水曜日, 12月 31, 2008
New Year's Eve
火曜日, 12月 23, 2008
family nameをタイプすると、同じ名前の人達がどこの国に多いか表示してくれます。
ちなみに、私のfamily nameだと、もちろん日本が一番で、そのあど同位でアメリカ、カナダ、ドイツ、イタリアでした。かなり限定されているのねぇ~。
I found this site. It's very interesting!!
You just type your family name. That is searching for a Surname (family name) to view its map and statistics. If you have an extra time, try it.
By the way, according to this statistics, my name's high density is Japan. Of course. The next is same order. USA, Canada, Germany, and Italy. Ummm... My name seems limited somehow... ha, ha.
月曜日, 12月 22, 2008
日曜日, 12月 21, 2008
Happy Holiday♪
土曜日にChristmas Partyをしたので、すでに気持はChristmasは過ぎた気になっていますが・・・。巷はChristmas一色ですね~。
良くいくイタリアンのLa Bohemへ行こうと思っていたのに・・・1時間待ちと言われ。ショック。
忘年会だったのに、優しいyukarinはChristmas Presentを用意してくれていて、キラキラしているヘッドフォンをいただきました~♪Thank you!!
アメリカの友人はChristmas Holidayにそろそろ入るころ。羨ましいですねぇ~。
日本は24日&25日休日ではないので、冬休み前の忙しい時期ですが、楽しいChristmasが過ごせますよう~に♪25日Treeの下にプレゼントがあると良いですねぇ~☆Merry Christmas!
Have you already prepared Christmas presents?
I had Christmas party with my relative on Saturday, so Christmas is gone already to me.... Many Christmas lights you can see everywhere. I like them.
My friend, Yukarin and I had year-end party on the last Friday at Shibuya. Well, well, well, there were soooooo many people.
We went to our favorite Italian restaurant, La Bohem, but we had to wait at least a hour. What a shock... We tried OUTBACK. It took 40 minutes to get seats.
That was year-end party, but Yukarin gave to me Christmas present. Yeah. Thank you, Yukarin! Here it is. Rhinestone-studded are in earphones. They are so cute!
After that I had a meeting with a designer my neighbors. I found new cafe! Looks like "mid." . There are designers furniture in the cafe. What a nice!
The weekend is start of the winter holiday season in the U.S.
We have to work on 24th and 25th on Christmas day in Japan... What a bummer!
May the true blessing of faith be yours this holiday seasons…
May hope and love fill every heart…
And may we all join hands as we make the wish for peace on earth, goodwill to all mankind.
Merry Christmas!
月曜日, 12月 15, 2008
Tiramisu Chocolate (part 2)
木曜日, 12月 11, 2008
Omotesando Hills
その後、Ralph Laurenへ~。ここもパインの香りが店内中に溢れていて、とーっても落着きます。が、金額は落ち着かない!!(笑)おぉ~これ良い!!って手にとったブーツ。手にとってすぐに元にもどしました。あー、いつか“これ、いただくわ~”って言ってみたいですね♪まっ、手は届かなくても、じゅーぶんrichな気分を味わえました。
そのあと、Ralph Laurenの脇にあるオープンテラスのバーガー屋さんで、オーガニックのとっても美味しいディカフェのコーヒーを飲み、とってもhappyな休日を過ごしてきました。(ここのコーヒーとっても美味しいです!!お店の名前をチェックしなかったのが残念ですが。。。場所が簡単なので見つけられるはず!)
木曜日, 12月 04, 2008
cell phone...
One thing, I use my cell phone as address book, so if I don't have cell phone, it's inconvenient, however, there are phones in the office.
What do you think? If you don't carry cell phone with you, you feel anxieties?
Dose it depend on what generations you belong to?
I saw "cell phone dependence syndrome". It seems to use your brain when you use cell phone, but it's NOT! In an experiment, when you type at cell phone, the brain is not active. When you speak in front of someone, the brain send message and active. It was obvious!!
