位しそうですよね。

リボンは、ワイヤー入りを購入して、(これが簡単なんです!!!)リボン結びが苦手な私は、確か祖母が遊びに来ていた時に、結び直してくれたんじゃなかったかな~。なんて、ちょっと思い出にひたってみたりして。 さすがに引き上げる時は、garage saleで売っちゃったかなー。


I made wreaths myself. One is on a white door at Vancouver, and another was at Los Angeles. Hmm... How come I didn't make it here? Should I try to make Kadomatsu tree for the new year? NO WAY!

Those materials were sooooo cheap. I got them at the Micheal's in Encino. It was about only $15! If you get at Tokyu Hands or Loft in Japan, you have to spend almost $50 for that!!
Anyway, that is fun to make Christmas ornaments. BUT! I'm not good at ribbon-tie, so my grandma did for me! How touched story isn't it? ha, ha. However, I sold it at garage sale because I couldn't bring it back to Japan. Sorry, Grandma!!
So, what do you decorate your room for Christmas?

火曜日, 12月 04, 2007

What's your favorite herb tea?

食べ物の話題からしばらく離れていたので・・・今日はHerb Teaのお話。

そこで、私も参加してみました!“好きなHerb Teaはありますか?”が質問です。
ここで、best 10をご紹介しま~す♪

10. アイリッシュティー、東方美人、ストロベリーティー
9. ハイビスカスティー:私には酸っぱすぎるんですが、蜂蜜やお砂糖を入れて、冷やして飲むと美味しいらしいです!
8. トロピカルティー:L.A.の代表的なアイスティーでエントリーしたら以外にも投票ありました!
7. ペパーミントティー:マッサージしてもらった後に、夏アイス・ペパーミントティー飲んだら、美味しかったんです!!新しい発見。
6. ジンジャーティー:ファミリーレストランのドリンクバーにあるんですが、これは体の芯からあたたまります!冬にもってこいです。あっ、ファミリーレストランのは、ジンジャー玄米茶でした(汗)
5. カモミールティー:寝る前に飲むと良いって言われていますよね。私はちょっと苦手なんですが・・・
4. ルイボスティー:飲みやすいハーブティーですよね。

3. ハニー&ムーンティー(ハニーブッシュティー):これもマッサージ後にサロンで出してもらって、即買いしました!おいしい。ハニーブッシュという名前の通り、とお~くで甘い感じがします。お試しあれ!
2. ローズヒップティー:アンケートに答えてくれた人は、ほぼ中毒らしく(笑)会社の机の中に常備しているらしいです!

1. ジャスミンティー:ダントツ、一位でした。やっぱり、きつすぎない香りが楽しめて、それに味はお茶の味なので、飲みやすいですよね。

I gonna talk about Herb Teas!
I'm a member of ANA mileage club. There is a member's site ANA which called ANA Friend Park. This site have a questionnaire for members. It is interesting site, anyway.
I conducted a survey in the form of a questionnaire "favorite Herb Tea". Here is result, top 10.

10. Irish Tea, Oriental Beauty Tea, Strawberry Tea
9. Hibiscus Tea: to me little sour
8. Tropical Tea: I love it! reminds me, L.A.!!
7. Peppermint Tea: I like ice tea.
6. Ginger Tea: your body become warm form inside!
5. Chamomile Tea: good for night time, right?
4. Rooibos Tea: it is easy to drink!
3. Honey & Moon (Honeybush) Tea: little sweet taste
2. Rose Hip Tea: for your skin, right?
1. Jasmin Tea: It's clear winner! It is Herb Tea, but a kind green tea, so it's easy to drink.

Is there your favorite herb tea in this list?

月曜日, 12月 03, 2007


I gonna talk about Suzumushi-tera today. This temple have a popularity in Kyoto, so you may have to stand in line about 30 minutes to have the honor of seeing, but it's worth it.
This temple features keeping more than 3,000 Suzumushi which are like crickets for year long and the stone statue with straw sandals. (It is very difficult to keep Suzumushi because usually Suzumushis have a life of 110 days during fall season. ) You can hear Suzumushi's chirp sounds all year round. The another thing is the stone statue. Usually stone statue is barefoot, but this stone statue wears straw sandals because he goes on a walking tour to grant our wishes. He visits each of us. Believe or not, your dream come true!!

Anyway, when you enter this temple (admission charge is 500 JPY), the resident priest gives a sermon. He is excellent talker! At the end he let you know how to pray with good-luck amulet.
This temple also place with the great view. You can see Kyoto tower from here.
I wonder when the stone statue will visit me...



