火曜日, 9月 29, 2009

Sphynx cat

I have no idea how many times I've watched "Friends".

Rachel got a $1,000 cat! I like this cat.

Sphynx is hairless. It not truly hairless. It may be covered with very soft hair. E.T.'s looks is based on this cat.

I like Russian Blue, too. This cat has a lean elongated body and a short, plush, blue-grey coat. Looks so royal cat.

Anyway, there is nothing like the cute cat to kitties. When my friend tried to find adopters, she sent me some pictures. Aren't they curt?

I wish I could be a adopter, however I have terrible cat allergy.... Oh, my.



水曜日, 9月 23, 2009

9 days to go


9 days to go!!
What am I talking about?


Here is the answer.
The online entry registration period for DV-2011 will be Oct. 2 until Nov. 20, 2009.
I continuously apply this diversity visa every year. Humm... It isn't quite selected, however, some of my acquaintances got green cards. I envy them. Maybe this year. It's my turn!


I went to Jiyugaoka to go to a cafe and Karaoke with Sai-chan. We had dessert buffet. They are not so sweet, but they were so delicious. Normally dessert buffet is not included drink, but today all you can drink! YEAH!

その後、dinnerの場所を探しに渋谷を歩いていて、おぉ!!発見。H&Mの渋谷店がいつの間にかにオープンしていました。(シルバーウィーク中にオープンしたんですって) びっくり。しかも大きいですよぉ~。

After that we moved to Shibuya to find out a place to have dinner. WOW! We found H&M at Shibuya. That is brand-new. If you walk toward to Shibuya Tokyu Honten, you will find on the right. ha, ha. I was dragged by the building, I got a sweater.

可愛いでしょ?この袋。渋谷限定のショッピングバックですよ。よく見るとShibuya H&Mと書いてあるんです。ブラッと歩いていたからちょっと得した気分♪

Look at that. Isn't it cute? It's limited Shibuya shopping bag. Can you see "SHIBUYA H&M" letters?


そそ(今日は思いっきり日記的ですな)、フジテレビの夜のニュースの顔、NEWS JAPANのキャスター、滝川クリステルさんが今月いっぱいでご卒業なんですよね~。寂しいなー。

Some of them have already known. Christel Takigawa will resign "The News Japan". What a pity. She is a good anchor!
However, I want you to see some news topics if you love dogs and cats.


The feature story in the news was "JIDAINO KARUTE -puppies' life"
On Monday, it was focused some pet shops in Tokyo.


There are several 24-hours pet shops centers in the Tokyo area because some people who are working nights, may to purchase. (the people who work at exclusive club, cabaret club, and so on.) However, that circumstance is not good for puppies. No way! It's the same thing as human babies. You know, puppies are under stress because they can't can sleep enough. No matter day or night in pet shops there are bright. All factors are not good for brains. People purchase puppy like high-end bag, however they can't raise. Worst thing is that puppy is leaning disability. That is why a pet owner become under stress to have a puppy then puppy is abandoned unfortunately. (Even a pet owner abuse!) It becomes a vicious circle. Even a reporter asked a public administration how can possible to restrict pet shops. According to public administration, "at this moment we can't restrict because they have a right to sell." Can you believe it this sentence? And then the reporter told about breeders in UK and US, they were disappointed, of course.


The 2nd days, the featured topic is ugly vices breeders. Especially Japanese breeders try to breed certain popular dogs. I don't know what is the standard to sell to shops, however some of puppies are not allowed. So, left over puppies (sorry, I don't want to say, but...) are in dirty and filthy cages. I guess breeders not gonna take care of them because they are not for money. There were miniature poodles, miniature dachshunds that are very popular nowadays. Bad breeders don't clean up, so bad smell problem that's bothering the neighbors. It's negative chain.



明日、水曜日もこの特集があるので、是非check it outしてみてね。

I checked dog shelter's site one day. There were almost genuine dogs. Ironically there were many miniature poodles, miniature dachshunds. Some of puppies got trauma and suffered from physical abuse. Oh, my.

An owner should the one responsible for the livelihood of the puppy. Once if you have a dog, you should know that a dog's life is in your hands.

Uh, sound like I am lecturing... Well, still this topic you have a chance to see. Please check it out.

