水曜日, 1月 16, 2008

The Getty Villa (Malibu)

Los Angelesへのんびりしに行ったから、本当に観光という観光をしなかった旅でしたが、唯一、観光しましたよ。2007年リニューアルオープンしたMalibuにあるThe Getty Villaへ行ってきました。 久しぶりに行くから、駐車場へアプローチする時、ワクワクしました♪


でもね~、どうやら目玉の商品はThe Getty Centerへ移動しているから、やっぱりVillaには限られてものしか展示されていませんでした・・・ちょっぴり残念。

とは言え、百聞は一見にしかずです!Villaから見る海は、Los Angelesに居る事を忘れるくらいに、イタリアの雰囲気を再現されています。入場料はただですが、車で行く場合は、駐車場$8.00です!HPから予約が出来るので、是非行ってみてください。時間があれば、The Getty Centerも是非check it outですよ~♪

I visited renewal the Getty Villa. This was the 3rd or 4th time there. I was sooooo excited to see the renewal Villa.

Every building is so beautiful, clean, and new! 450-seat outdoor classical theater, the Cafe, Museum Store and Auditorium are added. They used to have the only cart to sell coffee and sandwiches.

It was so exciting! When I got the entrance, there were such a long line. What? What? The line for a movie about the Getty. I just skipped it. Anyway, I got lost in a labyrinth of Villa. There were so many rooms! They used to be more simple...
The Villa exhibit Greek, Roman, and Etruscan antiques (and Trojan war era). I was little disappointed.... I expected to see baroque and rococo styles. Their great collections have already moved to the Getty Center, so the Villa has anymore....They didn't even open a balcony on the 2nd floor! I had compassed two times to try to find the door for a balcony.

However, picture is worth a thousand words! The view from Villa (even 1st floor!) is amazing! You may feel Italian air instead of Los Angeles pollution air. ha, ha. Admission to the Getty Center and Villa is FREE. Only you need to make a reservation by HP for the Villa. Parking is $8.00. If you have a time, why don't you visit both the Center and Villa! They are worth!

2 件のコメント:

Lica247 さんのコメント...

LA museuumの芝生でゴロンとして本を読むのも好きでした。

Cana さんのコメント...

わはは。じゃ、そのifを解決するために、是非Los Angelesへ~♪