水曜日, 5月 28, 2008

my favorite fragrance...

嗅覚が犬と同じじゃないかっ!?って錯覚を起こすほど、匂いに敏感なので、どんなに好きな香水をつけていると自分がクラクラして→頭痛→具合悪くなるという悪循環になるので、香水は持っているけどつけれないんですよねぇ~。(ジーンズみたいに分厚い生地にチョコッと香水を吹き付けることはありますが・・・。)CK one、D&G、CK Eternity summer、Ralph LaurenのRomanceとか、さっぱ~りした香りが好きですねぇ~。

で、一体何だろうと思ったら・・・。判明しました。「アメリカのホテルのロビーみたいな匂い」=アメリカ製のロレアルのシャンプー&コンディショナーでした~!(笑)香りをここで伝えられないのが残念。ヴァニラじゃないけど、なんとなく甘い匂いなんです。L'OREALのVIVE pro.シリーズ。残念な事に、日本のラインナップは、アメリカのと違うんですよねぇ~。まっ、どこかで遭遇したらcheckしてみてください。ホテルのロビーかどうか(笑)

When I see one of my clients, he always says "you small like a hotel lobby in the U.S. What do you put on perfume?"
I don't wear perfume myself because I have an extremely sensitive sense of smell as a dog!! Even though I wear my favorite sent, I'll have a headache, feel dizzy, and ill. Well, I have some perfumes, but I only spray jeans. My favorite perfumes are CK one, D&G, CK Eternity summer, and Ralph Lauren Romance.
I wonder what he is talking about. I got it. "a hotel lobby in the U.S." sent = L'oreal shampoo and conditioner. Too bad. I can' t tell what smell exactly. It is not Vanilla, but little sweet sent... Can you tell?
It's L'OREAL VIVE pro series....It's only available in the U.S.
Talking about sell, do you know where you can smell exact American sent? The answer is the COSTCO!
When I step into, I feel I come back to the U.S. ha, ha. Am I strange?

火曜日, 5月 20, 2008






You are familiar with this flower if you have been to Hawaii. Well, I thought it was Hibiscus until today.... It's wrong. I gave my grandpa this flower pot and I told him "this is grandma's favorite Hawaiian flower, Hibiscus, so you have to take care of it!!".

When I got this pot, there were 3 flowers, after a while it's been just leafy plant... However, my grandpa took care of it, and it blooms!! Only one, but what a nice!

Actually, this flower name is Antherium. Can you believe that it's araceous. Common Antherium is deep red heart shape. A hear shape is like a flower, but it's bract leaf. Axial shape is flower aggregate. Did you know that??? Antherium cultivation in Hawaii is ranked number one in the world. That's I know!

月曜日, 5月 19, 2008

One of a Kind

最近のお気に入りのアクセサリー、“One of a Kind”。

2005年ロサンゼルスで、Reve & Moranの2人のデザイナーによって誕生したアクセサリー・ブランドです。日本でも有名なお店、“Kitson”でも取り扱っています。

シルクの赤い紐(吉兆の印なんですって)にハモサ(手のひら)が付いているブレスレットです。ハモサは、evil eye(悪いまなざし)から守ってくれるチャームなんですって。台湾人の友達が赤い紐をブレスレットのようにつけていて、可愛いな~と思っていたんですよね。それが、このシルクの赤紐だったんですねぇ~。

このOne of a Kindのアクセサリーは全て手作りです。

2人のデザイナーが作ったアクセサリーが、celebritiesの手に渡りあっという間に世の中に広めてしまったなんて、すごいですよねぇ~。まさに、one of a kind!!

余談ですが、同じくL.A.ブランド(こちらはVenice発祥)“Dogeared”も有名ですよね~。これも、可愛い♪是非、check it out~です♪

One of my favorite accessory brands is "One of a Kind".
"One of a Kind" was born on 2005 in Los Angles by two young designers, Reve & Moran. Kitson where is really famous in Japan handles these accessories.

This blacelet is really simple design. The Hamsa hand is an ancient amulet for magical protection from the evil eye and the red silk string is an excellent omen. My Taiwanese friend has worn the red string which I thought it was lovely. That the one!!

