日曜日, 6月 29, 2008

Ashtanga Yoga (Power Yoga) -3

“tree 立ち木のポーズ”。片足バランスポーズです。


1. 直立します。まずは左足から片足立ちをします。その際、右足を徐々に移動するとバランスが取りやすいと思います。

2. 右足裏を左足くるぶしに当てて、片足立ち。出来たら、右足裏を左の膝横に移動。

3. まだ足の移動が可能であれば、さらに右足裏を左のふともも横に移動します。

4. さらに可能なら、その右足裏をくるっとひっくり返し、ふとももに右足をひっかける様な感じで立ちます。(右裏足が自分で見える感じ)

5. 息吐きながら、胸の前で合掌して呼吸を整えます。

6. 息を吸いながら腕を上げ、下半身を安定させて、上下に伸びるイメージし、5秒キープ。(キープしている間も呼吸しましょうね。)

7. 息を吐きながら腕を下げ、足をほどき、今度は右足に交代。


I'm gonna talk about Power Yoga pose.
If you see "Nintendo wii" commercial message, you may know what pose it is.
It's Tree Pose. This pose is balanced yourself on one foot.
Standing on one foot is difficult, but if you stay focus to your lower stomach, you can stand to be firm on one leg. And also you better focus your eyes towards the little far and keep on your eye level.

swelling, cold-natured, alleviate the tension in your shoulders, ability to concentrate, and reinforcement of inner organs

1. Draw yourself up. The first, you stand by left leg. On this occasion, you better move your leg little by little, so you can keep your balance easily.

2. Put your right sole to on your left ankle. Then slide to your knee.

3. If you can keep the pose, move your sole to left inner thigh.

4. Additionally, upturn your sole. Right ankle hooks on your left leg.

5. Exhale and join your hands in prayer in front of your chest. Control your breathing.

6. Take a breath and stretch your arms in the air. Keep your balance in 5 seconds.

7. Exhale and drop off your arms. Loose your legs. Control your breathing.
Then make replacement.

I know it's easy to sand if you pose like squat, but it's not tree pose. You should image to stretch your body as a tree. If you can't keep your balance, you just keep pose on No.2. Increasing ability little by little.

Try it!

水曜日, 6月 25, 2008

LASIK or Bright Smile


でもねぇ~、今年のボーナスは、Bright Smile(ブライトスマイル)をしようと、冬からず~っと思っていたから。友達に今年はBright Smileやるから、LASIKは次かな~って言ったら、"えっ?ブライトスマイルって、新庄みたいになるの?"って。あそこまで白くはならないと思うけどね~(汗)どうかな。


My friend corrects her vision by LASIK. It's recovered her eyesight 0.03 to 1.2! Isn't it nice? Until I put contact lenses, I don't feel awake in the morning.

When I was in L.A., one of my acquaintance did LASIK which costed $3,000 per eye that time. I was a student, that was why I couldn't afford it. According to him, he was able to be liberated from time constraints. If it would be under $1,000 for both eyes, I definitely tried. Actually, LASIK is in the not-so-distant future!! My friend paid about $1,500 for both eyes. Sound good, isn't it?
According to my friend, she can see alot of things like wrinkles... After she did LASIK, she can't be helped to see wrinkles on co-workers faces..... Oh, no! I stretched my wrinkles on my eyes, then she said, "don't worry, you have scarce." Should I dance with pleasure???? ha, ha.

I really want to do "Bright Smile".

Uhhhh.... Which you like to do the first? Teeth or eyes?

月曜日, 6月 23, 2008

no tails...2

アドくん、パート2。そそ、もう一枚ありました、同じシチュエーションの写真が。カメラ目線になっているけど・・・AndyとAllenは人なつっこそうに、“遊んでぇ~”ポーズをしているのに、何故か、Adonis (a.k.a. Ad-kun)は遠目。

Here are other Ad-kun's pictures. He is looking straight at me, but...
Andy and Allen are very friendly, however, Adonis a.k.a. Ad-kun looks from a distance. I don't know why...


Here is Irie who neglected to take care her children. ha, ha. After the operation, she lost some wight, but normally she's fat, big like my mother... ha, ha. Ad-kun dig up the yard too much! Look at him, his nose is muddied. (Well, well, dogs' never forgotten feral feeling, but a rabbit is not there!!)


I love this picture. Ad-kun parades like dry-cell toy. Uh, look at Irie's tail. She doesn't have it, but don't you think she is sexy? ha, ha.

土曜日, 6月 21, 2008

no tails...

