月曜日, 4月 14, 2008


“Sempo”って知っていますか?もしくは杉原千畝(すぎはら ちうね)さんってご存知ですか?

もっと凄いのが、戦後、センポ・スギウラは外務省を解雇され、助けられたユダヤ人達は何年間も彼を探し続けたんです。そして1968年にやっと連絡が取れたんです。1985年にはイスラエル政府から“Righteous Among the Nations ”の名誉(non-Jewsのために与えられる名誉)を受けたそうです。



実は、26日 三輪さんの舞台を見に行くんです~。ますます楽しみです♪

Do you know "Sempo" or Mr. Chiune Sugihara?
Answer is.... it' would be long but I make it short. Chiune "Sempo" Sugiuhara was like Schindler who saved Jews during the WWII. He was a Japanese diplomat, serving as Vice Consul for the Japanese Empire in Lithuania. He helped several more than thousand Jews leave the country by issuing exit visas to Jewish refugees from Poland or residents of Lithuania even Japanese government forbid to approval of the visa.
In 1947, the Japanese foreign office asked him to resign.

Jewish people had tried to find Sempo. Finally, in 1968, he was found. In 1985, Sempo was granted the honor of the Righteous Among the Nations by the government of Israel.
After he died, in 2006, the ministry praised Sugihara's conduct in the report, calling it a "courageous and humanitarian decision".

Why do I talk about it? I was invited a musical "SEMPO" on Saturday at New National Theater, Tokyo. The theater is so beautiful. You can see LUX' CM now. About the musical. I only know the main cast Koji Kikkawa. Well, he was actually good. He went beyond what I expected.
I'll go to see another play on the next Saturday. I'm looking forward to it!!!

水曜日, 4月 09, 2008

addicted to Spelling's drama

Aaron Spellingさんって知ってますか?Tori Spellingのお父さんと言った方が分かるかな?1950年代からアメリカのテレビドラマの制作に携わり、次々とヒットを飛ばした超大物プロデューサー。代表作は、TV版"Charlie's Angels"、"Dynasty"、"Beverly Hills, 90210"、"Charmed"などなど。日本ではむか~しWOWOWで放送されていた、"Melrose Place"がmy favoriteです♪

MPには、日本でも人気のドラマ "Desperate Housewives" で、Bree Van De Kamp役のMarcia CrossやTom Scavo役のDoug Savant、"Ally McBeal" で、Georgia Thomas役のCourtney Thorne-Smithが出演しているんです。"Ally McBeal" に、Heather Locklearもゲスト出演したんですよね~。

MPのあらすじを1行であらわすと、「Melrose Place(アパート)に住んでいる住人(+友人、親類、同僚)達が、グルグルと恋愛していくストーリ」。Beverly Hills, 90210の大人版ですね。Season Oneには実際、Kelly、Donna、David、Steveが出演しているんです。

Alison Parker (Courtney Thorne-Smith):MP住人。D&D Advertisingで勤務。レセプショニストからアシスタントを経て、クライアントを持つ営業へ昇格。Amandaの同僚。Billyのルームメイト→Keithの彼女→Billyの彼女。Billyとの結婚式の日に逃げちゃうんです!Alisonのお姉さん役には、Tracy Nelson。お父さんは、Twin Peaksのローラーのお父さん役リーランド・パーマーやった人です。寂しくなると、お酒に走ってしまうのが、弱点。
Billy Campbell (Andrew Shue←彼のお姉さんはElizabeth Shue): MP住人。Alisonのルームメイト→Amandaの彼氏→Alisonの彼氏。タクシードライバーから、新聞社のエディター/ライターへ転職。後に出会う、Brookeと結婚。
Dr. Micheael Mancini (Thomas Calabro): MP住人/管理人。Wilshire Memorial Hospitalで働く医師。Janeの旦那→Kimberlyと不倫→Janeと離婚→Kimberlyとビーチハウスに住む間にJaneの妹のSydneyと浮気・・・。一人泥沼。
Jane Macini (Josi Bissett): MP住人。Michealの奥さん。ファッションデザイナー。
Matt Fielding (Doug Savant): MP住人。施設で働いてたが、差別により解雇。その後、Wilshire Memorial Hospitalでソーシャルワーカーとして働く。ロシア人のドクターと、グリーンカードのために偽結婚する。
Jake Hanson (Grant Show): MP住人。バイク屋を解雇されてから、Joと一緒にバイク屋を経営するものの、火事によって無くなる。同時に、Joとも分かれる。その後、Amandaと付き合い始め、Amandaの父の経営するバイク屋で働く。
Rhonda Blair (Vanessa A. Williams): MP住人。MP唯一の黒人。Sandyのルームメイトで、エアロビのインストラクター。(season 2で)結婚のためMPを離れる。Mattと友人。
Sandy Harling (Amy Locane): MP住人。Rhondaのルームメイト。Shootersのウェイトレス。女優を目指していて、スカウトされMPを離れる。
Jo Reynolds (Daphne Zuniga): MP住人。旦那から離れるためにNYから引越ししてきた、カメラマン。Jakeと付き合うけど、Amandaに取られちゃう。。。その後、Carterと付き合い妊娠。子供をKimbelyに取られてしまう・・・。
Dr. Kimberly Shaw (Marcia Cross): Wilshire Memorial HospitalでMichaelと一緒に働くうちに、不倫へ。脳腫瘍の手術を受けた後、MichaelやMP住人に対して過激な復讐をする。
Sydney Andrews (Laura leighton): Janeの妹。MP住人になり、Shootersでウェイトレスとして働くが、同僚からhookerの仕事を持ちかけられのめりこんでいく・・・。Michaelの事が大好き。
Amanda Woodward (Heather Locklear): Marina Del Rayに住んで居んでいるが、ある日MPのオーナーに。Billyの彼女→Peterの彼女。Alisonの上司。
Dr. Peter Burns (Jack Wagner): Wilshire Memorial HospitalにMichaelの上司として就任。Amandaの彼氏。
Brooke Armstrong Campbell (Kristin Landen Davis←HBO's Sex and the CityではCharlotte Goldenblatt役): D&Dで働く。のちにBillyの彼女→奥さんへ・・・。
Needless to say, you know Aaron Spelling who was the famous producer in worldwide. I like his dramas especially "Melrose Palce". "Melrose Palce" ran between 1992 and 1999 in the U.S. If I describe this drama by one line, "Several young residents who live in Melrose Palce such a small apartment get involved in a relationship." What a nice apartment!! ha, ha.

