月曜日, 10月 27, 2008

Saints of Los Angeles

終わっちゃいました~、Motely Crueの日本ツアーが・・・。(脱力)
何歳になってもMotely CrueはCoolなバンドです!!本当に。あっ、もちろんAerosmithもBon Joviもネ

今年リリースしたCDは超~Hard RockなMotelyサウンドで格好良いんですよ。今回のツアーで数曲プレイするかなと期待していたのに・・・残念ながら2曲だけ。Saints of Los AngelesとMutherfucker of the Yearだけ。うーん、もっとプレイして欲しかったな~♪


Vince, Mick, Tommy, Nikki全員!!特にTommyは元気、元気。前回来日した時のような"tits camera"はやらなかったけど、掛け合いしてくれたからねぇ~。まるで合気道か空手を習っている子のように何故か“ハイッ!”って言葉を連呼していました(笑)


my favoriteの曲"Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away) "が聴けるとHappyです☆☆この曲が好きなのは、楽しい旅の思い出があるからんですよねぇ~。忘れもしませんよぉー。Las Vegas~Los Angelesへと旅行した時、Las VegasのホテルでMTVを見ていたらexclusive videoでこの曲が流れたんですよね。一緒に旅行に行ってた3人全員CRUE大好きなもんで“キャーッ!!”ってテレビにかぶりつき。なぜかそこはプチコンサート会場と化してしまい・・・。フロントから電話がかかってきちゃいました。うるさいって。(苦笑)今思えば、そうだよなぁ~って。さすがのLas Vegasでも、夜中の3時に隣の部屋から“キャーっ♪”って声が聞こえたら。。。3人で反省。その後、Los Angelesへ行ってMTVで何度も見ては、相変わらずホテル内でギャーギャー騒いでしまったという、お騒がせ曲/ビデオなんですよぉー。(あれ?このこと前にも書いた気がする。汗)

Today was the last day of Crue's tour in Japan. Sigh...
Crue is so cool!! It doesn't matter how old they are. Yes, Aerosmith and Bon Jovi, too!!
The leatest CD "Saints of Los Angeles" is soooooooooo good! It's real hard rock sound and of course it's the Crue's sounds!! I wish I could hear more. They played only two songs, "Saints of Los Angeles" and "Mutherfucker of the Year".
Anyway, they seemed to be in good shape and spirits. That was good! (except sounds problems)
I want to hear more songs... I know, I know there is time restriction, BUT! all fans want to hear more!
Well, one of my favorite song I could hear, so I'm sooooo happy. Which is "Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)" .
Tomorrow (actually it's already passed midnight, so Today!) they go back to L.A. I'm just worry about myself. I'll go to Chiba to see my client after that I'll go to Narita Airport....??? ha, ha. Who knows!?

土曜日, 10月 25, 2008

Shiko Munakata

今日、フジテレビの“我はゴッホになる!愛を彫った男 棟方志功とその妻”ドラマを見ました。



I saw a drama on Fuji TV about woodblock artist, Shiko Munakata.
When I was child, I was curious about a house in huge site in Kamakura-yama. One day I asked my mother, then she taught me "A woodblocker artist, Shiko Munakata lives there". That is why I know this name, but I thought I have not seen any his art. But, today it's identified!! I see several times those arts, but I didn't know that they were engraved by him! I'm ashamed myself....
I appreciate such a great artist used to live in my neighbor!!
I'll stop by "Munakata engraving museum" when I go to Kamakura the next time.

火曜日, 10月 21, 2008

Crue Fes

行ってきましたよぉ~♪Crue Fesへ☆☆☆
前日のイベント手伝い疲れで、やっぱり早起きできずに、残念ながらDuff(ex. Guns'n Roses, Velvet Revolver)のバンドLoadedは見れなくて、ちょっと残念(悔)

I went to Cure Fes on Sunday!! Yeah!!! I was so exhausted because I worked for an event whole day on Saturday. Unfortunately I couldn't wake up, so I couldn't see Duff's band, Loaded. Shuuuuuuuuuut.

