木曜日, 2月 28, 2008
Locanda Portofino

水曜日, 2月 27, 2008
Ashtanga Yoga (Power Yoga)-2
Wind Reliving Pose(赤ちゃんのポーズ)。仰向けに寝転んで、両膝を曲げ両手で軽く抱いてください。息をはきながら、両膝を抱き寄せて胸に近づけ、肩の力を抜いて深呼吸します。次の吐く息で、頭を浮かせ膝と頭を近づけます。これをゆっくりと3回繰り替えします。最後に、揺りかごのように背中でコロコロ(上下)揺れて上半身起きあがります。腰まわりの疲れ、疲労回復に向いています。首と肩には力を入れないで行うことがポイントです。
次は、Child's Pose(子供のポーズ)。これは、ヨガやパワーヨガのフローの中では、お休みのポーズです。正座になって膝を腰幅に開いて、両手を膝の横につきます。息を吐きながら上体を前に前屈して、お腹を腿の上に向けて沈めていきます。両腕を前に向けて伸ばしてリラックス。肩の力を抜いてリラックスするまで深呼吸を繰り返します。ゆっくりと上体をroll up。これは、膝が痛いなって感じない範囲でお尻をかかとに落とすことがポイントです。腰痛、疲労回復に向いてます。
As you requested, I gonna introduce yoga pose for the night. However, if you do suddenly painful pose, it can make you sick, so I'll let you know really really simple pose. However, if you feel your body tense up, even the pose is easy, you feel tense more. That is why, before you do any pose, you better breath slowly and abdominally. (Yoga: abdominal, Power yoga: chest breathing)
Wind Reliving Pose: Lie face up and wrap your both knees by your arms lightly. Exhale and pull knees into your chest then deep breath. The next exhaling, heads up slowly and bend your knees onto your head. Repeat 3 times. At the last, like a rocking cradle, swing at the back of the body then roll up. This pose works for your back pain and relieving fatigue. Do not put some muscle especially neck and shoulders.
The next, Child's pose: This pose usually do for the rest pose for yoga and power yoga's flow. Fold your legs under yourself and open your knees about your hip width. Each arm sets aside each knee. Exhale and bend forward. Let the tension of your shoulders and deep breath till relax, then roll up slowly. This point is your buns should be attached to heels. This pose also works for back pain and relieving fatigue. Let's try from tomorrow!!
日曜日, 2月 24, 2008
Ashtanga Yoga (Power Yoga)
まずは、朝、ベッドからすぐに出れないという人におすすめポーズ(普通は、Power Yogaのクラス終わったときに、シャバーサナの後にするポーズです)。体中に血液をめぐらせるポーズで、名前は「ごきぶりのポーズ」。ベッドに寝たまま、手と足を天井へ向けてあげ、その手足をバタバタ(子供がいやだいやだしてる感じ)15秒。目が覚めます!!!そして、1分~2分の呼吸法です。丹田(おへそのちょっと下)を意識して(無理してへこませなくて大丈夫です!)、「ウジャイー呼吸」(胸式呼吸)をするんです。目安は8秒で吸って8秒で吐く。簡単でしょ?でも、以外と大変な呼吸なんです。最初は、丹田&胸式呼吸を意識して、出来るようになったら背中の方にも吸った息をめぐらせるような感じで、そして吐くときはさらに丹田がへこむ感じになるような呼吸を繰り替えします。そして、できるようになったら喉をならせて呼吸。これをやるだけでも、結構体はポカポカしてくるんです!!冷え性の人にオススメです!!
I have a back pain and also ischial bone, foot pain for little while ago, so I gave up to take a power yoga class this weekend. I might get out of shape. That is why I do some easy power yoga pose and stretch these days. Let's me introduce really easy pose especially morning!
I like to sleep one more minute every morning! To me, one minute in the morning is worth 5 minutes. ha, ha. Therefore, I don't have a time to do gracefully stretch. I do really easy pranayama and one of yoga pose.
This pose is recommended for a person who is unable to leave his/her bed in the morning. Usually this pose is after power yoga to refresh your body. It's called "roach pose", bring blood to all parts of the body. Lie face up on the bed and thrash your arms and legs for 15 seconds. It helps you to weak up!
And also "pranayama". First of all, find your bandhas where located slightly below the navel. You should be conscious your bandhas during breathing. this bandha is considered the most important bandha as it supports our breathing and encourages the development of strong core muscles. It's simple, you just breath with your chest. Inhale 8 seconds and exhale 8 seconds. If you do, try to sound your throat. It's called ujjayi breathing. I recommend a person suffer from sensitivity to cold temperatures.
The next time, I'll introduce another poses!
土曜日, 2月 23, 2008
viva OTAKU!?

