4 Catsという、アーティストが集うカフェがあり、現在はそのメニューは使用されていないけれど、その当時のメニューが壁に飾られていているんです。その頃、Picassoはまだまだ駆け出しだったから、タダで描いたそうですよ!!なんと贅沢。今回の展示会にも飾られているんですって!!check it outですねぇ~。
I'm a "Nagarazoku" who is doing two things at the one time, so I always leave the TV on. Luckily I could watch a special program about Pablo Picasso.
Japanese actor, Toshio Shibata and actoress, Kyoko Mano were navigators. They visited birthplace of Picasso in Magara Barcelona, Spain. Spain is very colorful country! I add to my wish list where I want to go.
There is "4 Cats" cafe in Magara where used to gather many artists. That time Pablo was fledgling artist, so he was volunteer to draw its menu. These day the menu has not used, but you can see it on the wall. Good thing is you can see it at the exhibition in Tokyo
I'm looking forward to seeing Picasso exhibition!!
2 件のコメント:
Enviable!! If there is such a TV program in Oita, I watch more television without watching only DVD.
Spain. Surely the one of the countries which I want to go someday!! Too many places where I want to go, such as Sagrada Família, Burgos Cathedral, Cave of Altamira.... There are a lot of things which I want to eat, oh can't forget that they have really good wines!! After all it seems to become the tour of the food in the end... as usual....
Ha, ha, ha. I was lucky! If the show went out little later, I couldn't see it.
I went to major countries in Europe, but Spain.... I should go someday when I can afford. ITSUDA!?