All the jewelry in the One of a Kind line are hand made.
Good thing is these accessories has promoted by celebrities. Amazing, isn't it? It's literally on of a kind!!!

As an aside, accessory brand from Los Angeles, "Dogeared" is famous in Japan. Their line also cute!! If you don't know, check it out♪

水曜日, 5月 14, 2008

Rocky Mountainner (ロッキー・マウンテニア号)

カナダ続きで、Rocky Mountainner号を紹介します。
夏季(4月~10月)限定のカナダ西部を列車で旅するツアーです。参加したのは、“Canadian Rockies Hilights”というツアーです。

列車に乗るのは、実際2日間ですが、Fraser River渓谷や、マウンテン・ゴートの群れを見たりとロッキー・マウンテンの自然を“これでもかっ!”という位に体験できます。各コーチ(列車)ごとに、アテンダントがつき、絶景ポイントや歴史を教えてくれます。ランチも席まで運んでくれて、ちょっと贅沢な気分が味わえるんです。

1日目:Vancouver(ロッキー・マウンテニア号)→Kamloops ホテル宿泊。

2日目:Kamloops(ロッキー・マウンテニア号)→Banff ホテル宿泊。

3日目:Banff(バス)→Lake Louise ホテル宿泊。
その後、もぉ~これ以上綺麗な湖は見たこと無いっ!って位のLake Louiseへ。The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise・・・。こんな景色を目の前にして宿泊できるホテル・・・お城の様です。

4日目:Lake Louise(バス)→Calgary(飛行機)→Vancouver

Have you been to Canadian Rockies? Oh, that is awesome!!
I join "Canadian Rockies Highlights" tour by Rock Mountaineer train. This tour is sunnmer-only.
Train is very comfy. Each coach has attendant, so he/she is a 2-day guide. I enjoy to see a spectacular array of scenery and wild animals like mountain goats!
Day 1: Vancouver to Kamloops by train
There is nothing to do in Kamloops, so my brother and I went to see a movie at the night.
Day 2: Kamloops to Banff by train
I run across a wild baby deer even in downtown Banff!!
Day 3: Banff to Lake Louise by bus
We went to Columbia iceield. WOW! I wonder how tick they are...
After that we stopped by Lake Louise. That was awesome view from the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise.
Day 4: Lake Louise to Calgary by bus →back to Vancouver by airplane
"That was enough to see the nature!!" I was said in the middle of this tour, but I appreciated to see such fantastic nature in my life. If you would like to escape from the urban jungle, you should join this tour!

土曜日, 5月 10, 2008

Museum of Anthropology

カナダに住んで居た頃、暇があるとシャチに会いにStanley Parkの水族館へ行ってましたが、その次に良く通ったのが、UBC(the University of British Columbia)構内にあるMuseum of Anthropology(人類学博物館)です。

ここには、ブリティッシュ・コロンビア州の北西海岸にひろがるネイティヴ文化の美術品が(トーテム・ポール、木彫りの彫り物、アクセサリーや陶磁器など)たくさん展示されています。“The Raven and the First Men”はカラスの大きさに圧巻です!

博物館の建物は、1976年にカナダ人の建築家Arthur Erikson氏によって設計されました。とっても独特な建物ですよ。一回見たら忘れないです。シンプルなんですけどね。現在はリニューアル中だそうです。2009年には50%完了する予定だって。(とは言え、きっとのんびりなんでしょうねぇ~。笑)

“Great Hall”というガラス張りのホールからは、大きな木彫りの像を見ながら、English Bayに沈む夕焼けも一緒に見れて、自然を大事にするネイティブ達を感じることができます。



As I lived in Vancouver, Canada, when I had spare time, I often went to Vancouver Aquarium to see killer whales (Orcas). I also went to Museum of Anthropology in USC many times. I'm interested in Native culture. The Museum houses some 535,000 ethnographic and archaeological objects, many of which originate from the Northwest Coast of British Columbia. Massive totem poles, carved boxed, bowls, and feast dishes are featured in this Museum's Great Hall. "The Raven and the First Men" is highlight of this building.