One of my American friend is taking Japanese class in a university in U.S. There are many OTAKU students who wear Japanese cartoon t-shirts, or ICHIBAN t-shirts which obviously brought in Asakusa, Tokyo in that class. Their purpose to learn Japanese is reading Japanese comics in Japanese!! Isn't it amazing?? They are so fervent. In that class, they like to pretend they are Japanese, so they exchange bows, and nod their head. It's swell, isn't it? ha, ha. :-)
Usually if people learn Japanese, they would like to visit Kyoto or Tokyo to experience Japanese culture, but the classmates' mecca is AKIHABARA! Hmm... Akiba is made much more famous by OTAKU even foreign people!! Speaking of Japanese, "Sushi", "Tempra", and "Toyota car", but this class it may be "Sushi", "Manga", and "AKIHABARA or AKIBA".
By the way, my favorite Japanese comic is "One Piece"! While I'm watching on TV, I like it! I borrowed the "One Piece" comics from co-worker! That's is so fun♪
木曜日, 2月 21, 2008
Outbreak-avian flu

Avian flu is going around within Asian country!! There is concern that human pandemic of avian influenza. It's called H5N1. Originally, Avian flu is only between birds to birds, but now it's changed. This virus is really strong than SARS! Can you believe it? It's really really scary.
So far only method of prevention are...(It's very simple!)
1. wash your hands
2. gargle
3. enough sleep
When you are out, it's likely to become infected. That is why if you get flu or cold, you're better to stay indoors. If you catch a cold or flu, you should cover your mouth during coughing!! That is common sense, isn't it?
Well, if you want to know how bad if someone didn't cover the mouth during coughing... watch the movie "Outbreak", it's telling you!
月曜日, 2月 18, 2008
Madeo (Italian Restaurant)
Let me introduce "Madeo" in Beverly Hills.
Ownership change always happens in Los Angeles, but at least they have never changed for 16-17 years. (Well, maybe the son took over the ownership instead of the Papa.)
When I went there at the first time, my progenitress who lives in Los Angeles took me along there. She is regular customer, so dishes came one after another at our table. We got all kind deserts!!! I was so happy. Well, I got enough, so I had to go for my friends. I supposed to meet my friends at Troubadour club. Can you imagine I took left over desert to club!? ha, ha. However, they were so happy to eat even leftover. I was glad.
After that when I back to L.A., I reached back in my mind to find this restaurant. Well I found it. YES.
My recommended is meat sauce which is reall meat+sauce. It's very simple, but delicious! And also I like pudding. Tiramisu is also excellent. Bon Appetit!!
Here is restaurant information
address: 8897 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048
Phone: 310-859-4903
I strongly recommend to make a reservation. And also you better wear well dress.
It's about $40 per person
Try it♪
日曜日, 2月 17, 2008
Italian Restaurant "LIFE"

It's Italian restaurant "LIFE" at Yoyogi-koen, Tokyo.
That was soooooooooo good.... this is heaven. Well, it isn't cheap, but it worth!! We had 2 main dishes, 2 desserts, and 4 drinks then we paid 3,000 JPY per person. (We got coupon, so we can save 1,000 yen next time.) The restaurant is cozy atmosphere.
I ordered tomato gratin with penne and she did seafood pasta. (Sorry I forgot!)
And also we had two kind desserts...... yum-yum. Chocolate souffle and tart. We choked up!
It's two blocks from the metro station, Yoyogi-koen. Actually, around Yoyogi-koen there are some nice restaurants! I'll try more.
土曜日, 2月 16, 2008
new ELMO!

