土曜日, 8月 30, 2008








That was soooooo scary. It was bad thing for the heart.

It's been over 3 hours! We had powerful lightning strikes.

It seemed that the Godzilla had run wild outside. That was detonation sound for long time.

Lica gave me advise to put in my earplugs. Yes, it was shut down outside sounds, but I felt and listened my heartbeat speed up. Oh, my...

Once again, it's started lightning. I wonder I can sleep tonight or not...

水曜日, 8月 27, 2008

Alfred and Daisy

Oops, I did it...
I lost pierce earrings. (I wonder why I always lost one-side...) I went shopping at a department store.

可愛いのをみつけたけど、金額を考えようと更にデパートをウロウロ・・・。my favoriteのmiu miuを一応チェックして(今シーズンはあまり欲しいっ!と思うものがなくて、ラッキー。わはは、お金使わずにすむからね。)その後、フラ~っとMARC JACOBSに寄ってしまったら、あらららららら・・・。
I found some cute pierce earrings, but it was little expensive, so I couldn't decide. Well, I went back and forth in department. Just for a change, I stopped by miu miu. Luckily there were non-interesting bags and shoes. (I don't need to spend a lot of money!!) After that, I just went MARC JACOBS....
I saw a cute clutch bag with frog motif. Browsing that bag, salesperson closed up and murmured of an evil. I fought with my inner voice. "I don't need and buy anything!!!" As promised, I asked her the price. Well, it figured.
I said no politely, but she cam e in pat, "we would have cell strap with frog motif in shortly... I'll show you pictures." That time, it caught my eyes! with Alfred.

That was so cute. I couldn't helped to ignore it. I was enamored that Alfred's affable countenance and Daisy's innocent look. Oh, my! (The sale person told me their names. )

Therefore, I wonder why here are Alfred and Daisy in my room. WHY? ha, ha.

A white dog is Alfred. He is not "Oto-san" of softbank!!

This innocent look is Daisy!

ね、ちゃんとMARC JACOBSでしょ?
Yes, this is MARC JACOBS's key chain.
What a cute back shot they are!!
AlfredとDaisyはMarc Jacobsが飼っている犬なんだって。本物の写真はコチラ
Marc has Alfred and Daisy. You can see real dogs here.

They are really sweet, aren't they? However, why they are here!???
(feel guiltyなので再来週フリーマーケットに早速出店することにしました~♪)
(I feel guilty about buying on impulse, so I decided to sell some stuff at a flea market the week after next!)

月曜日, 8月 25, 2008

Closing ceremony





『有名な歌手とおじさんのギターリスト』って思ったんだろうな~。そそ、最大のCGを見つけましたよ。二階建てバスから出てきたDavid Beckham!!今回の最大のCGでしょ~。」って。ブラックだな~(爆)

私は違うこと考えていたんですよね。Beckhamが投げたボールを受けた人、ど~か、お願いだからオークションにかけないで、大事にボールを持っていてねって。だって、夢がないじゃないですか、オリンピック終わって余韻にひたっているのに、Yahoo! Auctionでボールがでていたら(笑)

Did you see closing ceremony of the Olympic Games yesterday night?

Of course I did. I watched opening ceremony with co-workers on a wide-screen TV in a restaurant. I knew they were CG fireworks!! Reminds me, when I saw a movie "Taitanic" on TV. That fireworks were almost same quality.... Well, maybe if we can watch on theater size screen, we don't notice, but....

They had fireworks at the closing ceremony, but I guess that they were real.

When I listened the radio today, a DJ said black humor. At the opening ceremony, there were so many CG, so he thought even the closing ceremony there would be many CG.

"When Leona Lewis and Jimmy Page appeared, most Chinese audience thought she was "a" singer and "an" old guitarist. Oh, by the way, I found the CG! That was pop up David Beckham!" ha, ha. What a black!

I was thinking different thing... I wish the man who got Beckham's ball shouldn't bring under the hammer. If he did, there is no dream, and hope. I don't want to see that ball at Yahoo! Auction. Don't you think?

