Vancouver(Canada)からフェリーに乗って約1時間、Victoria Islandがあります。Vancouverに住んでいる人達がリタイアしたら移り住む、1年中温暖な島なんです。Vancouverに香港資本が入ってhigh-riseビルが建ち並んでいるのと反対に、Vancouver Islandは島全体がフラットなんです。(もちろん、ホテルとかあるので、ビルはあります。)時が止まってるような、のんびりとした場所なんです。(Vancouverからだけじゃなく、アメリカのSeattleからもフェリーが出ています。)そのVictoriaから、このツアーが出ています。
Can you count how may sea lions on this island? They seemed enjoy the sun.
I joined Campbell River Keller Whale Watching Tour from Vancouver Island where is located southwest from Vancouver. Vancouver Island is temperate region, so many retired people have moved there from Vancouver.
Originally, this killer whale watching tour suppose to watch mainly orcas. It said 95% can see them on HP, but.... I only watched huge sea lions!! Well, that was fun. I've never seen such huge wild animals. It was really overwhelming!!! Also sea otters swam the next to our boat.
Sometimes I have sea sickness, but this boat was nice marine vessel. It was really fun!

2 件のコメント:
ほんどだね、あら偶然。共通点は太平洋かな?笑。あーKiller Whale Watching行きたい~。