それにしても、このELMOとってもハイパ~!!アグレッシブだと思いません?腕をバタバタバタバタさせて。ちょっと肩が貧弱に思えるけど。。。可愛い~。 new Elmoはここから!
The new Elmo stands!! I found thins at the Yahoo! news.
I tried to link the video, but I couldn't.... It may be my IP address is Japan.
Well, this new Elmo show activity. He seems too aggressive. He flip-flop his arms. Don't you think? ha, ha. His shoulder is little insubstantial as old Elmo. However, the red monster is so cuuuuuute!
Mao Asada won the Four Continents figure skating! YEAH!! I like her skating.
She successfully landed a triple axel and went on to complete a near faultless skate. That was so good! I was glued to the tube during the show.
When she was 15, she has landed easily and light, however today her performance was great! I wonder we are the same human-being? Do we have the same structure!???
I have a great esteem those athletes! Well, congratulations, Mao-chan!!
金曜日, 2月 15, 2008
break out of the paradigm
I have the same birthday with C.P.E. Bach, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. who served on Supreme Court of the U.S. from 1902 to 1932, Shigeru Mizuki (Cartoonist. "Gegege no Kitaro"), Taira Hara, Hiroko Shino. What a panoply!
According that book, the person who birth day is "break out of the paradigm". You may laugh at this if you know me, I know. I guess it's right. ha, ha. And also the book tells "the person who birth on 8th be dominated by number 8 and Saturn. That is why the person gets a strong sense of responsibility, feels one's limitations, caution, and threw up one's hands. I guess that is correct, but I wonder I am praised or not....
Advantage: be unique in one's own way, attract real crowds, and keen instinct
Drawback: alienate oneself, hard to handle one's consciousness, and cause trouble
Uhhhhhhh.... I am "to attract real crowds, but alienate myself"...Which am I?
In conclusion, there is meditation words. That is " there is power. You turn on power the rest." Ummm... Can you get it? :-)

木曜日, 2月 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day♪


I found those pictures at Yahoo! news.
Those pictures were taken "132nd Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show" at Madison Square Garden in N.Y. on Feb. 12, 2008.
Isn't she cute? The girl and Great Dane are the same height!! But she is not afraid of such a huge dog!!
And the next picture is my favorite dog, Weimaraner! Oh, my. The are just standing, but they are dignified elegance, don't you think? I really want him someday.
The last picture... ha, ha, ha. She might be checking around by judges. Looks like she said "do whatever you want, just let me know when you finish!". I like her face.
Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!! xoxo
火曜日, 2月 12, 2008

Today, a news was posted on company's bulletin boards.
One of female employee was standing to wait for a metro at the station on Friday night. She has never noticed until someone noticed her. She had been a Worcester sauce stain on her coat. She couldn't wake because that was on her back. What a abject coward! Unfortunately she couldn't catch the scumbag. Oh, no. It's too bad. She can't blame anyone. She can't sue for stain...
Anyway, we should pay attention everywhere unfortunately. These days there are diseased people...
I know, I know i-pod enabled we to enjoy music whenever and wherever we wanted. However we don't pay attention surrounding because we are so busy to send e-mail by phone, listen to music, read magazine and so on. We are getting too tick to notice, so we should be more acutely oneself and others! 気をつけましょう~!! Maybe we should learn self-defense!?
月曜日, 2月 11, 2008
This is amazing! I can post from my cell phone directly!!! I keep using the word golly about today's technology. ha, ha.
Moreover, one of my co-worker got the brand-new cell phone recently. Can you believe it? Such a small cell phone combined English dictionary. You just speak to it, and it's automatically to translate. Well, tag line is... that cell phone is for Japanese, so you have to pronounce Japanese-English otherwise it can't cognize the word...
日曜日, 2月 10, 2008
Valentine's day

When I worked an office in the U.S., I saw a cute episode. One of sales rep, Eric had engaged on Jan., that was why Eric and his fiancee were in love with each other. Absolutely Eric bought presents for her. However, he got surprise present from her. A delivery man came into our office with a heart shape box, balloons, and tiddy bear for Eric!! He blushed to the tips of his ears. Of course we teased. ha, ha.
I just knew today by the news! Godiva chocolate makes the running by Belgium, but it's not!!!!! Their packages have designed in N.Y. office.
Actually I was thinking that Godiva's Valentine packages were getting discreet design since I came back to Japan. But it's true!! Godiva makes different packages for the U.S. and for Asia. Most customers is male in the U.S., so Godiva makes red heart shape boxes. For Asia, they make more feminine design. In addition the designer is Japanese who lives in N.Y. That sounds interesting. Well, have you got chocolate for someone special?
土曜日, 2月 09, 2008
William Wegman