I'm admit cell phone is very convenient, but I don't want to be controlled by cell phone! When I go to dinner with my friends, one of friend put her cell phone on the table, I'll be lose my interest to dinner. Of course if there are any reasons, I understand, otherwise I would think "Uh, she's be waiting someones death, or something. Because I was there including my other friends! Hey, pay attention here!!! not cell phone!
One more thing I don't understand. When I pick up cell phone, many people say "Can I talk now?" What? I can talk that's why I pick. If I'm in the middle of something, I won't pick!! Don't you think? If I hear "Can I talk now?" phrase, a person must be sales man/woman. Ha, ha.
The people who are "cell phone dependence syndrome" can't leave cell phone from their hand. It's so weird. Even they go to Karaoke room, they hold mic and cell phone. Well, when you see this situation, if you think "WHAT?", I think you may be agree to Osaka governor, Mr. Hashimoto.
The governor Hashimoto makes rule "not allow to bring cell phone at public elementary school. I totally agree!!! I don't understand some parents want children must carry cell phones. WHY? Cell phone never protect children! If you worry, why don't you protect yourself and ask surrounding people. These days school rules are getting lax. It is not good thing. When children grow and enter the world of work, they will be faced a lot of gaps. So during elementary school, they must learn a lot of rules.... Sounds like too "SAITO-san"???
What do you think about the governor Hashimoto's rule? I totally agree with him!
火曜日, 12月 02, 2008
Tiramisu Chocolate
月曜日, 12月 01, 2008
may his soul rest in peace...
亡くなってしまいました。日本を代表するHard Rock/Heavy Metalバンドのドラマー、樋口宗孝さんが。
最後に、樋口さんのドラムプレイを見たのは、2年前のPearl Drum 60th Anniversaryのイベントでした。その後、1回チラットお会いしただけで・・・。
先月のMotley Crueのフロントライナーで、樋口さん(Loudness)が一番プレイしたかったんじゃなかな~。
I never imagined that he would pass away.
About a month, I asked an acquaintance how Munetaka Higuchi was.
Actually, he passed away Nov. 30, 2009. He is the famous Hard Rock/Heavy Metal drummer in Japan. I would say he is the world famous drummer.
He's suffered hepatocyte of cancer. Liver complaint is not easy to recover.....
I saw his last play at Pearl drum 60th anniversary event. After that I glanced at a rehearsal studio.
I had a chance to meet at picture studio a couple of times and share a table with him at after-parties for business. (Actually, a friends of mine, he joined Munetaka's unit. His band came to record CD to Los Angeles. When I visited my friend apartment, I saw him accidentally.) Well, I was astounded by the news.
That is my imagine...
He might want to play drums for front liner for Motley Crue... I guess.
May his soul rest in peace.
金曜日, 11月 28, 2008
Happy Thanksgivig!
☆☆☆Happy Thanksgiving☆☆☆
KFCでチキンでも買って、Thanksgiving spiritsを味わおうと思ったら・・・。時間に間に合わず。
日曜日, 11月 16, 2008

フェミニン リーダーシップ
I had facial treatment at beauty salon next to gym where I usually go. That was really great facial treatment! It's called "Honey-chocolate moisturizing mask". I felt my face became chocolate brownie. It totally smells chocolate♪ Well, according to staff, I had to go through a penalty with chocolate pie! ha, ha. I wish she could take a picture of me!
Before I had a time to have a treatment, so I tried Aura-Soma. Have you tried before? You select 4 bottles from more than 100 by your left hand.
I was curious about it. I had very interesting results.
1st bottle: aim in life
When I picked this bottle I thought I shouldn't pick it up because this color was old American women's favorite.... well, it can't be helped... I picked. However, the result was interesting. This bottle means a troubadour in Europe. I had fortune-telling with former incarnation. I was Portuguese artist. What a coincidence! Don't you think?
2nd bottle: challenge and gift
This is my favorite colors! This bottle means "Messenger". This person is not satisfied authoritative politics. Ummm... that makes sense. ha, ha.
3rd bottle: present
Yeah! I was praised that I'm a person with my feet firmly fixed! This bottle means makes happy.
