NHL New York Rangersの選手になることをドラフト1位で約束されていた、Alexei Cherepanov(19才)が、Kontinental Hockey Leagueの、AlexeiのクラブAvangard Osmk vs. Viyaz Chekhovの試合中に亡くなったそうです。シベリアン・エキスプレスというニックネームを持つAlexeiは有望な選手だったようです。
2004年のNagano Olympicでチェコスロバキア共和国のキャプテンとして来日し、ゴールドメダルを獲得したJaromir JagrがAvangard Osmkのチームメイトで、Alexeiとシフトチェンジをした時、ベンチで心臓発作を起こしていたんですって。
I was drowsy, but I became quickly aroused because of this news!
New York Rangers draft pick Alexei Cherepanov dies unexpectedly in Russia at the age of 19. He was Russian professional ice hockey winger, who last played for the Avangard Omsk of the Kontinental Hockey League. His nicknamed is the Siberian Express.
On June 22, 2007, Alexei was drafted in the 1st round by the New York Rangers in the 2007 NHL Entry Draft. He had one year remaining on his contract with Omsk, going into 2008/09 season, and there was little certainty at the time of his death as to when he would give the two weeks notice needed to play in the NHL. The Rangers had been hoping to bring Alexei to New York.
Alexei died on October 13, 2008, after collapsing on the bench during a Kontinental Hockey League game of his club Acangard Omsk against Vityaz Chekhov played in Chekhov. He played a shift with teammate Jarmir Jagr who was former New York Ranger player and Olympic player 2004, and the two were talking on the bench shortly after they left the ice, when he suddenly heart attacked and collapsed. Of course, medic did all their effort, but he couldn't make it.
He was only 19! It's too young to die. NHL was shocked into silence...but, death of Rangers prospect Alexei has prompted a Russian lawmaker to raise the possibility of negligence on the part of paramedics...
May your soul rest in peace, Alexei.
2 件のコメント:
sorry to hear that a youth with lots of talent had passed away...
All the more... he was a cute boy!!
Oops, I did it again...
Recently, I noticed that I expressing a young boy as cute or pretty.
No, no, you are not おばちゃん. I totally understand. ha, ha.
Getting old, we see younger male... I guess it's natural thing.
Well, anyway it's sad thing to loose such a young player.