初めて、William Wegmanの作品を見たのは、“Nelson”という双子のバンドの2nd CDのジャケット、“Because They Can”。CDを買いにTower Recordsへ行ってビックリ! CD見て微笑んじゃいました。だって、rock bandなのに・・・犬(Weimaraner)が長い金髪のカツラをつけたジャケットですよ!! その頃“Nelson”は、なが~いブロンドが特徴だったんです。
“Cinderella(Fay's Fairy Tales)”と“Mother Goose”、その他にも本を見つけたんです。すべて、Weimaranerが演じているんですよ!! も~、一目惚れ!!!Weimaranerのあのブルーのたれ目といい、なんともいえない仕草。キュートです♪
I saw his photo which was Nelson's 2nd CD "Because They Can" at the first time. When I got it at the Tower Records, I had a smile. I'm telling you, Nelson is rock band, but the front cover of CD is two dogs wearing blond wigs as Nelson twin! At that day Nelson twin had long blond hair.
I didn't know Wegman and Weimaraner dog at the time. However, I found his books at the book store later. "Cinderella (Fay's Fairy Tales)", "Mother Goose" and other books. His dogs played!! I love them at the first sight because their blue eyes, and gesture. They are so cute!
木曜日, 2月 07, 2008
PILGRIM accessories
I had killed a few hours at the Westside Pavillion. I was browsing for fun at the mall. There are an accessories shop which is unfamiliar to me. That was why I saw through glass. It was exactly "window-shopping". ha, ha. Well, well, well! I found Liv's pictures in that shop, so I was gravitated into that shop. I checked accessories one by one then I met it! That was the one I wanted! YES!! I was soooooooooooo happy.
By the way, this shop's name is PILGRIM from Europe. If you are looking for a distinct design accessories, why don't you check HP! You can find the one, I guess. Good thing is you can buy some accessories in Japan. Check it out♪
水曜日, 2月 06, 2008
Clinton vs. Obama

とは言え、Democraticから大統領が決まった場合、Hilary Rodham ClintonでもBarack Obamaでも、歴史上初の大統領が生まれるって事ですよね!女性大統領(Hilaryの場合は夫婦初の大統領ですよ!!これって、世界初なんじゃないのかな~)か黒人か!!??歴史的な一部分を見れるなんて、ちょっとワクワクしますよね。
日本人の政治家を間近で見た事ないのに、Presidnet ClintonがLos Angelesへ来ていた時、Wilsher Blvd.をドライブしてたら反対車線をブラックリムジン御一行が走っていったんですよ!反対車線だけど、policeに交通規制されてしばらくストップしていたんです。そしたら最初に窓あけて手を振ったのがPresident Clinton!!丁度、Monica Luinsky問題の頃だったかな・・・。Hilaryも一緒に手を振ってたんですねぇ~。(Hilaryさんはたくましぃ~!)そんな事もあって、ちょっとだけHilary応援しています♪(と言っても、アメリカ人じゃないからな~にも出来ないんですが・・・苦笑)
The Democratic presidential contest is reported in the media everyday. I feel sorry to the Republican Candide's because the Democratic race sounds like more presidential election...
I'm not interesting Japanese politics because there is nooooo hope... I'm interesting about the US president because it would be influenced immigration law!!
Anyway, if a president is selected from democratic, either Hilary Rodham Clinton or Barack Obama, it will be the first female or the Black president in the history. If Hilary is the president, husband and wife become the president in a historical first! ! I'm excited to see that moment.
I've never seen any Japanese politician at a short distance, but I have seen President Clinton and the first lady, Hilary. I was driving at Wilsher Blvd. There were many police cars and I saw the black limos in opposite lane. Of course I was stopped and blocked police cars. Then I saw the President Clinton and the first lady waved to us in a friendly manner. WOW! At that day, the President got a lot of publicity in the media because of affair... Well, Hilary must have a strong spirit.
火曜日, 2月 05, 2008
It's COLD!!
I was at the Tokyo big-sight in business on Sunday. That day was site management, so the heat was out!!! The venue is huge and many shutters opened for carrying in. I frozen to the bone! If I were a day-off, I may think how to make snowman...
日曜日, 2月 03, 2008
colleague's wedding


I attended my colleague's wedding yesterday. (Today the snow piled up in Kanto region!!)
The venue was "Totenko" which is venerable chinese restaurant in Ueno, Tokyo. Hear Ueno, you think Saigo's statue or Panda bears in Ueno zoo...
Tell you truth, Totenko's exterior and billboard seems deserted, but if you step into it, there are lauxury place!! Taste wonderful!!!!!!!! especially one bite stake. I really wanted to eat more.
The groom said message to everyone in closing only 15 seconds!!! It couldn't fill the time, so suddenly he passed his microphone to the bride. Well, she is strong! She said really good message. Here is... "When I talked with my mother-in-law, I asked if it's possible when you would like to turn the clock back? She said 20 when she had his son who is the groom. I wondered myself. At the first I thought junior high school student. Wait a minutes, I have my husband, child and mother and father-in-law!! This moment is precious time for me. I couldn't be happier. I'll go off happily ever after with my family." Everyone impressed that bride message. ha, ha. Anyway, I wish you much love and happiness!! Cheers♪