日曜日, 8月 24, 2008

Shutters on the Beach "one pico"

Santa Monicaのビーチにそびえたつホテル、"Shutters on the Beach"。客室を利用したことがないので、素敵な眺めはまだ見たことがないのですが・・・

Academy賞のアフターパーティーとして使われた、ホテル内のレストラン"one pico"。ホテルには泊まれないから、せめて雰囲気を味わってみたいな~と、祖父&祖母にお願いして卒業パーティー(ディナー)をここでやってもらいました♪
Grilled LambやRib Eye Steakのお肉が柔らかくって美味しいっ!!"美味でござるぅ~!"って言ってしまうほど。stereotypeの人達は、アメリカでは美味しい料理は食べれらないって言うけど、残念だな~。こんなに美味しい料理をサーブしてくれるレストランがあることを知らないなんて!!!祖父は、この味が忘れられなかったらしく、次にL.A.に遊びに来た時も、「あのホテルのレストランへ行こう!」って自ら言ったほどです。ちょっと早いけどディナーは夕方時に予約するのをお勧めします。Santa Monica Beachに沈む夕日の眺めが見れるので、と~ってもリッチな気分になれます。
L.A.のホテルは去年、今年がre-openのラッシュの年らしく、ずっと工事していたThe Beverly Hills Hotel & BungalowsやThe Peninsula Beverly Hillsがさらにゴージャスになっているみたいです。

そそ、Shutters on the Beachの隣のCasa Del Marホテルも、と~ってもゴージャスなホテルです!!友人が日本から出張で泊まっていて、遊びに行ってあまりの豪華さにビックリ!!さっすが、その当時ラ○○のプロデューサーだけあって、泊まるホテルが違いますねぇ~。羨ましいぃ~♪
"Shutters on the Beach" is a luxurious hotel by Santa Monica Beach. Unfortunately I've never stayed at a room, so I couldn't see the great view... It costs about $5oo per day!!
A restaurant, "one pico" where is thrown the after party of Academy is located inside this hotel. I didn't have a chance to stay this hotel. That was why I was on the scrounge to my grandpa and grandma to have my graduation party/dinner at this restaurant.
Every food is delicious!! Grilled Lamb and Rib Eye Steak were so tender and juicy. We had great dinner. I'm afraid stereotype people. They say there is no great restaurant in the U.S., but here is!!! It was unforgettable taste to my grandpa, he asked me to go there when he visited me the next time.
I recommend to make a reservation at early-evening. I know, I know it's too early for dinner, but you can see the great sunset view! You can have rich experience at "one pico".






I saw cute wallaby in New Zealand on TV. They are sooooooo cute!
A wallaby is any of about macropod. It's smaller than kangaroo or wallaroo. Their length of body are only 30cm!! What a small creatures! However, they have pouch as kangaroo.
When wallabies wake up in the morning, they groom themselves for 4 hours!! Cats are not that long. (Even human, I only need to go get ready only 15 minutes after shower...)
After grooming, they bask in the sun all day long on rock area. Today I saw Rock-Wallabies that inhabit rock area as goats. Sitting on rock, they are so cute and funny.
Someday I wish I could see wallaby in face to face!

火曜日, 8月 19, 2008

google-street view

Googleマップで航空写真を見て、うわぁ~、スゴイー!!って思っていたのもつかの間、今やStreet Viewというのが出来ていて、名前の通り、ストリートから見た景色がアップされているんです。



Super!! Only Google could do that!!
When I knew Google map, I was crazy to play. Again, I took off my hat to Google map. My compliments.
Have you ever seen "street view" on Google map??? You can see exact street view on the map! WOW!! I put address where I used to live, here we go, you can see this apartment view!
What a nice.

Almost this is one of DORAEMON's gadgets, "The door, anywhere you can go"!! Don't you think? I play alot. ha, ha. It's great way to pass the time.
If you want run away from reality, try it!! You can enjoy the atmosphere of the world tour!