The 1976 building was designed by renowned Canadian architect Arthur Erickson, who took his inspiration from traditional northern Northwest Coast post-and-beam style architecture. "Great Hall" has a good view of the sunset. You can enjoy nature and native culture at the same time! If you see a movie, "Intersection", you may be noticed this building. Richard Gere and Sharon Stone were in this movie.

Additional tip, you can eat buffalo burger at the entrance! That was the first time I tasted it. That was between pork and beef taste. If you are curious about buffalo meat, let's go! ha, ha.

火曜日, 5月 06, 2008


こどもの日にwii fit買って、童心にすっかり戻って遊びまくってました♪楽しいぃ~ですね。
特に、ジョギング苦手の私ですが、wii fitの有酸素運動のジョギングなら、楽しくって走れます(正しくは足踏み!!)。フラフープは大変ですが・・・。買ってスグにやった時、張り切りすぎて196回も回転したけど、次からはそんなパワーはなく・・・。
ボーリングありえないほど得点が取れちゃいます。現実のボーリングは、100点とどくかとどかないかなのに、100 overは楽勝~♪。miiで作ったキャラクターが応援してくれるんですよ。私の後ろで応援してくれているのは、従姉妹達。
本当に良くできているゲームです!!まだ体験したこと無い人、check it outですよぉ~!!!
I got wii fit on Children's Day and soaked in the fun atmosphere of being a kid again. ha, ha. That is really fun!!
Especially I'm not good at jogging, however this exercise with oxygen program is not difficult. (Well, I would say it's stepping instead of running in front of TV... anyway) Hula-Hoop is very difficult!!! At the first I got a hustle on to hoop 196 times! That was tooooooo much. ha, ha.
I have practiced of yoga for more than 2 years, so I was awarded "A yoga trainer". Isn't it cool?
My aunt has hooked on billiards. You can have simulated experience. I did special training at the night, and I got "A hasler"!! Yeah!!!
I can score excellent points by boring game. In reality, I get near 100. Interestingly, when I play boring, some characters that made in mii cheer for me.
Wii is well-suited for everybody! If you have not played, check it out!

土曜日, 5月 03, 2008

KUROTOKAGE by Akihiro Miwa


小学校の時に江戸川乱歩の本を読んでいましたが、“黒蜥蜴”・・・。読んだ覚えはあるけど・・・。どちらかと言うと、明智小五郎をメインに書いた本だったので、三輪さん役の黒蜥蜴、あまり覚えていないんですよね。(読み直してみようかな。)やっぱり、三島由紀夫氏の手にかかったから、大人の物語になっているんですよね。そして、三輪さんならではの言葉の言い回しで、ところどころ難しかったけど・・・。本当に、三輪さん美しかったです。特に、最後のシーン。真っ白なドレスを着て出てくるんですが、Wedding ドレス?って思いたくなるほど、素敵でした。

チケットを取ってくれた友達に感謝!三輪さんの舞台はとっても人気があって、ナカナカ取れないそうなんですよぉ。東京は終わっちゃったけど、まだこれから地方公演があるからcheck it outです。


I went to a theater to see "KUROTOKAGE" by Akihiro Miwa. This was the first time to see Miwa's play. "Kurotokage" is well known novel by Ranpo Edogawa. I read his novels when I was a child. Kogoro Akechi is detective as Sherlock Holms in this story. However, the scenario has been written by Yukio Mishima. That is why story is grownup.

Miwa has been a producer, construction coordinator, and do the costumes by himself. That was wonderful!! I noticed that even lobby and venue were also decorated. Miwa changed alot of his wardrobes. Especially, at the last he wore a gorgeous white dress like wedding dress!! I like that.

I was revited by in large quantity of beautiful flowers. Even I've never seen such a plenty of Phalaenopsis orchid at the flower stores. There was figure conspicuously flowers by a flower arrangement teacher, Shogo Kariyazaki. I wonder why they have aesthetic sensitivities!!