Until the sun comes up over Santa Monica Boulevard♪
Sherly Crowのヒット曲、“All I Wanna Do”にも出てくる、Santa Monica Blvd.。
特に、Santa Monica Blvd.を撮るつもりはなかったんだけど・・・たまたま赤信号でストップしていてたら、Christmas Lightingがまだあったので撮影しました。
Doheny Blvd.からLa Cienega Blvd.間のSanta Monica Blvd.が走っているエリアをWest Hollywoodと呼び、Gay & Lesbianのclub、barやお店が建ち並んでいます。
むか~し、Ramada Innに泊まった時の出来事。私達が、Cathouse(その当時あったHard Rock/Heavy Metalのclub)へ行く時、、化粧バチッリ&ドレスアップでエレベーターの中に乗り込んだら、中に、私達が“負けました!”って位のマスカラ&付けまつげをつけた、おねえさま達3人が乗っていて、お互いのドレス誉めあっちゃいました!!(笑)
Halloween時期は、Santa Monica Blvd.でHalloween Paradeがあり、とってもにぎやかです!おねぇ~さま達=“女優”だから、素敵(?)でおしゃれ(?)な仮装で現れるんですよぉ~♪
そそ、Hollywood Blvd.にもあるんですが、Famima!!(ファミマッ!!)がここSanta Monicaにもあるんですよ。昔確かliquor storeだったような・・・。日本から進出したんですねー。日本のファミマにある様な、おにぎりも売っているんですよ。Hollywood店は、店の前にStarbucks Coffeeの様ににパティオが設けられていて、お弁当とか食べれるんです。ちょっと風景がおもしろいです。check してみてね♪
♪All I wanna do is have some fun
Until the sun comes up over Santa Monica Boulevard♪
Until the sun comes up over Santa Monica Boulevard♪
It's my favorite song "All I Wanna Do" by Sheryl Crow. I wonder why she picked up "Santa Monica Blvd."... anyway, I'll talk about this street.
(I just wanted to take electric lights for Christmas decoration. Well, I was stopped at a red light on Santa Monica Blvd.)
This is West Hollywood area. Between Doheny Blvd. and La Cienega Blvd., there are gay and lesbian bars, nightclubs and shops. FYI, 1/3 of West Hollywood's are gay or lesbian !
More than 15 years ago, friends of mine and I stayed at Ramada Inn. We were on the way to Cathouse which was Hard Rock/Heavy Metal club, so we are heavily made up and dressed up. When we got on the elevator, there were gorgeous gay people!! We, girls were resigned. ha, ha. Anyway, we made a compliment outfit each others. In the Halloween parade, there are sooooooo many fancy gay people. Well, they called he is "Actress" not "Actor". That is make sense.
BTW, there is "Famima!!" that is came form Japan, on Santa Monica Blvd. and Hollywood Blvd. You can get Japanese-convenience store style Omusubi there!! Sounds interesting, hu?
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