Alison Parker (Courtney Thorne-Smith): MP's resident. She was receptionist at the D&D Advertising. She was promoted to a director. Amanda is her boss. First, Alison and Billy were roomy. After break up with Keith, Alison and Billy were couple, but she run away from Billy on the Wedding day.
Billy Campbell (Andrew Shue): MP's resident. He was a taxi driver then he became an editor/writer at the newspaper. He dated with Amanda, then Alison. Billy and Brook were married.
Dr. Micheael Mancini (Thomas Calabro): MP's resident/ manager. He was Jane's husband. He works at the Wilshire Memorial Hospital. He had an extramarital affair with Dr. Kimbely Shaw and his sister in law, Sydney. He is in the quicksand of hiself...
Jane Macini (Josi Bissett): MP's resident. Micheal's wife. She is fashion designer.
Matt Fielding (Doug Savant): MP's resident. He used to work at a child facility, but he was subject to discrimination and prejudice, so he left. He works at the Wilshire Memorial Hospital for a social worker.
Jake Hanson (Grant Show): MP's resident. Jo and he run a bike shop together, but he lost everything in a fire. After that he goese out with Amanda.
Jo Reynolds (Daphne Zuniga): MP's resident. She is a photographer. She arrived from N.Y. to escape her ex-husband.
Dr. Kimberly Shaw (Marcia Cross): She works at Wilshire Memorial Hospital. She have an extramarital affair with Dr. Mancini.
Amanda Woodward (Heather Locklear): Amanda vied with Alison for Billy's affections and became a vice-president for the company, D&D Advertising. She has purchased the "Melrose Place" apartment complex.
Even reading this cast, you think that this story is gunky, isn't it?

月曜日, 4月 07, 2008

for a walk

最近、散歩していないなぁ~。 (←良く言うよ、歩くの好きじゃないくせにっ!って声が聞こえそうですが。。。苦笑。どちらかと言うと、私の散歩の定義は、ショッピングモールでブラブラするですからねぇ~。)長く歩くのが苦手なんです。イメージの(妄想とも言う!?)、散歩は好きなんですが。
1月Los Angelesへ行った時、Hollywood Mt.へ散歩行こうって誘われ、往路に1時間と聞き、「無理っ」と昼寝してしまいました(もっとも、到着した日だったから、ちょっとお疲れモードだったんです)。後から、もったいないことしたな~と、ちょっと後悔。



これが犬と一緒だったら違うのかな。この写真、San FransiscoでadくんとLicaと散歩している途中、adくんの仲間を発見!!お花屋さんの店頭で、パシャリ!

I haven't taken a walk lately. (I can hear somebody say Cana doesn't like to walk!! ha, ha. My definition of "for a walk" is browsing at the shopping mall. You know that!) I'm not good at walking especially long distance. I like to hold an image in my mind to take a walk in a park... It would say I spin a daydream.

This picture, when Lica, Ad-kun and I took a walk in San Fransisco. We found Ad-kun's "friends" at a flower store. Isn't is cute?
What do you think average time of walking? It's carried away by the fine spring weather, I'd like to go for a walk.... (The first, I'll do visualization in which the mind is used to rehearse situations... ha, ha. I haven't got rid of my cold...)

金曜日, 4月 04, 2008

cherry blossoms



I had a hectic month at work on March. Then I went limp with relief, so I got a cold. I have a fever, and not have much strength on my back. Oh, my. And also my voice is getting hoarsen!! Take good care of yourself!!

I was on my way home flower petals of cherry are softly fluttering down. I got them♪
The life of a cherry blossom is very short... I couldn't go to the major cherry blossom-viewing spot this year. I just watched row of cherry blossom trees around my office. Have you been to the major view spot?