日曜日, 9月 28, 2008

Denmark Cheesecake "Kannonya"






Here is a cheesecake, but it's not ordinary. It's warm! Can you image a cheesecake is warm, but it is!!!

Only you can buy it at Kannonya in Kobe.

When I ate it at the first time, I went into a trance. It's true. I've never had such a sweet and nice taste cheesecake. I brought some to home, and my grandpa loved it. I remember it. Cheese was his favorite food. Once he ate it, he couldn't stop. ha, ha. The last one I kept it at fridge for me, but he found it!! There was nothing left for me... Well, I was honor because he liked it.

This cheesecake's expire date is a week. I could spend nice and cozy tea time for a week. Sound like I said exaggerated, but once you eat this, you know what I mean!!

You can even buy it at the Osaka(Itami) airport. Bon appetit!

金曜日, 9月 26, 2008

Diversity Visa







誰か詳細ご存じですか~? 早くアップデートされないかなー☆★☆

Ummm... I wonder when DV-2010's instruction will appear on Bureau of consular affairs' site? It's only announced period for acceptance...

I assume it's nothing change, but...

The Lottery online entry begins on Oct. 2 tru Dec.11. Uh... That means it will be started from the next week, but there is nothing update information.

I checked twice or three times a day this site. ummm... The 320 lucky Japanese people get Green card. I'm soooooo jealous!!!

Approximately 99,600 applicants have been registered for this visa.

Does anyone know about it? ☆★☆

火曜日, 9月 23, 2008

Manneken "Carameliese"

大阪発信のベルギーワッフルのお店“Manneken マネケン”。90年代には関東進出したそうですが(L.A.に居たので知らなかった・・・)、今は関東には銀座店と秋葉原店のみ。



クリームブリュレのように上がパリンパリンしていて、それを砕くと焼きプリンがちゃ~んと出てくるんですよ♪焼きプリン好きとしてはたまりません!!いつかtop 10やらなくちゃね(笑)


The Manneken is Belgium waffle shop from Osaka. In the 90s, Manneken shops have forayed into Tokyo area, but there are only Ginza and Akihabara shops in Tokyo these days. I was in L.A. in the 90s... No wonder I didn't know that.

There are branches in Osaka area.
A couple of years ago, my friend, Yuka took me there. I ate this "Carameliese" pudding instead of waffles. ha, ha. To me Manneken is Carameliese's shop.

This Carameliese is like a creme brulee. The hardened sugar is on top, but inside is regular custard pudding! Ummm... it's yummy. I like it♪ I'll list top 10 custard pudding someday.

If you go to Osaka, I recommend to have for souvenir. (My friend's mother likes it. That's good!!)

月曜日, 9月 15, 2008

California Pizza Kitchen

日本に上陸していましたねぇ~、California Pizza Kitchenが。

CPKに行くと必ず頼む、B.B.Q. Chicken PizzaThai Crunch Saladをオーダーしましたよ~。むふふ。お味は、Los AngelesのCPKとまったく同じ♪大満足です。なんとな~く盛り付けが小奇麗なのは、やっぱり日本だから!?(笑)



友達もすっかり、虜♪Saladをto goしたいぃ~って。いやいや、L.A.に住んでいる時は、CPKそんなに頻繁に行かなかったけど、会社の近くにできたことだし、行くぞぉ~♪

で、帰りにこのクーポンもらっちゃいました~♪なんと、B.B.Q. Chicken Pizza 1枚フリーのクーポンです。うれしぃ~。9/30が期限だから、またすぐに行かなくちゃ♪(うぅ~ん、ジムにも行かないと・・・)

The California Pizza Kitchen has been landing in Japan!! Forthwith, my friends and I went to CPK in Tokyo dome today.
As promised, we ordered B.B.Q. Chicken Pizza and Thai Crunch Salad! They were so yummmy!!!
The taste is the same as L.A. Pizza really hit the spot! Yeah!!
I was thinking to take pictures of foods, but.... we were so disturbed. When a salad came, we finished quickly. Indeed, when I became full, I knew that I didn't take any pictures! Ooops.
We had desert and felt euphoric after eating everything!
My friends seem to be captivated by CPK. ha, ha.
Luckily we got a "B.B.Q. Pizza" coupon!! Yeah! I must to go before expired.