4th bottle: future
Feminine, Leadership
ha, ha, ha. In the future, I'll get a leadership in nursing home!?
The end of session, sanctifying aura I got my color oil and put my body. That's it!
So, what do you think? Aura-soma is not fortune-telling, so you can try like fitting clothes.
水曜日, 11月 12, 2008
presidential government
早く大統領制にならないかな~。「Yes, We Can!」って熱心にサポートしてみたいです。
I'm so shame of wretched stupid Japanese politicians and government bureaucrats!!
How can our prime minister says "will give $120 allowance every citizen!" ? I agree to the first his aim. It could be helped to economic revitalization. But I believe that everyone is wondering where come from those money. Finally, they depend to local government. Can you understand??? Stupid thing is there may occur paid or unpaid depends on region. WHAT? WHAT? If government has such a lot of money, why don't they use for welfare pension or chemical antagonism!!! DO NOT WASTE OF MONEY!!
Moreover, did you hear what stupid governor of Hyogo said? I dropped jaw. How can he said that such a silly thing? He is KANSAI-JIN. He must be shame himself!! He couldn't say any wit joke. Well, Media shouldn't pick up the SB governor. Sometime we need to ignore those kind people!!!!!!!!
That is why we can't become intrigued about politicians. Don't you think?
Why is presidential election of America so exited? It's simply answer! Because people choose their president! If you vote wrong person, the next 4 years will be fail, but if you vote right person, you will be proud yourself. In Japan, someone is elected somehow without citizen. Ha, ha. It could get a long lead. It's obvious!
In near future, I hope our government will be presidential government!! "Yes, We Can!" I want to say someday!!
What do you think?
日曜日, 11月 09, 2008
stray cats
木曜日, 11月 06, 2008
When I heard this news, I got goose bumps.
Well, well, well, I'm so exciting!!!
He addressed imposing in a victory speech that he met a 106-year-old woman. She voted the first time in this time. Because why? She the Black woman. She hadn't had the right to vote... But today, she did at the first time to vote to Obama because she believe "Change"! What a nice story, don't you think?
Well, many American people expect his jobs in future including me.
Anyway, congratulation, Senator Obama.
火曜日, 11月 04, 2008
which is which?
RepublicanのJohn McCain氏vs. DemocratのBarack Obama氏か!!
Yahoo!のState-by-State Pollsによると現在196/318で断然Obama氏が有利ですねぇ~。
Gore氏vs.Bush氏のElection Day、今でも覚えていますよー。
Finally this day came! It's the Election day!!!
Republican John McCain vs. Democrat Barack Obama... Who will be the next American President?
So far, according to "State-by-State Polls" at the Yahoo!, Obama has big edge. Do you think there is sudden reversal? Humm...
I remember I watched the news with my grandma and grandpa eight years ago. That time was Gore vs. (President) Bush.
I'm so excited to see the result because it may be that you can see the first African-American president. It's historic event in the U.S.!! (I believe that Democrat have understanding about immigrant...)
Let's see...
日曜日, 11月 02, 2008
月曜日, 10月 27, 2008
Saints of Los Angeles

土曜日, 10月 25, 2008
Shiko Munakata

火曜日, 10月 21, 2008
Crue Fes
金曜日, 10月 17, 2008
寝室のリネンにpurpleを使用すると、快眠だそうですよ!!IKEA行った時に、purpleのリネンがあったので、購入しようと思ったのに。。。サイズがなくwine red購入しました。。。ちと違うねぇ~。
水曜日, 10月 15, 2008
Hockey player...

日曜日, 10月 12, 2008

木曜日, 10月 09, 2008

土曜日, 10月 04, 2008
日曜日, 9月 28, 2008
Denmark Cheesecake "Kannonya"
Here is a cheesecake, but it's not ordinary. It's warm! Can you image a cheesecake is warm, but it is!!!
Only you can buy it at Kannonya in Kobe.
When I ate it at the first time, I went into a trance. It's true. I've never had such a sweet and nice taste cheesecake. I brought some to home, and my grandpa loved it. I remember it. Cheese was his favorite food. Once he ate it, he couldn't stop. ha, ha. The last one I kept it at fridge for me, but he found it!! There was nothing left for me... Well, I was honor because he liked it.
