a series of travel story...
(実は、最初パンケーキ頼んだら1枚しか焼いてくれなかったので・・・今度は2枚。ちょっと多かった。え? IHOPはもっとじゃん!って言われそう。)
Staying ANA Crown plaza hotel comes with breakfast coupon, so we had big breakfast!! I had 3 pancakes ♡ (Actually, when I ordered pancake the first, it came only 1 piece, so I had more!)
ガッツリ食べた後、梅田駅まで出発。10分かかるというのを信じて歩いていたら、アララ7分位で大阪駅近辺に到着。「早いじゃ~ん」って喜んでいたから、ここからが悪夢のような道のりでした。阪急梅田駅まで、なかなかたどりつけないっ! 大阪駅周辺や地下を工事しているため結構ブロックされているんですよ(泣)結局たどり着いた時は、30分もすぎていました。
After eating breakfast, we walked to Umeda station. According to hotel HP, it only takes 10 minutes by foot, so we believe it. Actually, we arrived around Osaka station area about 7 minutes. It was easy, we thought. That was wrong!! We hardly couldn't get Umeda station. You know what there were so many construction around Osaka station and even underground, so it was not easy to through. After all it took 30 minutes from the hotel! OM.
I was completely exhausted even morning... We took Hankyu train about 30 minutes, so we felt restorative. Then we went to Ginkaku temple from Shijokawaramachi by bus.
Ginkaku temple is not much bright than Kinkaku temple, but I can tell there is steady history for temple and garden. I wish I could see winter landscape, but with colored leaves were so pretty. The highlight for me was the garden, "Mukouzuki dai". I really wanted to push into my finger... ha, ha.
そして、「南禅寺」到着~! うぉ~、一気に疲れが吹っ飛びました☆なんと素晴らしい景色でしょ~!今まで見たお寺さんの中で一番圧倒されたかもしれません!
We walked along "Tetsugaku no Michi" to "Nanzen temple". According to my friend, from Ginkau temple to Nanzen temple it's within walking distance. I believe it, however almost it took a hour! We had big breakfast, we've already digested, so we were hungry. We stopped by "Yojiya cafe", and just browsed. When I saw Nanzen temple sign, I found a couple of gooses along a river. Looks so cute, but they seemed drift away. Oh, no.
Finally we arrived at Nanzen temple! OMG! Seeing this temple was felt refreshed. What a amazing temple is. I've never got overwhelmed to see temple. This is the one! Actually, I wanted to see "Ryusui". Well, "Sanmon" was so great. I like it. When we walked inside Nanzen temple, we found "Ryusui". I knew cherry blossom season is so pretty, but this season is good, too.
「三門」に戻って、中を拝観しました。いやいや、ビルの4階か5階位の高さかな・・・。階段が急で登るのが難しい、難しい! まるで、日本のホラー映画に出てきた貞子のようでした(トホホ)。外に出ると、なんと素晴らしい景色でしょう!石川五右衛門が「絶景かな、絶景かな・・・」と言った気持ちが分かります。せっかくの禅寺なので、三門の上でちょっと座禅。座禅って言ってもヨガ式ね。う~ん、気持ち良かったです。
Returned to Sanmon, we were into it. I guess the heights is about 4 or 5th floors. Uhhhh... Going up stairs is really difficult. When we got top, WOW! there was awesome view! I can understand that Goemon Ishikawa said "What a stunning vista!". This temple is the head temple for zen. So, I tried zen sitting mediation. Actually mine is yoga pose, huh? That was great.
To fill our stomach, we had Yudofu for lunch. Yeah! We had big lunch again...
We walked and find a bus stop, but seems like "Shorei-in" was really close. Again, we kept walking and walking. Actually it only took less than 10 minutes! Unfortunately it's already passed after 4:00p.m., it was closed for light up. We kept moving to "Chiyo-in". This temple was, too. So we visited to "Yasaka shrine". After that we were so exhausted, and we took a rest at a cafe. Then we backed to "Chiyo-in" to see lightup. That was amazing light up. We could hear performance of gagaku. You know, shou, a woodwind instrument, and the hichiriki, a kind of flute sounds makes me comfortable. I used to visit "Chiyo-in" several times with my mom because she went to Kacho-gakuen where is really close to "Chiyo-in"san. Anyway, seeing light up was different dimension.
O.K. Sightseeing at Kyoto was over. We backed to Osaka and ate Okonomi-yaki at Yukari. 2nd day was finished.
4 件のコメント:
Well, Japanese people like to walk.... Tha's my impression. LOL!!
when i was Los Angelian, i walked like japanese. now i am japanese, i drive like Los Angelian. What a contradicted person i am!