土曜日, 9月 13, 2008

flea market




今日のフリーマーケットは、Wangari Maathai博士によって日本語の"もったいない"という言葉を世界中に広めた、NGO "MOTTAINAI"が主催していたので、至れり尽くせりでした。通常、フリーマケットが終了すると全ての荷物を撤収することになっているんですが、ここは、引き取ってくれるんです。洋服、雑貨、家具など。会場では集めていないけど、使用済みてんぷら油を引き取ってくれるんだって!それをリサイクル工場でバイオディーゼル燃料に精製して、バスが走るって!!すごいですよねぇ~。アイディアが。脱帽です。




It was hot today like mid-summer in Tokyo.

My friend, Sai-chan and I sold our clothes and accessories at a flea market. Today's flea market is hosted by NGO "MOTTAINAI" that is famous by Professor Wangari Maathai. Usually we have to bring back unsold goods, but this flea market is different. NGO "MOTTAINAI" takes oer and sell the next site. What a nice idea! Moreover, this NGO recycle used frying oil to biochemical fuel to run a bus!! My compliments.

I checked the "MOTTAINAI" HP. If you click sponsor site banner at a time, sponsor company will donate 1 JPY to Green-Belt organization instead of you. I mention before about Tree Nation where you can buy a tree for Africa, but here "MOTTAINAI", sponsor company will donate. It's very simple!!

Back to today's flea market...
I knew I would get a tan today. I put my hair up in a ponytail, then... my neck is getting red! Oh, my. Looks like I went to pool or beach. Unfortunately I can't wear a sunscreen even hypoallergenic lotion for baby. I'll get rash....

I like a flea market. I can talk any kind people regardless of gender, age and nationality. If you want to find bargain, you should go before open! Try it♪

木曜日, 9月 11, 2008

Seattle vs. Los Angeles

"Grey's Anatomy" 3rdシーズンまで完観しましたー!!
でもねぇ~、こんな格好良い&綺麗なドクター&インターンは見たことないぞっ!!ってくらい、一つの病院にgood lookingが集まりすぎっ。ERの方が現実味があったかもしれませんねぇ~。
で、その3rdシーズンの最後の方のストーリーにAddisonが旅行するんです。Los Angelesへ。

どっちがSeattleか、どっちがLos Angelesか分かりますかー?


↓L.A.というか、Santa Monicaです。ねっ?typicalでしょ?

This is Santa Monica! What do you think? Isn't it typical?


Pacific Coast High Way

Santa Monica Blvd.表示

It's Santa Monica!

Power Yogaをアウトドア(しかも海岸の近く)でやっているのもL.A.を象徴してますよね。"Side Triangle"のポーズです。

What a typical L.A., isn't it? People do Power Yoga outside close to an ocean.

By the way, they pose "Side Triangle" shape.

AddisonはL.A.に居る友達を訪ねて・・・、L.A.のクリニックで働いている人たち(役者)が、あ~っちこ~っちに出演していた人達で、さらに楽しかったです。"Alias (エライアス)"、"CSI"、"Prison Break"・・・。すごい顔ぶれでしょ!? 

I finished to watch "Grey's Anatomy" a whole 3rd season! I was not into "ER", but I like "Grey's Anatomy" especially Addison. She was bitch at the first, but she is sweet.

Indeed, I've never seen such a good looking doctors and intern people in any hospital!! That is unreal... "ER" is more real, I guess. ha, ha.

The end of story, Addison tripped to L.A. to see her friends.

Can you tell which is Seattle and Los Angles?

Curiously, even there is no Hollywood sign, you may tell it's L.A. Don't you think? Los Angeles has distinctive style and space. L.A. is Happy-go Lucky place, I guess. I mean there is positive. ha, ha.

Addison visited her friend in L.A. Surprise thing is there are so many famous actors and actresses are in as doctors. The people are from "Alias", "CSI" and "Prison Break". See?

水曜日, 9月 10, 2008

tired feet?




しかし!!朝起きてバタバタと身支度をして家を出る頃、またまた痛みがcome back~。根本は治癒していなかったみたいです。トホホ。



The last Friday, I wore uncomfortable shoes for work. It was not high heel. It was a pair of PUMA which platform. They are shallow, so I tried to not come off shoes. That was why I got sore muscle on shin.

