初めて、William Wegmanの作品を見たのは、“Nelson”という双子のバンドの2nd CDのジャケット、“Because They Can”。CDを買いにTower Recordsへ行ってビックリ! CD見て微笑んじゃいました。だって、rock bandなのに・・・犬(Weimaraner)が長い金髪のカツラをつけたジャケットですよ!! その頃“Nelson”は、なが~いブロンドが特徴だったんです。
“Cinderella(Fay's Fairy Tales)”と“Mother Goose”、その他にも本を見つけたんです。すべて、Weimaranerが演じているんですよ!! も~、一目惚れ!!!Weimaranerのあのブルーのたれ目といい、なんともいえない仕草。キュートです♪
Do you know a photographer & artist, William Wegman? He mainly takes photographs with his dogs, Weimaraners.
I saw his photo which was Nelson's 2nd CD "Because They Can" at the first time. When I got it at the Tower Records, I had a smile. I'm telling you, Nelson is rock band, but the front cover of CD is two dogs wearing blond wigs as Nelson twin! At that day Nelson twin had long blond hair.
I didn't know Wegman and Weimaraner dog at the time. However, I found his books at the book store later. "Cinderella (Fay's Fairy Tales)", "Mother Goose" and other books. His dogs played!! I love them at the first sight because their blue eyes, and gesture. They are so cute!
I saw his photo which was Nelson's 2nd CD "Because They Can" at the first time. When I got it at the Tower Records, I had a smile. I'm telling you, Nelson is rock band, but the front cover of CD is two dogs wearing blond wigs as Nelson twin! At that day Nelson twin had long blond hair.
I didn't know Wegman and Weimaraner dog at the time. However, I found his books at the book store later. "Cinderella (Fay's Fairy Tales)", "Mother Goose" and other books. His dogs played!! I love them at the first sight because their blue eyes, and gesture. They are so cute!
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