題して「紅葉の京都・大阪・神戸 ぶらり食いだおれ旅行」。わはは・・・。どこに居ても食いだおれしてるけどね。
I went to Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe trip with around 40th colleague again. This trip's theme is call over and eat. (I wish I could say "eat, pray, love", but it's nooooooo! ha, ha.)
<1日目 1st day>
We flew from Haneda Airport to Itami Airport. I couldn't recognize the drawing on an airplane, but when we sit inside the airplane, I got it! That was Gundam. Can you tell?

We spent too much time at Itami airport for lunch the last time, so we had lunch inside the airplane. However, we only had some sandwiches and coffee. You know what domestic flight don't serve drink except green tea and water anymore. If you want to have coffee and others, you should pay for them! I placed an order for a coffee just curiosity. Well, it was nothing special...
After we arrived at Itami Airport, we directly went to Suzumushi temple. This place makes me calm down. Yuka told me this temple. Good thing we can hear monk's preach.
Luckily every time I've not got in a line. If the timing is off, you have to get in a line on long steps or along a river! I think I'm linked by fate!?
その後、阪急京都線で四条河原町へ~。さすがにサンドイッチしか食べていないから、お腹スキスキだけど夜ごはんを先斗町の「華楽」さんを予約していたので、Liptonでケーキセット。私がオーダーしたのは、京都らしく京抹茶をふんだんに使った抹茶チョコレートムース♡ 歩き疲れた体に沁み入りました~!! さすが、京都!?抹茶ムースとチョコレートムースの間に、おたべ!?が挟まっていて、ほのかにシナモン味が。
After that, went to Shijo-Kawaramachi. We only ate sandwich, so we starved. We stopped by Lipton and had cake and tea. I had a maccha featuring Kyo-maccha and chocolate mousse cake. That was soooo good. Otabe which is taste like cinnamon was sandwiched in between maccha and chocolate mousse.
After break, we headed to Kiyomizu temple to see light up. I've been Kyoto several times, but I've never been there. Long time ago, my mom took with me to go there, but I gave up the sloping road. Another time I didn't have a time....
At the entrance, there were about 20 people. We thought they were waiting for the gate open. After a while a guide said "O.K. shall we walk to Kodai temple?" "Why? you guys won't see lightup here?" I thought. Well, well, well. I stared hard at a light up poster. OMG!!!!! Light up would start Nov. 17. It's not Nov.12! Oh, no. We came 5 days early! I thought I checked carefully by Internet... Shuuuuut.
Anyway, we change a plan and went to Kodai temple like the group. It was close. I didn't complain to walk. ha, ha.
I knew, Kodai temple's garden was soooooo great. The leaves have turned color not much, but reflection on pond was so beautiful.
After that we ran to Hanaraku, Ponto-cho.
The last year we've the first time to be there, so we ordered enough. The price was 6,000 JPY per person!! This year we ordered little by little. ha, ha.
季節の京野菜の天ぷら、美味しかったですぅ!! 海老芋って初めて食べたけど、サトイモをとってもクリーミーに濃厚にしたお芋なんですね。去年も食べて「うまいっ!」と言った生麩田楽もしっかりいただきました♡ もぉ~、感動ですよ。
Seasonal Kyoto vegetable tempra were sooooooo delicious! The was first time to eat "Ebi-imo". Looks like giant Satoimo, but taste was so creamy. Of course I had Namafu-dengaku which I like.
After all, we spent long time at Hanaraku, we ran and catched a train to Umeda. According to hotel web site, it only takes 10 minutes by foot. However, it passed midnight, so we took taxi. We expected we only pay for one meter, but it was 2,000 JPY!! What? I don't have any energy to complain to a taxi driver... Shuuut.
Anyway, we passed out after 2:00a.m.
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