When I back to my place, I pressed acupressure points while watching DVD. The result was bruise!! Ouch!

Whole weekend, my shin was painful. I went to Loft to find superb good for feet. I found it!!

First, I was uncertainty. I wonder how to work those silicons for foot. When I tried 10 times, WOW! the pain was gone.
Well, on Monday morning, while I was getting ready to work, the pain came back unfortunately... I guess fundamentally it's not cured. However, this roller works temporary to free of pain.

By the way, an acupressure point of tired foot is "ASHI SANRI" where is on shin. Make L-shape by hand (use index finger and thumb) and put your L-shape hand on knee cap. (your thumb is on knee cap top.) Tip of index finger is "ASHI SANRI" point. Press gently. Most tired feet will be revived.

日曜日, 9月 07, 2008

Power Yoga-Shoulder stand

I took power yoga class in a row... That is why I'm little tired. However, I did good poses in the end of class, so I'll introduce these two poses.

ポーズ:肩立ちのポーズ~鋤のポーズ(Shoulder stand~plow pose)
pose: Shoulder stand~plow pose

effect: stiff shoulder, fatigued neck and back, tiredness, disordered inner parts, and rejuvenate natural healing
*caution: It may occurred spinal damage. Do not move your neck and look away. You keep seeing a ceiling during this pose. When you try this pose, you better warm up before.

1. 仰向けに寝て、両腕を体に沿わせて手のひらを下に向けます。腰が痛い場合は、足を立てたところから始めます。
Lie face up with your arms straight along the body and palm down. If you have back pain, bend your knees.

2. 息を吸いながら、両足を伸ばしたまま床と垂直になるところまで上げます。
Inhale and raise your feet until your feet are perpendicular to floor.

3. 息を吐きながら、お尻&腰を床から持ち上げ、手のひらで腰を支えます。
Exhale and lift your butt and lower back. Support your lower back by hands.

4. 足先を天井へ伸ばして静止。5呼吸深呼吸でキープ。
Your toes toward a ceiling. Deep breathes 5 times.

5. 息を吐きながら、天井へ向かって立てていた足先を頭の方の床につけます。Exhale and move your toes to floor.

6. ゆっくりと呼吸を行いながら、腰をサポートしていた手のひらを床につけます。(体に近い場所に)
Deep breath. Put palm down.

7. 余裕があれば、両手を組んで肩甲骨を体の奥に押しこむようなイメージで胸を反らせ、骨盤を高く持ち上げます。5呼吸キープ。
Hold your hands (you can feel stretching blade bone) and lift bony pelvis. Deep breaths 5 times.

8. 息を吐きながら、腰を床にゆっくりとおろしていきます。その際、ゴロンといくのではなく、背骨をひとつづつ丁寧に床につけていく感じで。
Exhale and move lower back to floor slowly. You shouldn't back as a reaction. Put your backbone one by one.

9. (このあとFishのポーズへ続けていきますが・・・。省略。)首の緊張を和らげるため、寝たまま首を左右に動かします。その後、膝をかかえて上下左右に動かして、腰を伸ばします。 (After this pose, usually do Fish pose...) To relieve neck tension, move head from side by side. After that, hold knees and move from side to side and up and down. You can feel stretching your lower back.

How was it? Did you have sore muscles?



月曜日, 9月 01, 2008








When I was student, I had been up to my ears in homework before the end of summer vacation. I know, I know, it was my fault. I should do everyday. ha, ha.

Especially writing & drawing picture diary was so hard!! Recently it's easy to check monthly weather by Internet. Children, you should appreciate it. I had checked newspapers. That thing I thanked to my mother!! She gave me some ideas. ha, ha

The date has been changed to Sep. 1.

Yesterday I saw such a big sunflower in Shibuya area. These days if I see some sunflowers in a flower shop, they are little. As a child, I often saw real big sunflowers in school, blank spaces, and my house. When I saw them I felt nostalgic.

I took a photo against the sun, that is why it's not clear.... but,

a bank of clouds, big sunflowers, and bright & clear sky... what do you image? It's SUMMER, right? It's toward the end of summer...

The lingering summer heat finally begins to wane as the end of summer approaches, doesn't it?