They were my Welsh corgi, Irie's children. She bore 4 male dogs. Uhhhh... there is no Angus on this picture. He'd already adopted my brother's fiends. Two dogs is looking straight at us. One of them is Allen in the center, another is Andy. Uhhhhh.... Ad-kun is just hanging around.
Irie had babies through C-section, so she had not been awarded they were her sons. That was why she neglected to care of them....
The Pembroke was breed with a natural bob tail due to the advent of docking. I wonder if a tail has not cut, how long would be.
See. They don't have tails. Usually you can see dog's feeling by wagging tail. But, you can see by wagging bun!! ha, ha. That is so cute. Well, at this time, they are unspeakable cute!! They are like robot with dry cells. As if batteries were out, they suddenly sleep. I felt so comforted to see them.

火曜日, 6月 17, 2008



すごいですよ!許可されてから100組以上のゲイ&レズビアン・カップルがマリッジライセンスを取得し、夫婦の誓いを交わしたそうです。San DiegoからSan Franciscoのライセンス発行する部署は、フォーマルドレスを着たカップルで混雑していたんですって!! 詳しくはこちらから>>


この前、Rainbow(レストラン)の話を書いたばかりなのに・・・今日はRainbowの旗があっちこっちではためいてて、West HollywoodやSilver Lakeはパーティーで盛り上がってるのかな~。

土曜日, 6月 14, 2008

RAINBOW bar & grill

L.A.のSunset Strip(通り)にある、RAINBOW bar & grill
ROXY、Key Club、Wiskey a go-goなどのクラブが並ぶSunset Stripに、クラブのようなイタリアン・レストランがあります。

Guns N' RosesやMotely CrueのPVで撮影された場所です。確か、Terminator 2のGunsの曲"You could me mine"は、ROXYが舞台じゃなかったかな~?

その昔、Key ClubがGazzarie'sという名前のクラブだった頃は、週末になるとMr. Gazzarieが金髪女性を両脇に連れて、ここのレストランに現れていました。水戸黄門みたいな“カッ、カッ、カッ!”という笑い声が聞こえてくるんです。それを目当てに、ローカル・バンドのメンバーはbarで飲んでたり・・・。(それを追っかけるファンも・・・連鎖ですね~。)


ROXYのライブチケットが完売で入れなくても音が聞けるから、チャンスです♪Foo Fightersの時ちゃっかり聞いてました(笑)

There is an Italian restaurant, RAINBOW bar & grill on Sunset Strip. Needless to say there are famous clubs like ROXY, Whiskey a go-go, Key Club on Sunset Strip. "L.A. metal" is came from here. On weekend there were so many long hair males and females hung out there to meet band, see concert, post band's fliers and so on in 80s and 90s.
It is a "restaurant", but this place is spacial to musician and fans even waitresses!! Usually if you were in a restaurant, you are strictly forbidden to take a picture, and get his/her autograph by tacit agreement because of invasion of privacy. BUT, this restaurant, it's informal!! Rock stars also used to be revered the famous rock stars. They like attracting attention especially cute/beautiful blond female fans.
If 3 songs of the same band were played, it must be in-person (member) visit.
I like their Italian-American food. If you order pizza, they set stand with lamp to warm up it, but it's noooo. ha, ha.
It's regular, but I enjoy the atmosphere.

水曜日, 6月 11, 2008

El Capitan Theater

1926年に“Father of Hollywood”と呼ばれたCharles TobermanとSid Graumanによって造られた、El Capitan Theater。目の前にあるThe Chinese TheaterHollywood Roosevelt Hotel、そしてThe Egyptian Theaterも彼らが開発したそうです。内装は、Chinese Theater同様、と~っても豪華。映画館とは思えない程の豪華なデコレーションなんです。
1989年にThe Walt Disney Companyが加わり、この歴史的建物はまるで博物館のように修復工事が行われ、1991年に“The Rocketeer”ワールドプレミアムショーで再開されたそうです。今では、Walt Disney Picturesのロードショー劇場となりました。(私は最初からDisneyの所有映画館だと思っていました!)

この写真は、2年前のものです。"The Nightmare Before Christmas"の3D版が公開されていた時期で、JackとSallyが3D用眼鏡をかけているビルボードが可愛いじゃないですか!!L.A.に住んで居た頃、Disney映画を見にいきましたね~。ポップコーンのパッケージに映画のキャラクターが描かれていてcuteなんです
The El Capitan Theater debuted on 1926. real estate developer Charles Toberman, "Father of Hollywood" erected 36 stylish buildings in the hear of Hollywood, including the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel and three themed theaters, which he developed with Sid Grauman-the Egyption, the Chinese, and the El Capital. This theater is so great flamboyance. It' not like cine-complex theaters.
In 1989, The Walt Disney Company joined with Pacific Theaters to begin a two-year archeological dig, which led to a museum-quality restoration of the legendary palace. In 1991, it was opened to the public with the world premiere of Walt Disney Pictures' "The Rocketeer". (Well, I thought it was owned by the Walt Disney at the first.)
This picture I took 2 years ago. Isn't it cute? Jack and Sally from "The Nightmare Before Christmas" are wearing 3D glasses on billboard.