This cheesecake's expire date is a week. I could spend nice and cozy tea time for a week. Sound like I said exaggerated, but once you eat this, you know what I mean!!
You can even buy it at the Osaka(Itami) airport. Bon appetit!
金曜日, 9月 26, 2008
Diversity Visa
誰か詳細ご存じですか~? 早くアップデートされないかなー☆★☆
Ummm... I wonder when DV-2010's instruction will appear on Bureau of consular affairs' site? It's only announced period for acceptance...
I assume it's nothing change, but...
The Lottery online entry begins on Oct. 2 tru Dec.11. Uh... That means it will be started from the next week, but there is nothing update information.
I checked twice or three times a day this site. ummm... The 320 lucky Japanese people get Green card. I'm soooooo jealous!!!
Approximately 99,600 applicants have been registered for this visa.
Does anyone know about it? ☆★☆
火曜日, 9月 23, 2008
Manneken "Carameliese"
月曜日, 9月 15, 2008
California Pizza Kitchen
土曜日, 9月 13, 2008
flea market
It was hot today like mid-summer in Tokyo.
My friend, Sai-chan and I sold our clothes and accessories at a flea market. Today's flea market is hosted by NGO "MOTTAINAI" that is famous by Professor Wangari Maathai. Usually we have to bring back unsold goods, but this flea market is different. NGO "MOTTAINAI" takes oer and sell the next site. What a nice idea! Moreover, this NGO recycle used frying oil to biochemical fuel to run a bus!! My compliments.
I checked the "MOTTAINAI" HP. If you click sponsor site banner at a time, sponsor company will donate 1 JPY to Green-Belt organization instead of you. I mention before about Tree Nation where you can buy a tree for Africa, but here "MOTTAINAI", sponsor company will donate. It's very simple!!
Back to today's flea market...
I knew I would get a tan today. I put my hair up in a ponytail, then... my neck is getting red! Oh, my. Looks like I went to pool or beach. Unfortunately I can't wear a sunscreen even hypoallergenic lotion for baby. I'll get rash....
I like a flea market. I can talk any kind people regardless of gender, age and nationality. If you want to find bargain, you should go before open! Try it♪
木曜日, 9月 11, 2008
Seattle vs. Los Angeles
どっちがSeattleか、どっちがLos Angelesか分かりますかー?
↓L.A.というか、Santa Monicaです。ねっ?typicalでしょ?
This is Santa Monica! What do you think? Isn't it typical?
Pacific Coast High Way
Santa Monica Blvd.表示
It's Santa Monica!
Power Yogaをアウトドア(しかも海岸の近く)でやっているのもL.A.を象徴してますよね。"Side Triangle"のポーズです。
What a typical L.A., isn't it? People do Power Yoga outside close to an ocean.
By the way, they pose "Side Triangle" shape.
AddisonはL.A.に居る友達を訪ねて・・・、L.A.のクリニックで働いている人たち(役者)が、あ~っちこ~っちに出演していた人達で、さらに楽しかったです。"Alias (エライアス)"、"CSI"、"Prison Break"・・・。すごい顔ぶれでしょ!?
I finished to watch "Grey's Anatomy" a whole 3rd season! I was not into "ER", but I like "Grey's Anatomy" especially Addison. She was bitch at the first, but she is sweet.
Indeed, I've never seen such a good looking doctors and intern people in any hospital!! That is unreal... "ER" is more real, I guess. ha, ha.
The end of story, Addison tripped to L.A. to see her friends.
Can you tell which is Seattle and Los Angles?
Curiously, even there is no Hollywood sign, you may tell it's L.A. Don't you think? Los Angeles has distinctive style and space. L.A. is Happy-go Lucky place, I guess. I mean there is positive. ha, ha.
Addison visited her friend in L.A. Surprise thing is there are so many famous actors and actresses are in as doctors. The people are from "Alias", "CSI" and "Prison Break". See?