月曜日, 8月 18, 2008


半年前位に、Los Angelesに住んでる友達に教えてもらったんですが・・・
今朝、New Yorkの友達から携帯にメールが来てびっくり!!

skypeでL.A.の友達と話しながら登録したので、半信半疑で適当に登録したけど、こうやって、ここを通じでメールが来ると楽しいですよね♪写真がアップできるので、自分の近況をお知らせすることが出来るんです。tree nationでも友達作れるけど・・・この"Facebook"はfreeなので登録してみてはいかがでしょうか?友達の名前を検索してみたら、写真が出てくるかもしれませんよぉ~!!

Have you ever heard "Facebook"?
Friend of mine who lives in L.A. told me this site about half a year ago...
In this morning, I got a mail on my cell phone.
My friend, Anja who lives in New York found me at "Facebook", so she send me e-mail. Super! Don't you think? I could feel the world just gets smaller and smaller. "Facebook" is making a circle of friends.

While I was talking by skype with a friend in L.A., I registered this site. I was uncertainty. Who's gonna use this site. However, I'm so happy to hear from some friends through this site. You can post your pictures, so you can be up date on what you are into lately. If you search for your friend's name, you may find your friend's picutre. Someday you may get e-mail from classmate!?

日曜日, 8月 17, 2008

Ashtanga Yoga (Power Yoga) -3'

Downward Dogポーズに引き続き、"Tree 立ち木のポーズ"も、wiiから画像を取ってみました~。参考にしてください。

片足バランスポーズです。 片足で立つため、フラフラしますが、バンダ(お腹の丹田)に意識を集中すると、フラウラせずに、立てるようになります。あと、目線を耳眼水平にすることがポイントです。 効能:むくみ、冷え性、肩こりの解消、集中力、内臓強化

1. 直立します。まずは左足から片足立ちをします。その際、右足を徐々に移動するとバランスが取りやすいと思います。

2. 右足裏を左足くるぶしに当てて、片足立ち。出来たら、右足裏を左の膝横に移動。

3. まだ足の移動が可能であれば、さらに右足裏を左のふともも横に移動します。

4. さらに可能なら、その右足裏をくるっとひっくり返し、ふとももに右足をひっかける様な感じで立ちます。(右裏足が自分で見える感じ)

5. 息吐きながら、胸の前で合掌して呼吸を整えます。

6. 息を吸いながら腕を上げ、下半身を安定させて、上下に伸びるイメージし、5秒キープ。(キープしている間も呼吸しましょうね。)

7. 息を吐きながら腕を下げ、足をほどき、今度は右足に交代。 お尻を突き出してしまうと、安定して立ち易いかもしれませんが、立ち木のポーズではないので、全身を木のように伸ばすイメージをしながら行うと良いと思います。フラフラするようなら、2番あたりで足のポーズを止めて、ポーズをし、徐々に難易度を高めていきましょう~♪


I update some picture of Power Yoga pose. Please refer those.

It's Tree Pose. This pose is balanced yourself on one foot. Standing on one foot is difficult, but if you stay focus to your lower stomach, you can stand to be firm on one leg. And also you better focus your eyes towards the little far and keep on your eye level. swelling, cold-natured, alleviate the tension in your shoulders, ability to concentrate, and reinforcement of inner organs

1. Draw yourself up. The first, you stand by left leg. On this occasion, you better move your leg little by little, so you can keep your balance easily.

2. Put your right sole to on your left ankle. Then slide to your knee.

3. If you can keep the pose, move your sole to left inner thigh.

4. Additionally, upturn your sole. Right ankle hooks on your left leg.

5. Exhale and join your hands in prayer in front of your chest. Control your breathing.

6. Take a breath and stretch your arms in the air. Keep your balance in 5 seconds.

7. Exhale and drop off your arms. Loose your legs. Control your breathing. Then make replacement. I know it's easy to sand if you pose like squat, but it's not tree pose. You should image to stretch your body as a tree. If you can't keep your balance, you just keep pose on No.2. Increasing ability little by little.

So, how was it?

