月曜日, 7月 28, 2008
Shigakogen in Nagano
月曜日, 7月 21, 2008
日曜日, 7月 20, 2008
test drive "i-REAL"
お台場にあるTOYOTA車の試乗したり触ったり、テーマパークのように遊べるMEGA WEBに、トヨタ・ユニバーサル・デザイン・ショーケースで、未来コンセプトカーの"i-REAL"に乗ってきました!!(夏休み中、抽選ですが試乗できるようですよ。)
I had wonderful opportunity of experiencing a test drive "i-REAL" which is future concept vehicle.
You can take a test ride at the MEGA WEB in Odaiba.
There are two ways. One is like walking mode and the another is drive mode. Depends on what mode you drive, the vehicle shape is changed. I would say it's advanced wheelchair. This vehicle's maximum speed is 60km/h.
It's easy to drive. There is no handle. You just grip handles in both hands. It's awesome things is you can spin around at the small space. This vehicle has rear mode as the real car. Even you parked this vehicle head-in at the parking space, you just turn. It's really easy to pivot!
It won't be for a while yet to real. I wish I have this after 20 years!! I guess it must be convenient vehicle to go to grocery shopping. This "i-REAL" is battery vehicle, so it could be contribute for Eco.
土曜日, 7月 12, 2008
Cafe "mid." in Tokyo
It was difficult to make a choice which homemade hamburger or this creamy meat sauce spaghetti. Here is Spaghetti. It was soooooo yummy!!!!!
After that I ordered New York style cheese cake. It was a small piece, but cheese taste was rich. That was heaven!!
If you go to Shibuya or Shinjuku area, try it!
木曜日, 7月 10, 2008
でね、この"Tree-Nation"って、「笑っていいとも!」のような"友達の輪"です。"木の輪"って言った方が正しいかもね。決してチェーンメールじゃないです!!アフリカにあるニジェール共和国のための植樹プロジェクトです。パンフレットにも在東京ニジェール共和国名誉領事館のコメントが入っているので、so far、ちゃんとしたプロジェクトです♪
"Tree-Nation"は、アフリカのサハラ砂漠にあるニジェール共和国に、800万本の木を植えて、巨大なハート型の森を作りましょうという植樹運動です。ハート型の森だなんで夢があると思いませんか!!こんなことに食いついてしまったのです(笑)4種類の苗が購入できます。一番安いのは€8(¥1,300ちょっと!!)まだ実際に植えられた木は、5,000本らしいですが、壮大な計画ですが、将来googl mapで見たら、ハート型の森が見えると思うとワクワクしませんか~!!苗を購入すると、自分の好きな名前&植える場所を指定できるんです。しかも、購入してから、木の成長を教えてくれるんですよ。これで終了でも良いんですが、登録して、世界中の人と友達になれるコミュニティーもあります。さすが、ecoのhpなので、プロフィール記入欄に、"自分の心がけてるecoは?"、"ちょっとecoを怠けてしまう時は?"、"ecoに対する夢は?"があります。おもしろいでしょ?しっかり登録してきました!もちろんCanaの名前で。チェックしてみてね♪
Have you ever heard "Tree-Nation"? I didn't know that there is such a fabulous organization by today. I went to see a concert for a job. I found it at a pamphlet. I read during this concert...
"Tree-Nation" is an ecological project with a focused objective: to plant 8 million trees in Niger, Africa to fight desertification. Large-scale plantation of trees will increase the land's productivity and re-generate the soil.
"Tree-Nation" is an online community in which you can buy your own tree and become the guardian of a real and happy tree in a park in Niger.
Their objective is two -fold:
Primarily environmental, but also closely linked to the humanitarian aid that it will provide in the long term. The project will benefit local population in terms of welfare, education and farming practices.
The benefits of preventing desertification extend beyond trees to other kinds of plant and animal life. Any opportunity to re- introduce and/or help prevent any endangered species will therefore become an integral part of their mission.
