水曜日, 11月 21, 2007

STARBUCKS COFFEE-anywhere you can find

I guess the STARBUCKS COFFEE has grown the most famous coffee shop in the world these days. I rather The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf than the Starbucks in L.A. Unfortunately we don' t have the Coffee Bean in Japan. That is why I often go to the Starbucks. One things I like the Starbucks coffee is that there is non-smoking!!! I guess I have "smoking" allergy. They provide a good environment for me.
I have tried yet "cream brule latte" that is seasonal menu. Have anyone tried? Let me know how it is, please.
Today, I worked at a studio for my clients photo shooting. A half of people smoked there, so I had headache...Oh my...
After that I desperately went to see masseur. A masseur was so surprised because I got very bad stiff shoulders and neck. We had chat during massaging, then she figured out why my shoulders were so intense because of SMOKING! My sympathetic nerves try to work to avoid smoking that is why my muscle got stress. That is make sense! After that I went to gym to take Pilates class. ha, ha. My muffin top (belly) was sore. Have you tried either Pilates or Power Yoga, they are very good exercises!
Anyway, after that I was so exhausted therefore I stopped by the Starbucks coffee and got Green Tea Latte. In a roundabout sort of way, today I just wanna talk about the Starbucks. ha, ha.
Actually I like Tully's coffee, too, especially Apple pie!
スターバックスコーヒーて、世界で一番有名なコーヒーショップでしょうね~。でも、アメリカではthe Coffee Bean & Tea Leafのファンなんです。でもね、スターバックスコーヒーにappreciateしています。non-smokingを保ってくれているから!多分、私は“たばこ”アレルギーだと思うんですよね。
そして、ex-roomyのブログの紹介です!check it outしてね。Lica@nowです。

2 件のコメント:

Lica247 さんのコメント...

Happy Thanksgiving!! 

Cana さんのコメント...
