年末年始にL.A.へ行った時、待ち合わせまでの時間を調整しようと思って、Westside Pavillionへ立ち寄ってブラ~としていたら、見たことないアクセサリー屋さんがあったので、まさに“window shopping”、ガラス越しにお店を覗いていたら、「エッ!!???」Livの写真があっちこっちに貼ってあって、“へぇ~、Givencyの他にも広告に出てるんだー”と思いながら、引き寄せられるままお店に入って、端から端からチェックしてたら~!!!あった、あった!欲しかったネックレスがーっ!も~、嬉しくって、嬉しくって。店員さんにも説明しちゃったほど。
あっ、お店の名前はPILGRIMです。デンマークからやってきたお店だけあって、店員さんはと~ってもヨーロピアンアクセントの英語だったな~。サイトをチェックしたら日本のアクセサリー屋さんでも扱っているので、是非チェックしてみて~♪安いけど、ボリュームがあって、かなり個性的です。サイトもとーっても綺麗。2008年collectionのアイコンは、トップモデルのHelena Christensen。check it outですよ~。
I downloaded Liv Tyler's picture from her web site. I was wondering where I could get this necklace...however, I found it!!!!!! YEAH!
I had killed a few hours at the Westside Pavillion. I was browsing for fun at the mall. There are an accessories shop which is unfamiliar to me. That was why I saw through glass. It was exactly "window-shopping". ha, ha. Well, well, well! I found Liv's pictures in that shop, so I was gravitated into that shop. I checked accessories one by one then I met it! That was the one I wanted! YES!! I was soooooooooooo happy.
By the way, this shop's name is PILGRIM from Europe. If you are looking for a distinct design accessories, why don't you check HP! You can find the one, I guess. Good thing is you can buy some accessories in Japan. Check it out♪
I had killed a few hours at the Westside Pavillion. I was browsing for fun at the mall. There are an accessories shop which is unfamiliar to me. That was why I saw through glass. It was exactly "window-shopping". ha, ha. Well, well, well! I found Liv's pictures in that shop, so I was gravitated into that shop. I checked accessories one by one then I met it! That was the one I wanted! YES!! I was soooooooooooo happy.
By the way, this shop's name is PILGRIM from Europe. If you are looking for a distinct design accessories, why don't you check HP! You can find the one, I guess. Good thing is you can buy some accessories in Japan. Check it out♪
2 件のコメント:
Livさんの最も最近に観たDVDが"LONESOME JIM"