日曜日, 12月 02, 2007

Christmas decoration


このサイズの大きな家にデコレーションがされているので、圧巻ですよ!mid-WilshireエリアLarchmont Blvd. (Third St.の方が近いですね。)です。
同じく、このmid-Wilshireエリアには、tvドラマMelrose Place”のAmandaとAlisonが働いていたD&D Co.の概観で使われたビルがあるんですよー!
Wilshire Blvd.はなが~い道で、東は、Los Angeles Downtownから西はSanta Monicaまでまーすっぐ続いているんです。Downtown~mid-Wilshire~ Beverly Hills~Westwood(プロゴルファーの~Brentwood~Monicaと色々なエリアを通り抜けていて、同じ道と思えないくらいに景観が違うんです。ドライブが楽しめます。Los Angelesでドライブする時は、major streetを覚えて、東西南北さえしっかり覚えれば道に迷わず、運転できます♪

I can't believe we are at the end of another year already! I wonder why I feel a week roll by slow especially working day...
Anyway, this picture is Christmas decoration in Mid-Wilshire area that I used to talk about before. Seeing those decorations are overwhelming. You can find those at Larchmont Blvd. It's close to Third St.
If you know "Melrose Place", you can find "D&D Co." who worked Amanda and Alison in Mid-Wilshire area.
As you know Wilshire Blvd. is the major east-west street in L.A. Running 16 miles from Downtown L.A. to Santa Monica. I love to drive especially Beverly Hills thru Santa Monica!

土曜日, 12月 01, 2007


Do you know Tenugui and Furoshiki?

The last month I went on a trip to Kyoto, my friend and colleague, Sai-chan was eager to stop by Eirakuya and RAAK. I was wondering what was it. Actually I knew it. They are well-established Tenugui company. What is Tenugui? Tenugui is washcloth, but their Tenugui is very beautiful, colored arts. Sai-chan purchased alot! I wonder what she is going to use? Ha, ha. I gonna ask her. I got a Furoshiki at RAAK. This is very useful. I checked Yahoo! US. Even in English, there are Furosiki's topic HP. Even we Japanese can lean Japanese culture lessons from those HP.
You can learn how to hold Furoshiki, but only Japanese....http://www.kyo-wrap.com/tutumi.htm



折りかたをお店で聞いたんですが、やっぱり覚えられなくて・・・で、ネットで探していたら、びっくり。結構アメリカのサイトでも紹介されているんです。たまにチェックすると日本文化を勉強できますよ!check it outです!


金曜日, 11月 30, 2007

fatty personality-1




この人達の事を、私はfatty personと名づけています。だって厚かましいでしょ?(☆これは、体系でなく性格の事です!)
fatty personの特徴は、太っていないのにダイエットばっか気にして、立ち居振る舞いが全くスマートでない典型的な日本人。 「厚顔無恥」=fatty personかな。




When I backed from Los Angeles, I guess that bizarre Japanese people increase in number. What do you think? Today I gonna grumble. ha, ha.

For instance, a person who puts makeup unselfconsciously, a person who doesn't mind noise leaking from that person's headphones, a person who read newspaper with spreading arms and such a short foot wide apart, a person who eat a lunch box brazenly, a person who loud talk on cell-phone even there is attention, a person tap out e-mail message on cell-phone at courtesy seat on the train and bus. If I see those people I always think why don't you get off a train, if you talk or even if you have to pick up the phone, why don't you use useful function of cell-phone, and if you want to use cell-phone, why don't you move you butt from courtesy seat!
Even politics are the same unfortunately. People in the Congress are always say "for the people!" only before elections. What a crap! Our national pension should be used for OUR national pension! however, they have built facilities that even people not use! and also their luxury dormitory in the prime land of Tokyo. I'm so awfully annoyed with Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry!! There are so many who suffered by AIDS cused by contaminated blood products, but wired sub Health Minister commented "we are not doctors, that way why we didn't announce who are the patients". Can you understand that mean??? They suppose to help and support us health and life, right? If Health Minister knew a long time ago, no wonder, he should tell patients!!!! Why can they think more simple? Is this crude opinion?

I named this person "fatty person" because she/he is impudent person, isn't he? (I'm talking about behavior! not shape!!) This features are that the person is not so fat, but dieter, and also uncouth behavior. That is typical Japanese!!!!! "Fatty person" is barefaced impudence.

Many Japanese women snatched the bestselling " Women's dignity". By accident I saw that was featured on TV. EXACTLY what I think about it! According to the book, if you have a dignity, you shouldn't indulge in a fad. YES! That means those of people who stood in long line to purchase this book are no dignity! (Do I have a bad mouth?)
I guess that person who full of grace is reflected her lifetime and experiences. Knowledge is "Women's dignity", except grace guide it.

I wonder when Japan bust-up in the future, or it's too late? I'm grouch today....

Christmas tree



そんな事を思っていたら、New YorkのロックフェラーセンターのChristmas treeも今日点灯したって、さっきニュースでやっていました。同じLEDを使っていても、飾りつけが違うんですよね~。私は、ロックフェラーセンターの方が好きだな~♪皆さんは、好きなChristmas treeありますか?