Love & Peace

火曜日, 9月 15, 2009

memory of Patrick Swayze

Oh, my!びっくりしましたねぇ~。パトリック・スェイジ(俳優)さんが57才で亡くなったそうです。


Patrick Swayzeと言えば、“Ghost”ですよね。私は、“Ghost”見て初めて知りました。

私にとってもPatrick Swayzeと言えば、Keanuと共演した“Point Break”です。

Point Break (1991)

Patric Swayze...Bodhi
Keanu Reeves...Johnny
Gary Busey...Pappas
Lori Petty... Tyler

L.A.に引っ越してきた警官Johnny Utah(Keanu Reaves)は、相棒をなくしたPappas(Gary Busey)と組み、大統領のマスクをかぶった銀行強盗を捕まえるために潜入捜査を始めた。犯人達がサーファーというのを確信し、JohnnyはTyler(Lori Petty)に近づきサーフィンを習う。そして、Bodhi達と知り合うことになった。



というか、この映画に出ているサーファー役の俳優さん、みんな素敵です☆(そう言えば、この映画にRed Hot Chillie Peppersのvol. Anthonyが出てましたねぇ~。

Patrick Swayzeさんのご冥福をお祈りいたします。


Oh, my! Patrick Swayze passed away at 57. He seemed he was good shape. His best known movie is Ghost. However, I like "Point Break".

Point Break (1991)

Patric Swayze...Bodhi
Keanu Reeves...Johnny
Gary Busey...Pappas
Lori Petty... Tyler

Katheryn Bigelow's 1991 action thriller "Point Break" is still a ground-breaking film of the early nineties. It tells the story of the cop John Utah (Keanu Reaves) hunting a bunch of bank robbers camouflaged with masks of the former U.S. presidents.

His investigations leads to a group of surfers and extreme sports worshippers, and the cop becomes fascinated by the free-style philosophies and adrenaline rushes of the gang around the charismatic leader Bodhi (Patrick Swayze).

Their close friendship changes to a hard-fought rivalry at the end when cop and gangsters face point blank. Bigelow uses typically American surf beach settings for this unusual and very stylish action thriller with great stunts like parachuting scenes, bank robberies, a car chase, police raids, martial arts, breath-taking chases and brilliantly photographed surf sequences. Watch out for the Red Hot Chillie Peppers as a gang of brutal surf nazis beating up Keanu Reeves and being captured by him during a hard-fought police raid. (by imdb)

I like this movie because it's not only action, but also friendship and lifestyle. All surfer are so cool in this movie.

May his soul rest in peace.

Fashion's Night Out Sep. 11 2009 Japan

Sep. 11に、VOGUE magazineが主催する“Fashino's Night Out Sep. 11 2009 Japan”、表参道へ行ってきました~♪


VOGUE編集長アナ・ウィンター(どこかで聞いたことあるでしょ?The Hillsを見たことがある人ならわかるはず!!LaurenやWhittneyがN.Y.のVOGUEへ行った時出演しているからねー。)の発案によって、世界各国のVOGUEがグローバルに一致協力して、深夜までショッピングを満喫できるイベントです。

すごいですよ、さすがworldwide VOGUE! 世界13か国のVOGUEが開催したらしいです。U.S.A., PARIS, Milano, London, Madrid, Germany, Greece, Russia, India, Beijin, Taiwan, Brazil, そしてJapan.(ポスター通りに羅列したので、国名と都市名とバラバラですが・・・笑)


一体どこに普段は潜んでいるの?って感じ。(Los Angelesでは見かける感じの人達なんだけど。。。)

そして、そして、Ralph Laurenではミッキーカーチスさんを発見!!店内の奥のソファーに座っていてVIPな感じ。あと、Diorでは、なんとなんとなんと!!!!!冨永愛さん。私の肩くらいに、彼女の腰ラインですよ。どうしたら、そんなスレンダーな体系になれるのでしょう~か~!!一緒い行った、彩ちゃんとビックリしていました。いやいや、一児の母とはとっても思えない、素敵な体系にうっとり♪(笑)

こんな時じゃないと入らないから、DiorやLouis Vuittonへ入ってみました☆

もちろん、favoriteのmiu miuもね♪(miu miuではお財布探しに必至でした!が、我慢して購入までは至らなかったけど・・・)



I went to "Fashion's Night Out Sep. 11 2009 Japan" in Omotesando on Sep. 11. That was fun night.

In a global initiative to promote retail, restore consumer confidence, and celebrate fashion, U.S. and international editions of Vogue are coordinating evening extravaganzas in their respective world fashion capitals.

Champagne, hors d'oeuvers were passed in each store! That was awesome event. There were so many stylish fashionable people in Omotesando not us usual! I've never seen before.

I saw some celebrities.
WOW, I enjoyed to shopping (actually just browsing, but!).

