前日のイベント手伝い疲れで、やっぱり早起きできずに、残念ながらDuff(ex. Guns'n Roses, Velvet Revolver)のバンドLoadedは見れなくて、ちょっと残念(悔)
I went to Cure Fes on Sunday!! Yeah!!! I was so exhausted because I worked for an event whole day on Saturday. Unfortunately I couldn't wake up, so I couldn't see Duff's band, Loaded. Shuuuuuuuuuut.
Buckcherryは見ましたよ!!!でも、ステージが2つに分断されていため、Buckcherryの最後の最後の余韻にひたっているひまなく、Crue Stageの方がよくみえるスタンドへ移動ー。お客さんも大変なんですよぉー。
Well, I saw Buckcherry! Yes. They are great!! Unfortunately stage was divided two, so my friend and I had to move to Crue stage side of stands when Buckcherry finished. We, audiences were busy!! ha, ha.
日本のフェスは、アリーナで見たくないなぁ~と、つくづく思いました。だって、音楽的にモッシュする曲じゃないのに、暴れたい人たちが曲に関係なくアリーナで、とぐろを巻いてモッシュしているんですよ。ダイブなら理解できるけど・・・なんでHR/HMで~!?って感じ。それに、アメリカ人やカナダ人のお兄ちゃん達は、守ってくれるからねぇー。で、アリーナはあきらめてスタンドの見やすいところから、見てました。海外で色々フェスは見たけど、体外席があったからラッキーだったのかな。でも、VancouverでLollapaluza見た時、もみくちゃにはあったけど、Alice in Chainsを1列目でしっかり見れたし!!ラッキーだったのねぇ~。
As an aside, I can't be in arena area in Japanese festival. I'm quite sick of tired to see.... because it's no matter what music, audiences mosh anywhere. I understand diving, but mosh. Why they do on HR/HM music?? I went to alot of festival in the US, but I've never had such bad bad bad things.
フェスのおおとりは、Motely Crue!!
もぉ~、Nikki(B.)が機嫌が良くて、ライブ中ずっーと笑顔。珍しいんですよ、こんなこと。なぜ機嫌が良いかって?単なる時差ボケです(苦笑)。3年前来日した時も、来日一発目のライブはやっぱり時差ボケのため、18時から始まるライブなのにご機嫌。。。が、しかし、1週間滞在しているうちに時差ボケが治ってしまうせいで、18時から始まるライブスケジュールにご立腹。It's not rockn' roll time.って。(ま、ごもっとも!!)アメリカだったら前座だって19時から出演なのにねぇ~。
Headliner is of course, Motely Crue!!! YES!!!!! Cure is rule.
I'm so happy to see how Nikkie was in good mood. He always smiled!! You know why? Because of jet-lag. ha, ha. 3 years ago, he did the same. One he adjusted to a time zone change, he became incensed with concert schedule. He said "It's not rockn' roll time". Yeah, I understand. Even opening act plays after 19:00, but Motely Crue started to play 18:00!! Such a early.
As usual, Tommy's (Dr.) drum set were so outstanding! The largest bass drum was not for drum set... I assumed that bass drum was 38 inch.... it's for classical music.... And also he had 4 more bass drums. I wonder when he plays?
体が覚えている曲って怖いですねぇ~。首を痛めるからヘッドバンギングしちゃいけないっ!!って重々承知なのに、どうしてもパブロフの犬のように、"Red Hot"と"Live Wire"のイントロが流れと、どーしても首振っちゃうんですよねー。コンサートから帰ってから首痛いです(泣)
Like Pavlov's dog, I heard "Red Hot" and "Live Wire", I couldn't help to head-banging. ha, ha. My neck is still sore...
Well, I enjoyed Cure's show. I'm looking forward to seeing the next Sunday's show!!!!
4 件のコメント:
Hello Cana, a kiss from Rome. Ciao
There are a lot of word that I am not able to understand even those were written in English or Japanese...band name? action? or
Anyway, you seemed enjoyed even if there were so many typical Japanese.
Hello, oreste.
Welcome to my blog.
Do you like Motely Crue?
Hi, Lica.
Ha, ha, ha.
Motley Crue=band name
Bass drums=music insturmental, you know!
Tommy Lee=Drumer
Nikki Sixx=Bassist
You got it?
ha, ha.