火曜日, 6月 10, 2008








日曜日, 6月 08, 2008



一つは、キレートレモン 24本、今日届いたもう一つは、TV番組“グータン・ヌーボ”の携帯ストラップ<内田恭子バージョン>。
写真がそのストラップです。結構可愛いから、次に携帯新しくしたら使おうかな(いつだ!!)3つ目は、green cardか宝くじか!?って首をなが~くしてまっているんですけどねー。どっちか来いっ♪



I wonder why I have won a prize these days. Unfortunately I'm not lucky in lotteries.... That is why I'm surprised. And also I forgot to participate in a prize competition. ha, ha.

One is 24 bottles of "Kireto-Lemon" from Pokka, and another one is cell-phone strap from TV program, "gout temps nouveau". The strap is kind cute, so If I get the new cell-phone, I'll put it. WELL, I've been waiting "DV-2010" green card and public lottery!! I strongly believe "What happens twice will happen three times"!!!!!

By the way, these days a director, Koki Mitani has appeared as a guest performer. What a hard worker he is! He promotes his latest movie himself. I feel sympathy for his ideas. For example, if he/she holds umbrella wrong way, he does at the risk of his body. Likewise!! If I found him/her, I bump to umbrella myself. Well, the most likely those people recognize instantly. However, if still people can't notice, I bump my umbrella to his/her umbrella. Finally, they notice.... Anyway, why people can't recognize themselves such a easy things.... I wonder.

FIVB Volleyball -World Cup 2010-


そんな中、私はcute guyを見つけて、試合に熱中していました。←不純な動機(笑)タイとかイタリアにいましたねぇ~。イケ麺(←この意味が分かる人、スゴイッ!!)が、あっ、間違えた、イケメンが。

Japan team won against Argentina team which has ranked 6th in the world!!
Manager, Ueda dropped toward on the floor as a corpse when Japan team triumphed. Yesterday he pumped his fist and crouched on the floor. I wonder his suite was tattered or not... Even teammates hugged each others to embrace the victory, but there was no the manager. Where was he? Uhh, he was on the floor! It didn't lie face up! He did lay on his stomach!
Mr. Ueda acts to be cool. He doesn't betray his emotions, so he poses really funny and weird in a trice. I thought Gottsu's victory pose is the overreact, but Mr. Ueda is the one. He does punch the air and put his head in his hands, which I don't know why... However, I like to see his pose.

Meanwhile, I also checked some cute players! ha, ha. There are some players in Thailand and Italy.
Well, I wish both female and male teams become on Olympic champion!!

水曜日, 6月 04, 2008


むか~し、昔、住んでたSherman Oaksにあるアパート。まだ住所覚えていますよぉ~。
Sepulveda Blvd.に面していて、405 San Diego Fwyや、101 Hollywood Fwyに近い、と~っても便利な場所です。
San Fernando Valleyというヴァレーなので、夏は30度以上が当たり前!!でも、日影に入ると涼しいから、意外と住みやすい場所でした。と言っても、車がないと大変だけどね。
ここからSanta Monicaの学校まで通っていたんですよね~。片道約12 miles。
レント代は安かったでです。$570。1 roomと言っても、広さは日本の1 roomの3倍位あるんですよねぇ~。それに、中庭にはプール2つジャクジー2つがあって、4つもBBQグリルがあったので、weekendは呼んでないのに友達が遊びに来てましたねぇ~。私にとって、プール&ジャクジー=カリフォルニアです。のんびり過ごす場所って感じ。

その後、学校で知り合ったLicaと、West Los Angelesのアパートへ引越ししたんですよね。10740 Lawler St.にね。
学生にとっては、少しでも安いレントが魅力ですからねぇ~。とは言え、日本から考えられない安いレントで、2 bed & 2 bathルーム(暖炉付きですよ)なのに、確か$800位だったかな~。今は、Los Angelesの不動産の値段が、とんでもないくらに高くなっているから、きっと$2,000まであがっているんじゃないかな~。ここも住みやすいアパートでしたねぇ。

今は、本当に値上が加速していて、1 bedは$1,500以上らしいです。だからルームメイトを探している人が多いようです。東京のようなレント代ですよね。まっ、部屋が広いからまだ許せるけど・・・。

Los Angelesへ1週間旅行へ行くなら、ホテルにstayするのも良いけど、安く済ませたかったら、ルームメイトやハウスシッターを短期間募集しているので、チェックしてみるのも良いかもしれませんね。例えば、“びびなびロサンゼルス”、“Bridge USA”などなど。夏休みの計画に役立ててみてください。あ~、行きたいっ!

