I took power yoga class in a row... That is why I'm little tired. However, I did good poses in the end of class, so I'll introduce these two poses.
ポーズ:肩立ちのポーズ~鋤のポーズ(Shoulder stand~plow pose)
pose: Shoulder stand~plow pose
effect: stiff shoulder, fatigued neck and back, tiredness, disordered inner parts, and rejuvenate natural healing
*caution: It may occurred spinal damage. Do not move your neck and look away. You keep seeing a ceiling during this pose. When you try this pose, you better warm up before.
1. 仰向けに寝て、両腕を体に沿わせて手のひらを下に向けます。腰が痛い場合は、足を立てたところから始めます。
Lie face up with your arms straight along the body and palm down. If you have back pain, bend your knees.
2. 息を吸いながら、両足を伸ばしたまま床と垂直になるところまで上げます。
Inhale and raise your feet until your feet are perpendicular to floor.
3. 息を吐きながら、お尻&腰を床から持ち上げ、手のひらで腰を支えます。
Exhale and lift your butt and lower back. Support your lower back by hands.
4. 足先を天井へ伸ばして静止。5呼吸深呼吸でキープ。
Your toes toward a ceiling. Deep breathes 5 times.
5. 息を吐きながら、天井へ向かって立てていた足先を頭の方の床につけます。Exhale and move your toes to floor.
6. ゆっくりと呼吸を行いながら、腰をサポートしていた手のひらを床につけます。(体に近い場所に)
Deep breath. Put palm down.
7. 余裕があれば、両手を組んで肩甲骨を体の奥に押しこむようなイメージで胸を反らせ、骨盤を高く持ち上げます。5呼吸キープ。
Hold your hands (you can feel stretching blade bone) and lift bony pelvis. Deep breaths 5 times.
8. 息を吐きながら、腰を床にゆっくりとおろしていきます。その際、ゴロンといくのではなく、背骨をひとつづつ丁寧に床につけていく感じで。
Exhale and move lower back to floor slowly. You shouldn't back as a reaction. Put your backbone one by one.
9. (このあとFishのポーズへ続けていきますが・・・。省略。)首の緊張を和らげるため、寝たまま首を左右に動かします。その後、膝をかかえて上下左右に動かして、腰を伸ばします。 (After this pose, usually do Fish pose...) To relieve neck tension, move head from side by side. After that, hold knees and move from side to side and up and down. You can feel stretching your lower back.
How was it? Did you have sore muscles?
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