日曜日, 9月 28, 2008

Denmark Cheesecake "Kannonya"






Here is a cheesecake, but it's not ordinary. It's warm! Can you image a cheesecake is warm, but it is!!!

Only you can buy it at Kannonya in Kobe.

When I ate it at the first time, I went into a trance. It's true. I've never had such a sweet and nice taste cheesecake. I brought some to home, and my grandpa loved it. I remember it. Cheese was his favorite food. Once he ate it, he couldn't stop. ha, ha. The last one I kept it at fridge for me, but he found it!! There was nothing left for me... Well, I was honor because he liked it.

This cheesecake's expire date is a week. I could spend nice and cozy tea time for a week. Sound like I said exaggerated, but once you eat this, you know what I mean!!

You can even buy it at the Osaka(Itami) airport. Bon appetit!

2 件のコメント:

Lica247 さんのコメント...

t last.... My stomach is, without
feeling of satisfaction, wanting
some more decent food.

I tried to described to my cousins
how this cake was great taste,
yet both of them are denied the idea
of sweet and salty.

feel sorry for them to not trying
to eat this cake!!

Cana さんのコメント...

Ha, ha, ha. That's understandable her reaction. At the first I did, too.
Well, even I couldn't image wearm cheesecake.

Show this picture to your cousins, and I'm sure they love it!