Buckcherryは見ましたよ!!!でも、ステージが2つに分断されていため、Buckcherryの最後の最後の余韻にひたっているひまなく、Crue Stageの方がよくみえるスタンドへ移動ー。お客さんも大変なんですよぉー。

Well, I saw Buckcherry! Yes. They are great!! Unfortunately stage was divided two, so my friend and I had to move to Crue stage side of stands when Buckcherry finished. We, audiences were busy!! ha, ha.

日本のフェスは、アリーナで見たくないなぁ~と、つくづく思いました。だって、音楽的にモッシュする曲じゃないのに、暴れたい人たちが曲に関係なくアリーナで、とぐろを巻いてモッシュしているんですよ。ダイブなら理解できるけど・・・なんでHR/HMで~!?って感じ。それに、アメリカ人やカナダ人のお兄ちゃん達は、守ってくれるからねぇー。で、アリーナはあきらめてスタンドの見やすいところから、見てました。海外で色々フェスは見たけど、体外席があったからラッキーだったのかな。でも、VancouverでLollapaluza見た時、もみくちゃにはあったけど、Alice in Chainsを1列目でしっかり見れたし!!ラッキーだったのねぇ~。

As an aside, I can't be in arena area in Japanese festival. I'm quite sick of tired to see.... because it's no matter what music, audiences mosh anywhere. I understand diving, but mosh. Why they do on HR/HM music?? I went to alot of festival in the US, but I've never had such bad bad bad things.

フェスのおおとりは、Motely Crue!!
もぉ~、Nikki(B.)が機嫌が良くて、ライブ中ずっーと笑顔。珍しいんですよ、こんなこと。なぜ機嫌が良いかって?単なる時差ボケです(苦笑)。3年前来日した時も、来日一発目のライブはやっぱり時差ボケのため、18時から始まるライブなのにご機嫌。。。が、しかし、1週間滞在しているうちに時差ボケが治ってしまうせいで、18時から始まるライブスケジュールにご立腹。It's not rockn' roll time.って。(ま、ごもっとも!!)アメリカだったら前座だって19時から出演なのにねぇ~。

Headliner is of course, Motely Crue!!! YES!!!!! Cure is rule.
I'm so happy to see how Nikkie was in good mood. He always smiled!! You know why? Because of jet-lag. ha, ha. 3 years ago, he did the same. One he adjusted to a time zone change, he became incensed with concert schedule. He said "It's not rockn' roll time". Yeah, I understand. Even opening act plays after 19:00, but Motely Crue started to play 18:00!! Such a early.


As usual, Tommy's (Dr.) drum set were so outstanding! The largest bass drum was not for drum set... I assumed that bass drum was 38 inch.... it's for classical music.... And also he had 4 more bass drums. I wonder when he plays?

体が覚えている曲って怖いですねぇ~。首を痛めるからヘッドバンギングしちゃいけないっ!!って重々承知なのに、どうしてもパブロフの犬のように、"Red Hot"と"Live Wire"のイントロが流れと、どーしても首振っちゃうんですよねー。コンサートから帰ってから首痛いです(泣)

Like Pavlov's dog, I heard "Red Hot" and "Live Wire", I couldn't help to head-banging. ha, ha. My neck is still sore...


Well, I enjoyed Cure's show. I'm looking forward to seeing the next Sunday's show!!!!

金曜日, 10月 17, 2008







寝室のリネンにpurpleを使用すると、快眠だそうですよ!!IKEA行った時に、purpleのリネンがあったので、購入しようと思ったのに。。。サイズがなくwine red購入しました。。。ちと違うねぇ~。

水曜日, 10月 15, 2008

Hockey player...

NHL New York Rangersの選手になることをドラフト1位で約束されていた、Alexei Cherepanov(19才)が、Kontinental Hockey Leagueの、AlexeiのクラブAvangard Osmk vs. Viyaz Chekhovの試合中に亡くなったそうです。シベリアン・エキスプレスというニックネームを持つAlexeiは有望な選手だったようです。

2004年のNagano Olympicでチェコスロバキア共和国のキャプテンとして来日し、ゴールドメダルを獲得したJaromir JagrAvangard Osmkのチームメイトで、Alexeiとシフトチェンジをした時、ベンチで心臓発作を起こしていたんですって。