You may see the hear shape forest in Niger, Africa at the Google map someday! Don't you think what a nice dream!!
I joined "Tree-Nation" already!! I named "Cana" to my tree.
If you are curious, check it out!
月曜日, 7月 07, 2008
Ashtanga Yoga (Power Yoga) -4
今日は、想像しやすい「下向き犬のポーズ」"Downward Dog"を紹介します。
1. 四つんばいの姿勢になり、手を肩幅に広げ、足は腰幅にします。腕と太ももを床に対して垂直を保ちます。
2. ついている両手の指先の位置に手首がくるように、両手をずらします。両足はつま先立ちします。
3. 息を吐きながら膝を床から持ち上げ、腰を伸ばしながら体で三角形を作ります。手のひらと足裏、均等の力で体を支えてください。ヨガマットの上で行う場合は、手のひらと足裏でマットを裂くようなイメージで伸びを感じましょう。その際、肩にのりすぎないように、注意してください。
4. 腰を気持ちよく伸ばし、お尻を三角形の頂点になるようにキープ。首、肩の力は抜いてリラックスしてください。5呼吸ほど続けます。(足裏は、ふんばり過ぎないよう、指に力を入れないように!)目線は、両手の平の間か、難易度をあげたい場合は、おへそを覗き込みます。
Reading text and keeping a pose is so difficult. I understand. I should insert some pictures. However, please exercise your imagination!
I gonna introduce "Downward Dog" pose today.
It's easy to assume "Downward". In short, this pose is triangular shape. That sounds like easy, right? However, this pose is important to Power Yoga's flow. If you do at the first, your leg may be instability, but you can feel a stretch in your back. It feels so good!!
tighten effect your upper arms, thighs.
1. On your hands and knees. Your hands spared apart to about shoulder width and legs spared apart to about hip width. Keep your arms and thighs are perpendicular to floor.
2. Slightly move your hands about your palm size and tip toe.
3. Exhale and lift your knees from floor. Stretch your lower back and make a triangular shape. You better keep equal force. If you do on a yoga mat, image to rip off your mat by your hands and soles. Do not keep shoulders relaxed.
4. Feel a stretch in your back and keep your hip as apical angle. About 5 times breathing. Do not brace your feet. Your eye level keeps middle of your hands or your belly.
You find your feet position where you can stand on the heels to toes. If you don't keep shoulders relaxed, it could be factors to get thick your neck! Just the usual your belly keeps to tighten.
I'll let you know the next pose later.
火曜日, 7月 01, 2008
Bon Jovi FREE concert!
Bon Joviのコンサートがフリーで見れるんですって!!
New York市長ブルームバーグ、メジャーリーグ、Bank of Americaがホストになって行われるイベントです。
あ~、良いな~。ってことは、今ごろBon Joviファンはヤンキース・スタジアム近辺で徹夜しているのかな~。
メジャーリーグの選手はもちろん招待されているのかな・・・。Ichiroも見にいくのかな~(笑)それにしても、今更ですがBon Joviっていつの間にかにアメリカを象徴するバンドになったのねぇ~。
Mayor Bloomberg & Major League Baseball Announce the concert event of the year!
Free Bon Jovi concert in Central Park to be presented by Bank of America during MLB All-Star summer.
What excellent event they have!!!
The historic concert on the Great Lawn in Central Park on Saturday, July 12th at 8:00p.m. will be in celebration of Major League Baseball All-Star Summer in N.Y.
Beginning Wednesday, July 2nd, tickets will be distributed at baseball parks and events throughout N.Y. including Yankee Stadium in the Bronx.
According to Mayor Bloomberg, "the free concert in Central Park is going to help make this year's All-Star Summer a celebration to remember. The 2008 All-Star Game will pay tribute to the storied history of Yankee Stadium."
If you are lucky, you can see Bon Jovi concert at free!!!