I found these pictures.
This apartment which I used to live is located in Sepulveda Blvd., Sherman Oaks, CA. It's very convenient to access to 405 Fwy and 101Fwy. Well, it's in San Fernando Vally. That is why summer time is extremely hot, but if you get out of the sun, it's cool.
The rent was cheap! I only paid $570/month even though there are 2 pools, 2 jacuzzes, 4 B-B-Q grillers in the patio and exercises room! Can you believe it? My fiends often came to use those facilities on weekend. ha, ha. To me, pool and juacuzzi represent California. Don't you think?

I met Lica at the Santa Monica College then we became roommate. That apartment was also nice! We only paid $800 for 2 bed and 2 bath room included fireplace!! These days you can' t find any of these because of real-estate boom. It's unbelievable!! About twice as high and more!!!

If you plan to go to Los Angeles for summer break, why don't you check classified like "Vivinavi Los Angeles", "Bridge USA", and "L.A. Times". There may be short term roommate or housesitter offers. Check it out! Oh, I wish I could go~~~!

火曜日, 6月 03, 2008

tourist attractions were lost...

昨日、チョコッと触れたUniversal Studiosですが・・・思った以上に被害が大きくなったようですね。びっくり!!9人の消防士達が負傷したって。
“The Sting”で使われたNew York Cityのストリートから火が回って、“Back to the Future”を見た事がれば絶対知っている、あの時計台のあるthe Town Squareまで燃えてしまったとか・・・。それに、トラムツアーの目玉のKing Kongを操作しているビルも焼けてしまったとか。。。
Universal Amphitheaterで行われるMTV Awardsもスケジュール変更になったらしいです。

Hollywoodに住んでいる知り合いのアパートからも、黒煙が見えるって!Universal Studioは山の向こう側にあるから、煙がHollywoodから見えるって事は、やっぱり相当な火事だったんでしょうねぇ~。早く復活できる事を願います。

I glanced about Universal Studios' blaze. It was more extensive than I had expected. What a shock! Nine firefighters and a sheriff's deputy suffered minor injuries.

The fire spread to wooden mockups of buildings and destroyed huge chunks of movie history including sound stages, the Town Square seen in the "Back to the Future". The alley made famous in "The Sting", and much of the New York City street scape. It also burned through the building that housed a mechanical King Kong!!! That is the popular backlot ride.

According to my friends who lives in Hollywood, they can see black smoke. If you have been to the Universal Studio, it's located on the mountainside, and it's not neighbor. However, they could see smoke!! That means it was terrible blaze. I hope it makes renovation soon.
Well, if you wanna see more details, check it out at FOX 11.

日曜日, 6月 01, 2008

Night snack!?


My favoriteのスナック、“Fritos- The Original Corn Chips”紹介しま~す。

日本で入手できるのは(私の知っているのは)、Costcoで売っているパーティーパックを買うか、カルフールでしか購入です。アメリカでは、grocery store, drug store, やgas stationなどなど、どこでも売っているのに・・・。


ちょっと前にニュースで取り上げられていた、Trans Fatはゼロgです。以外にも、Iron 2%なんですよぉ~。そして、口内炎に効くVitamin B6も2%。意外ですよね、スナックなのに。って、これを言い訳に食べちゃうんですよねぇー。メタボリックをそろそろ気にしなければいけないのにね。エヘ。見つけたら、トライしてみてください。なんてこと無い味なんですが、このカタサが癖になります!

話飛びますが、Universal Studio (California)が火事で大変です!!トラムで回るセットのStingの町並みが火元らしいですが・・・。ニュースで見る絵柄は結構炎上していました。朝5時だからお客さんが居ない時間なので、おおごとにならなくて良かったですが、心配です。
My friend, Lica is writing her blog about healthy foods...
I'm gonna write "Fritos- The Original Corn Chips"!! ha, ha.
You only can purchase at the Costco and Carrefour in Japan. It's available to get any markets in the U.S.
I often ate Subway sandwich with this.
What taste?
Uhhhhh... it's salted chips and crunchy. It's noting special, but I like it.
Surprisingly, trans fat is zero gram! And also, it contained 2% Iron and 2% Vitamin B6 which is works for stomatitic. It's only snack, but unexpected. I should concern about metabolic syndrome. ha, ha!!

By the way, the fire broke out at the Universal Studio in California!! Oh, my gosh!!
I hope that the fire will be come under control soon.