I was drowsy, but I became quickly aroused because of this news!
New York Rangers draft pick Alexei Cherepanov dies unexpectedly in Russia at the age of 19. He was Russian professional ice hockey winger, who last played for the Avangard Omsk of the Kontinental Hockey League. His nicknamed is the Siberian Express.
On June 22, 2007, Alexei was drafted in the 1st round by the New York Rangers in the 2007 NHL Entry Draft. He had one year remaining on his contract with Omsk, going into 2008/09 season, and there was little certainty at the time of his death as to when he would give the two weeks notice needed to play in the NHL. The Rangers had been hoping to bring Alexei to New York.
Alexei died on October 13, 2008, after collapsing on the bench during a Kontinental Hockey League game of his club Acangard Omsk against Vityaz Chekhov played in Chekhov. He played a shift with teammate Jarmir Jagr who was former New York Ranger player and Olympic player 2004, and the two were talking on the bench shortly after they left the ice, when he suddenly heart attacked and collapsed. Of course, medic did all their effort, but he couldn't make it.
He was only 19! It's too young to die. NHL was shocked into silence...but, death of Rangers prospect Alexei has prompted a Russian lawmaker to raise the possibility of negligence on the part of paramedics...
May your soul rest in peace, Alexei.

日曜日, 10月 12, 2008




4 Catsという、アーティストが集うカフェがあり、現在はそのメニューは使用されていないけれど、その当時のメニューが壁に飾られていているんです。その頃、Picassoはまだまだ駆け出しだったから、タダで描いたそうですよ!!なんと贅沢。今回の展示会にも飾られているんですって!!check it outですねぇ~。


I'm a "Nagarazoku" who is doing two things at the one time, so I always leave the TV on. Luckily I could watch a special program about Pablo Picasso.

Japanese actor, Toshio Shibata and actoress, Kyoko Mano were navigators. They visited birthplace of Picasso in Magara Barcelona, Spain. Spain is very colorful country! I add to my wish list where I want to go.

There is "4 Cats" cafe in Magara where used to gather many artists. That time Pablo was fledgling artist, so he was volunteer to draw its menu. These day the menu has not used, but you can see it on the wall. Good thing is you can see it at the exhibition in Tokyo

I'm looking forward to seeing Picasso exhibition!!

木曜日, 10月 09, 2008



10月4日にジョージア州サヴァンナで行われたドッグ・レース(the Annual Savannah Weiner Dawg Race)で、このMollyちゃんが1位になったそうです☆

あまりに微笑ましい姿だから、気に入ってしまいました♪ Isn't it cute?

Dachshund Molly, cuts in front of last year's winner Longfellow to take one of the top three spots in a run off during the Annual Savannah Weiner Dawg Race on historic River Street, Oct. 4, 2008 in Savannah, Ga.
Good night!

土曜日, 10月 04, 2008





で、偶然出会ってしまったんです!この本に。"Picasso & Lump -A Dachshund's Odyssey-"って本に。
ISBN 0-8212-5810-9



17世紀のスペイン皇帝が描かれた"King Philip IV and his Earth-encircling"からインスピレーションを受けて描いた"Velazquez's Las Meninas"は、大きな犬の代わりにLumpが描かれ、少女の代わりに、Margaritaが描かれています。この絵が見れるかなー?
Pablo Picasso's art show have held two venues in Roppongi. That's sound good, isn't it? What a sumptuous events we have!! I'm going to see these show the next month!! Yeah!
When I was a high school student, I couldn't understand how Picasso's arts are incredible... To me those were too abstract, but now I love them I'm getting old to understand these art pieces. ha, ha.
One day, I found "PICASSO & LUMP -A Dachshund's Odyssey-" book. ISBN 0-8212-5810-9.
Lump is soooooooooooo cute dog!
He was born in Rome and adopted Pablo when he was 3 month old. Then Lump moved to California which was Pablo's house "Villa la California".
Lump has always in the first row seats of Pablo. What a lucky dog he was!
As you know, Pablo draw Lump's portrait on luncheon plate.
I expect to see "Valazques's Las Meninas" which is in Lump. This "Valazques's Las Meninas" is replaced the giant dog at the feet of Infant Margarita court painter of King Philip IV and his Earth-encircling 17-century Spanish Empire.