Ashtanga Yoga (Power Yoga) -4'

以前、「下向き犬のポーズ」"Downward Dog"を紹介しましたが、文章を読みながら、ポーズをするのは難しいとのことだったので、wiiの画面を添付しま~す。

パワーヨガのフローで重要なポーズです。多分、見た目は簡単なポーズですが、初めてだと、足がプルプルしちゃうかもしれません。慣れてくると背筋が伸びてるぞーって感じられて、気持ちいです。 二の腕、太ももの引き締め、バストアップ、ヒップアップに効果があります。 さて、行い方(画像をよぉ~く見て、覚えてトライしてください)・・・

1. 四つんばいの姿勢になり、手を肩幅に広げ、足は腰幅にします。腕と太ももを床に対して垂直を保ちます。

2. ついている両手の指先の位置に手首がくるように、両手をずらします。両足はつま先立ちします。
3. 息を吐きながら膝を床から持ち上げ、腰を伸ばしながら体で三角形を作ります。手のひらと足裏、均等の力で体を支えてください。ヨガマットの上で行う場合は、手のひらと足裏でマットを裂くようなイメージで伸びを感じましょう。その際、肩にのりすぎないように、注意してください。
4. 腰を気持ちよく伸ばし、お尻を三角形の頂点になるようにキープ。首、肩の力は抜いてリラックスしてください。5呼吸ほど続けます。(足裏は、ふんばり過ぎないよう、指に力を入れないように!)目線は、両手の平の間か、難易度をあげたい場合は、おへそを覗き込みます。 足の位置は、かかとが上がらず、しっかり足裏がつく場所を見つけてください。肩にのってしまうと、首が太くなる要因になってしまうので注意してくださいね!バンダ(お腹)はいつも通り締めて、お腹は重力に負けないよう、コントロールしましょう。


Reading text and keeping a pose is so difficult. I understand. That is why I attached some pictures from wii.
I gonna introduce "Downward Dog" pose today. Please refer some pictures.

It's easy to assume "Downward". In short, this pose is triangular shape. That sounds like easy, right? However, this pose is important to Power Yoga's flow. If you do at the first, your leg may be instability, but you can feel a stretch in your back. It feels so good!! tighten effect your upper arms, thighs.

1. On your hands and knees. Your hands spared apart to about shoulder width and legs spared apart to about hip width. Keep your arms and thighs are perpendicular to floor.

2. Slightly move your hands about your palm size and tip toe.

3. Exhale and lift your knees from floor. Stretch your lower back and make a triangular shape. You better keep equal force. If you do on a yoga mat, image to rip off your mat by your hands and soles. Do not keep shoulders relaxed.
4. Feel a stretch in your back and keep your hip as apical angle. About 5 times breathing. Do not brace your feet. Your eye level keeps middle of your hands or your belly. You find your feet position where you can stand on the heels to toes. If you don't keep shoulders relaxed, it could be factors to get thick your neck! Just the usual your belly keeps to tighten.

So, how was it?

火曜日, 8月 12, 2008


そんなこんなしていたら、Beijing Olympic始まっているし☆時間って早いですね。水泳では北島がgold メダル獲得しているしっ!スゴイッ。



I realize that it's benn already in August. I haven't updated here since July 28... I got baaaaad cold in the first place. My tonsils and lymph glands had been swollen. After I recovered, I had Britesmile treatment. During the treatment, it was not hurt at all, but the medicine had worked by little and little. That was why all my teeth had been sensitive. I couldn't sleep because of teeth aches. According to a doctor, it will become painless within 24 hours. I am a stranger to bad tooth, so it was extremely pain!! While I had those experiences, it's started Beijing Olympic!!! Time seems to pass by fast. Kitajima got gold medal. What a amazing!

For the first time in a little while, I went to gym. I took "Oxigeno" class.
Have you ever heard "Oxigeno"?

It's embraced elements of dynamic stretch, pilates, yoga, ballet.
According my gym's explanation, it's like active yoga from Argentina. I often take power yoga class once a week, so I thought I could take it in stride, but it was a dance program!! Good thing is that movement is easier than aerobics. Activity is almost the same as power yoga. Oxigeno dance to the music.
After I took aerobics classes, I would be completely exhausted, but after Oxigeno, I feel refreshed! If you want to shape your body and correct distortion of your body, I strongly recommend it!