I took this picture when I was in the middle of work. ha, ha. This tree is in Tokyo Opera City in Tokyo. What do you think of this decoration? These days LED lights are more commonly used for Christmas trees. Well, for me those lights are too much...

I saw the news that Rockfeller Christmas tree is lights on today. They are the same LED lights they used, but it is different!!!!!!! How come? I prefer Rockfeller one! How about you?

木曜日, 11月 29, 2007

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

以前、ちらっと名前を出しましたが、今日はThe Coffee Bean & Tea Leafの話。


L.A.に行った時に、買ってきたこの大きな入れ物。22 oz.入って$9.50!やす~いっ!この中にチョコレート・パウダーがみっちり、みっちり入っているんです!“Special Dutch Chocolate”で作られているんですって。

Starbucks Coffeeが日本で拡大しているのに、何故かCoffee Beanは来てくれないんですよねぇ~。とほほ。お隣の中国、マレーシア、韓国、フィリピン、シンガポールまで進出しているに。。。早く来て、来て~♪

I mentioned about "The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf" a short time ago. I gonna talk about Coffee Bean today.

It's so cold tonight here. That is why I made Cafe Mocha. It's very simple. Just mix instant coffee, chocolate powder and warm milk! There you go, you can have a nice warm hot Cafe Mocha! I like this Chocolate powder of Coffee Bean.

When I went to L.A., I got it such a huge container. It's only $9.50. Umm... good price, huh? I envy everyone who lives in the US! You guys have nice coffee shops!!!

Starbucks has grown in Japan, but Coffee Bean is not here......... I wonder why Coffee Bean is in Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Singapore, but Japan..... I wish they come soon!!!

水曜日, 11月 28, 2007

The O.C.

The O.C.”見てますか?
私はテレビっ子で、BGMの代わりがフジテレビです。L.A.では、FOX、MTVかVH-1。FOX addictです!Beverly Hills, 90210、Melrose Place、Ally McBeal、Home ImprovementMarriage with Children、Simpsons。日本に戻ってきて寂しい事は、on timeで見れないんですよねぇ~!

今年1月出張で、DisneylandのあるAnaheimで開催された、NAMM show(楽器の展示会)へ行ったんですが・・・(Anaheimは、“The O.C.”と同じOrenge Countyです。)毎日、仕事が終わるとAnaheimからL.A.まで友達に会いに行っていました!片道HWYで約75分の旅。1日だけOrange Countyをドライブしてみようと、map片手にFashion Island(ショッピングモール)へ行ってみました。“行きはよいよい、帰りは怖い”って、この事言うんですね~。頭の中はL.A.から行っていると完璧に勘違いをし、反対方向へ走ってたんです。途中で気づき、戻ったものの・・・今度は行き過ぎ!Irvineにコンサート会場があるんですが、そっちの方まで走ってしまい・・・しまいに、友達へSOS電話をかけて救ってもらいました。は~。HWYがタダで良かった!!

Orange CountyのNewport BeachやLaguna Hillsには、ドラマに出てくるような大きな家が建っています。L.A.に比べて、O.C.は造られた街って感じで、建物すべてが同じに見てしまうんですよ。

まっ、そんな所です。Orange Countyって。(全く説明になっていないですね!失礼)

ドラマはtypicalなspoiled teenagersの話ですが、面白いですよ♪私のお気に入りは、黒髪のSandy役のPeter Gallagher!こんな旦那さんが居たら!(笑)Summerも良い味だしてますよね!彼女の口癖“coop!”、“ew!”はtypicalなteenager英語かも!!

Have you watched a TV drama "The O.C."?
I can't live without a TV, of course that's an overstatement, but I leave the TV on especially channel 8th. In Los Angles I often watched FOX, MTV and VH-1. Well, I'm a FOX addict. ha, ha. Unfortunately I can't watch American drama on time in Japan!

I went to Anaheim, O.C. to attend NAMM show on business on January. I had driven to Los Angeles almost everyday after work. It took about 75 min to L.A. by car. One day, I went to Fashion Island. It was easy to get there, but return.... NO WAY! I drove wrong way! I was on the way to L.A. ha, ha. Then I went back head to Anaheim, but went to far! Oh, my. Usually I don't loose my way, but that time I totally did it!

Newport Beach and Laguna Hills are wealthy areas such as "The O.C." Buildings are like built-for-sale houses, so they are similar.
Anyway this is Orange County. (That is not enough...uh?)

"The O.C." is typical spoiled teenagers drama, that is why it's fun. My favorite actor is Peter Gallagher as Sandy. I wish I could have a such a nice husband!! ha, ha. I like Summer, too. She always says "Coop!" and "ew!" That's a typical!!!