火曜日, 12月 18, 2007

Gorgeous package

叔母のクリスマスプレゼントを買いに、United Arrowsへ行ってみました。あった、あった、見つけました。BEAMSUnited Arrowsのセレクトって素敵ですよね♪

いつも過剰包装だから、袋とか断っているんですが、今日は思わずニッコリとお願いしちゃいました。みなさんはChristmas Shoppingしていますか?
I went shopping at the United Arrows for my auntie's Christmas present. I got it! I like BEAMS and United Arrows because they sell niche, unique, and cool things.

What a surprise! How lovely package is this, isn't it? I should say it's gorgeous! Even this shopping bag is so nice, and also it comes with this cute charm! (That reminds me... when I was kid, I often bought some stationery products at Sanrio. Each times I wondered what kind of charms came with and I had been so excited.)

Usually I reject a shopping bag because of too much packaging, but today I was so happy to see that packaging and couldn't say no.
Do you go to a mall for Christmas shopping?

2 件のコメント:

Lica247 さんのコメント...


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