月曜日, 9月 14, 2009

Basic Risotto

知り合いから“Jamie Oliver”の料理の本を借りたので、ちょ~簡単なリゾットを作ってみました。
Basic Rissotoです。20分でできちゃうから、おススメですよぉ~♪


・大さじ1杯 オリーブオイル
・400g リゾット用ライス(私は普通のお米を使いました)
・100ml ドライ・ホワイト・ベルモット酒(私はアルコール全てダメなので、お水を代用)か、白ワイン
・70g バター


1. スープストックを温めます。別のフライパンにオリーブ・オイルを入れ、エシャロットか玉ねぎ、セロリとひとつまみの塩を入れます。約3分間炒めます。

2. にんにくをフライパンに加え、更に2分炒めます。野菜が柔らかくなったら、お米を入れます(リゾット用のお米は洗わなくてよいらしいですが・・・気持ち1回リンスしました(笑))。火を強火にして炒めます。

3. お米を焦がさないように、かきまぜながら炒めます。(火が強すぎるようなら、弱めます)

4. 2~3分するとお米が透明になったら、お酒を加えます。

5. お酒がお米に馴染んだら、スープストック半分位とひとつまみの塩をフライパンに入れます。火を弱火にします。(ここでは沸かさないようにしましょう!ここで煮立ってしまうと、お米の外側だけが柔らかくなってしまうので)

6. 残りのスープストックをかき混ぜながら入れます。約15分かき混ぜながら温めます。(お米が丁度よくスープを吸うのを見ながら徐々にスープを入れていきます)

7. お米が柔らかくなったら、味をみます。

8. 火を止め、バターを加えます。

9. お皿にリゾットをよそい、その上にパルメザン・チーズをすりおろします。(見た目に綺麗なので、パセリを散らしてみました☆)

今回は、Basic Risottoだったから今度はちょっとバリエーションを加えてみようと思いま~す。


I was borrowed from my acquaintance "Jamie Oliver" book. Jamie Oliver is a cute chef in England.

His recipes are not so difficult at least if you have basic knowledge to cook. Here is Basic Risotto. That was so easy. It took only 20 minutes. Here it is...

Serves 6 dishes
* approx. 1 liter/ 2 pints stock (chicken, fish or vegetable as appropriate)
*1 tablespoon olive oil
*3 finely chopped shallots or 2 medium onions
*1/2 a head of celery, finely chopped (discard any tough outer sticks)
*sea salt and black pepper
*2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
*400g/ 14oz risotto rice
*100ml/ 3/3/4fl oz dry white vermouth (dry Martini or Noilly Part) or dry white wine
*70g/ 2 1/2oz butter
*85-100g/ 3-3 1/2oz freshly grated Parmesan cheese

1. Heat the stock. Then in a separate pan heat the olive oil, add the shallot or onion, celery and pinch of salt, and sweat the vegetables for about 3 minutes.

2. Add the garlic and after another 2 minutes, when the vegetables have softened, add the rice. Turn up the heat.

3. While slowly stirring, continuously, you are beginning to fry the rice. You must keep the rice moving.

4. After 2 or 3 minutes it will begin to look translucent as it absorbs all the flavours of your base. Add the vermouth or wine, keeping on stirring as it hits the pan.

5. Once the vermouth or wine seems to have cooked into the rice, add your first ladle of hot stock and pinch of salt. Turn down the heat to highish simmer (the reason we don't want to boil the hell out of it's because, if we do, the outside of the rice will be cooked and fluffy and the inside will be raw.)

6. keep adding ladlefuls of stock, stirring and allowing each ladleful to be absorbed before adding the next. This will be take about 15 minutes.

7. Carry on adding stock until the rice is soft but with a slight bite. Check seasoning.

8. Remove from the heat and add the the butter and the Parmesan.

See, you see how easy to cook.
Bon Appetit!

水曜日, 9月 02, 2009

gratifying thing

Oh, my god~♪

I heard the exclusive news.

My friend, Lili and his boyfriend got engaged. WOW!

☆☆☆☆ Congratulations on your engagement.  ☆☆☆☆

I'm soooooooooooooooooo happy to hear about it. Yeah!!

This news makes me cry with delighted tears. Soooooooo 嬉しい☆

Coincidentally, it happens on the same day. When they got engaged, I got a catalog from French Connection. I was caught the pretty dress which was kind a formal. Well, I thought I wouldn't have a chance to wear. I think I got a strong hunch! hee, hee. Maybe I should go ahead to get this dress, right?

I feel sxhilarated at this news.

O.K. I should train at a gym and save money for their wedding. That's good excuse, huh?